OK - at least you have now isolated the problem to the wire on pin
#12 on the left-side connector. This means that there is NO power supply voltage to the J680 module when in position
0 during daylight
Your Leuchte-set channels for switch position
0 for the wire on left-side connector pin
#12 is:
(1)-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lasttyp 4 > 1 - LED Tagfahrlichtmodul Versorgung
(2)-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lampendefektbitposition 4 > 3A
(3)-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 4 > 49
(4)-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtfunktion A 4 > Feux de jour
(5)-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtfunktion B 4 > pas actif(ve)
(6)-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Dimmwert AB 4 > 127
(7)-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 4 > Always
Because you have said that there are no errors on the SCAN report, the BCM is clearly happy NOT to supply volts when the switch is in position
If there was a break in the wire from BCM
T46b/4 to connector pin
T14/12, the SCAN would indicate a fault AND you wouldn't measure 12.3V on pin #12 in the low-beam position
So, this is a very odd problem indeed !! Maybe (and I'm totally guessing) your new left-side J860 doesn't like the way that you have set-up
Leuchte4TFL LB4. As a totally wild suggestion and because it's an easy try - I suggest that you make the following change ( as per
@ZERO815 previous advice) :
- (4)-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtfunktion A 4 set it to "not active" and then to "Feux de jour" again
- (6)-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Dimmwert AB 4 set it to "0" and then to "127" again
- (7)-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 4 set it to "Only if closed" and then to "Always" again
If this doesn't work try this:
- Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lasttyp 4 > 6 - LED Lichtmodul
If none of the above works, it really leaves only ONE conclusion - the internal circuits for BCM
T46b/4 is faulty (I think!)