MK7.5 Digital Cockpit retrofit


Passed Driver's Ed
2015 Golf TDI S
I literally fell asleep trying to make that post last night. Fat fingered the post button, tried to edit it, but never made it 🤣

Anyways, I'm going to check on the 5G1920891A part today. Despite being $150 more than the eGolf part, it does take away the stress of cross-flashing


Go Kart Champion
North America
Used clusters are getting approved at the moment, got mine fitted a couple weeks ago and had someone else do theirs right after mine (both Audi fwiw).
Any insight on the approval process for the used clusters? Wasn't sure if you needed a certified shop or dealer to do it or if there is another way.


Go Kart Champion
North America
I literally fell asleep trying to make that post last night. Fat fingered the post button, tried to edit it, but never made it 🤣

Anyways, I'm going to check on the 5G1920891A part today. Despite being $150 more than the eGolf part, it does take away the stress of cross-flashing
$150 more but quite the deal compared to a new cluster! This discussion has me re-evaluating if I should take on a cross-flash project haha. Maybe I should finish my existing projects...


Go Kart Newbie
Any insight on the approval process for the used clusters? Wasn't sure if you needed a certified shop or dealer to do it or if there is another way.
there is a thread on Rosstech in which they discuss cross flash and a guy named Spacewalker said this:

friend of my doing that from a years
if he do 5 request in one day - 3 are failed
if he do that what failed 1 by one , each day - they passed .

Probably if you're lucky you might be able to do it yourself without the dealer.


Go Kart Champion
2015 S3
the only way to have a used cluster coded to a different car than that which it originally came in is to have a dealer licensed ODIS. The first part of the process produces a form which needs to be printed out, signed/stamped, and emailed to audi/vw germany. In 1-2 days they approve it (and supply a code) and then the same dealer can finish the retrofit coding.

there are a small handful of non-dealer licensed ODIS shops but none in the US as far as I know
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Go Kart Newbie
As far as I know, ODIS will only take care of mileage for new clusters. You would need to use the tool/method that that @Cuzoe and @yakev724 were discussing to advance the mileage on the cluster to match the car.
So what if my current cluster is broken and i decided to buy a second hand one for my dealer to use instead of paying for a new one, Seems weird that the dealer needs to put it on some bench setup and wait days for the mileage to go up.

They should be able to install everything with the tools given by VW, especially such an easy install.


Autocross Champion
Los Angeles
So what if my current cluster is broken and i decided to buy a second hand one for my dealer to use instead of paying for a new one, Seems weird that the dealer needs to put it on some bench setup and wait days for the mileage to go up.

They should be able to install everything with the tools given by VW, especially such an easy install.
Your dealer isn't going to be concerned with problems (a mismatched odometer) associated with a customer supplied part, even a new one... much less a used one. Not that I have any problem with used parts, but there's zero reason for them to worried about it, they aren't going to warranty anything beyond labor for that part anyway.

The dealer is not going to have a bench setup or make any attempt to run the mileage up. That program was created independently of a VW by some folk(s) with a can bus sniffer, curiosity, knowledge and the need to roll mileage upwards. VW lacks (in some places) all of those traits, but also has no need :LOL:.
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Autocross Champion
let's say the request is approved and the dealer is the one installing the cluster, will ODIS take care of the mileage?
Any insight on the approval process for the used clusters? Wasn't sure if you needed a certified shop or dealer to do it or if there is another way.
the only way to have a used cluster coded to a different car than that which it originally came in is to have a dealer licensed ODIS. The first part of the process produces a form which needs to be printed out, signed/stamped, and emailed to audi/vw germany. In 1-2 days they approve it (and supply a code) and then the same dealer can finish the retrofit coding.
Take with a grain of salt since it was a couple years ago, but summer 2021 I went the dealer route for putting a used cluster (initially 5G1920891A, later 5G1920791B) into my Mk7.5. A couple things I'll note from the experience for anyone looking to do similarly:

- Keep in mind the revision letter of the part and what it means for your car. @Lokgolo in your 2015 the "A" should be fine since it was the Mk7's first year, but newer MYs (like my 2019) need the "B" revision in order for the cluster to properly communicate with the ECU (at least for the 920 parts. As @Cuzoe previously mentioned, the difference between 891 and 791 is just the parking brake indicator symbol afaik.)

- On the dealer side (and again this was mid-late 2021 so things may have changed since then) but there was no approval process/form/anything like that to have them put the used cluster in. I just told them here's a part, can you please install it and remove component protection and do all the immobilizer/KESSY pairing with my keys. They agreed and there were no issues (once I had the right part # in there.) They charged an hr of labor which I think was like $150 or something. (@Lokgolo not sure where in VA you are but this was at King VW in MD if you're closer to NoVA/DC.)

- I can confirm (do not ask @Cuzoe how he knows lol) that because it's used there's nothing that can be done about the odometer. If your actual mileage is higher than the mileage in the cluster you can use the bench setup and software that's out there to "drive" the mileage up; I believe the max was something like 150 mph or thereabouts so about 3,600 miles/day increase. If the cluster's miles are higher than your car's, then you're stuck. I shipped my cluster off to a guy in TX (, blanking on his name now) who used his bench setup to run the odometer up. He initially advised it wouldn't work but after sending him the mibsolution files he was able to get it going.

I had neither the time, skill, or resources to build a bench setup and get all the right cables and whatnot so for a couple hundred bucks it was a no brainer to me. Kudos to y'all on exploring the DIY stuff, really enjoy following this thread to see how it all progresses!


Autocross Champion
Los Angeles
@bobloblawGTI Hey, I like answering questions 😁. But I'll keep it short this time...

My cluster was new when the dealer installed it. They chose not to follow the guided function completely and didn't match the car's mileage. I didn't notice until after I had driven over 100km, at which point odometer adjustment is no longer possible. Fought with the dealer about it for a bit, knowing they couldn't do anything about it but hoping they would be reasonable enough to offer a refund (or more likely a labor credit for future work, that I would never even have them do). They offered nothing because the cluster doesn't "belong" in my car anyway.


Go Kart Newbie
Your dealer isn't going to be concerned with problems (a mismatched odometer) associated with a customer supplied part, even a new one... much less a used one. Not that I have any problem with used parts, but there's zero reason for them to worried about it, they aren't going to warranty anything beyond labor for that part anyway.

The dealer is not going to have a bench setup or make any attempt to run the mileage up. That program was created independently of a VW by some folk(s) with a can bus sniffer, curiosity, knowledge and the need to roll mileage upwards. VW lacks (in some places) all of those traits, but also has no need :LOL:.
Ok, Thought if they agreed to install they should at least do a complete job.

So what if the dealer installed my used cockpit with less miles than my car has, Is it possible to then take out the cluster that is already matched to my car and use it with the bench setup to increase the mileage and then just pop it back in the car?


Autocross Champion
Ok, Thought if they agreed to install they should at least do a complete job.

So what if the dealer installed my used cockpit with less miles than my car has, Is it possible to then take out the cluster that is already matched to my car and use it with the bench setup to increase the mileage and then just pop it back in the car?
Almost 0% chance they agree to do that, if they're even capable of it to begin with.


Go Kart Newbie
Almost 0% chance they agree to do that, if they're even capable of it to begin with.
Sorry I will rephrase, After the dealer installs my used cockpit and I drive home with a cluster that shows less miles than my car has, Is it possible for me at home to take the cluster out and increase the mileage myself, Then just install it right back?


Autocross Champion
Los Angeles
Ok, Thought if they agreed to install they should at least do a complete job.

So what if the dealer installed my used cockpit with less miles than my car has, Is it possible to then take out the cluster that is already matched to my car and use it with the bench setup to increase the mileage and then just pop it back in the car?
They don't have any options once the mileage is over 100km. It can no longer be adjusted at that point, even if they wanted to adjust it for you. If following the ODIS guided function (with a used cluster) it will ask you to enter mileage. And you will, but the cluster won't accept it. That's no fault of the dealer though. A cluster with less than 100km on it will accept the mileage.

My (ex) dealer installed my new cluster, and didn't enter the mileage. Completely their fault. I suspect they wanted to fix it, although they couldn't. At which point they fell back on the defense of "this part doesn't belong in your car anyway so this is an off book offering" for which they aren't really obligated to provide support.

To your second question... yes. All the program does is send simulated wheel speed sensor data. You could pop it out and run miles up overnight and put the cluster back in the car to drive every morning if it's your daily.

I don't know the exact number but the cluster won't let you roll more than something like 150 miles per hour (which makes sense I guess). I need to add 20,000 miles to my cluster so I will be doing it a little at a time each evening (whenever I get a setup working). And that folks... is why my car currently sits without the AID trim installed 😬.


Autocross Champion
Los Angeles
Sorry I will rephrase, After the dealer installs my used cockpit and I drive home with a cluster that shows less miles than my car has, Is it possible for me at home to take the cluster out and increase the mileage myself, Then just install it right back?
Yup, that will work.


Autocross Champion
Sorry I will rephrase, After the dealer installs my used cockpit and I drive home with a cluster that shows less miles than my car has, Is it possible for me at home to take the cluster out and increase the mileage myself, Then just install it right back?
Oh sorry, misread; yes that's 100% do-able and exactly what I did (though I had someone else match the mileage rather than doing it myself.)