How to retro-fit the traction control (ESC) button to a Mk7 Golf


Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
Disclaimer:- This info is for community usage. I am NOT affiliated to, or sponsored by, any company/individual to promote them or their products. Companies/individuals may NOT use my name, photos, or threads/technical guides, for financial or personal gain (fraudulent misrepresentation).

Part 1 of 4
Vehicle used in this guide

UK spec, 2014yr model, Mk7 Golf Estate (GSW), GT (Highline) trim, 1.4lt TSI (140PS) CHPA petrol engine, MQ250 6speed manual gearbox, multi-link rear suspension.

Vehicles that this guide is applicable to
Any Mk7 Golf which does not have this button fitted.

Special thanks to
Forum member “DV52” for posting up VW wiring diagrams & coupling point positions in answer my questions in the thread “ESC off via button.” here:-
ECS off via button. | Page 4 | GOLFMK7 - VW GTI MKVII Forum / VW Golf R Forum / VW Golf MKVII Forum

VW in most markets only fit the ESC OFF button to the GTI, GTD, & R. The rest of us have to spend 12 seconds (fastest I have done it) going through the “infotainment screen”, which is not good for driver safety!!!

There are only two types of ABS/ESC units for the MK7 Golf, one for manual handbrakes, & one for electronic handbrakes, & this “OEM mod” works for both ABS/ESC units. The existing row of three blanks, with or without one or two buttons, down the left side of the gearstick is one whole unit! This unit is the same for left & right hand drive cars, & Manual or DSG gearboxes.

The ESC OFF button operates by sending a momentary 12V power supply to the ABS/ESC controller which trips the traction control off or on. All the button requires is any switched (powered on with ignition only) 12V supply coming into the switch & a connecting wire from the switch to the ABS/ESC controller.

At the factory this is wired as a 12V supply coming from Fuse 34 (7.5A), in a Black/Yellow wire, into the ESC switch (pin 10). Then a Purple/Green wire from the ESC switch (pin 9) into the ABS/ESC controller (pin 39).

However, halfway along this wire to the ABS/ESC controller there is a connector in the loom (connector T17d, using pin5), at what VW call the “TIUL Coupling Point”.

Your car might have the wire from the ABS unit to the TIUL Coupling point already installed, thus only requiring you to wire inside the cabin & not having to go through the firewall into the engine bay.

Before ordering any parts I suggest that you remove the trim covering the TIUL Coupling point & look at the black connector on the middle row nearest the bodywork. This should be connector “T17d”. Press the top tab & separate the connector in two. Now the side with the cables facing you is the side which goes to the switch. The part of the connector still in the holder having the cables facing away from you is the main car loom & goes to the ABS unit. This main loom MUST have a purple/green wire going into the bottom row of pins, & the fifth from the right (PIN 5). If you have this all is OK, if you don’t have this you will have to wire into the pin on the ABS unit. If you have to do this there is no need for you to wire via the TIUL coupling point which you

TIUL Coupling Point
This is a junction for up to six electrical connectors (arranged in three rows of two) in the main wiring loom, & is situated in the same place in both left & right hand drive cars. This being behind the plastic trim panel under the glove box, & next to the passenger door hinges on a UK car. Or for Europe/USA it is between the driver’s door hinges & the footrest (behind the bonnet release handle).

Fuse 34 on fuse holder C -SC34-
This is a 7.5A mini fuse on fuse panel C, in the bottom left area (behind glove box UK or driver side Europe/USA) & designated for the following items:-
Rotary light switch –EX1-,
Interior mirror -EX5-,
Relay for power sockets -J807-
Reversing light switch – F4-
Pressure sender for refrigerant circuit -G805-,
Air quality sensor -G238-,
Electro-mechanical parking brake button -E538-,
DC/AC convertor with socket, 12V-230V -U13-,
Terminal 15 relief relay -J404-
Switch module 1 in centre console-EX23-

Parts required

VAG ETKA illustration for VW Golf MK7/Electrics/941-050, Part codes.

Parts list & approx. costs in UK £

Item No. 15:-
control panel with pushbuttons (Blank / Blank / ESC OFF)
control panel with pushbuttons (Blank / Eco Stop-Start / ESC OFF)
control panel with pushbuttons (Driving MODE / Blank / ESC OFF)
control panel with pushbuttons (Driving MODE / Eco Stop-Start / ESC OFF)

Other variants for reference:-
5G1927137T control panel with pushbuttons (Blank / Eco Stop-Start / Blank)
5G1927137N control panel with pushbuttons (Driving MODE / Eco Stop-Start / Blank)

Add WZU to the end of the code for satin black buttons with aluminium trim between them.


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Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
Part 2 of 4

If you have got this wire & pin then you need to order the correct switch module from the above list of modules, e.g. if you have no switches just all blanks then order the one which is ESC OFF, or if like me you have Driving MODE / Eco Stop-Start, then order Driving MODE / Eco Stop-Start / ESC OFF.
Other Parts required:-
You will also need to order VW repair wires (from VW dealer parts dept.). A repair wire is a 0.5m length of wire with the same metal pin/contact at each end.

000 979 009 E (A05 wire set) 1.5mm pin, 0.5mm wire, for the switch module connector (6R0 972 930). £3.05 (x1, but I used x2 to get the extra cable length without more joins)
000 979 034 E (A05 wire set), 1.5mm pin, 0.5mm wire, for TIUL T17d connector (4F0 972 483) £9.29 (x1)

These wires/pins look the same but the “009E” has a taller left side on the pin & the “034E” has a taller right side on the pin. The plastic connectors are notched for this!

Now if you are “upgrading” from NO switches (all blanks) to an ESC OFF & have no wires by the gearstick, then you also need the 10 pin connector for the switch module. This is part number 6R0 972 930.

You also need 3m of 0.5mm2 auto wire (I got purple colour) as an “extension wire”, black cable ties, black fabric loom tape (as per factory). You could use “Scotch-Locks” to connect the cables, or solder & heat-shrink over, but I used special “self soldering” adhesive clear heat shrink joints (just use a hot air gun & heat deflector nozzle/damp cloth to protect surrounding trim). I also used some small diameter “corrugated flex pipe” for protecting the cable.

TRIM removal for passenger side in a UK car (right hand drive)

The hardest bit is the first part, removing the trim around the gear stick (manual) to be able to remove the switches! First you have to release about two catches each side of the gear stick gator to remove it & pull it upwards & inside out. Then you have two catches to remove the chrome trim, then it pivots up from the bottom section. However it might be possible to leave the gator attached to the chrome trim & using plastic trim tools press the same two chrome catches in to release the whole of the chrome trim & gator in one go. You will have to open the cubby hole "cover" in front of the gearstick & then insert the tools in the join between the chrome trim & the cubby hole. Then seven catches to remove the base trim. Finally there are two catches down each side of the switch model (four total) & the switch module then lifts upwards!

There is one T-star screw (T-20 size) in the lower side trim for the centre console, undo & pull trim downwards. There are two black plastic button turns to unscrew (by hand) for the grey foam undertrim between the glovebox & the bulkhead. Then to remove the cover over the TIUL coupling point you first need to undo the sill trim. Do this by lifting up from the join with the carpet. Then carefully prise apart the plastic insitu clip between the upper & lower trim panels. You can see this by getting a finger between the rubber seal & plastic trim at door side end panel for dash. Then pivot trim to rear of car to remove. Be warned there is a metal clip fixing for this panel which may be left in the body which you have to retrieve.

TRIM removal for drivers side in a Europe/NAR car (left hand drive)
Same as the above except that you have to remove the bonnet release handle to be able to remove the trim cover over the TIUL Coupling point. Also the grey foam trim above the pedals might be fixed differently. If anyone could give full details/photos of this or DSG, or link to other threads then I will add to this post & credit info.


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Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
Part 3 of 4

Now to undo the loom & wire up!

As I have the Autohold switch I can wire as per the factory. So with the side trim removed on the centre console the loom for the switches on this side is exposed. I located the black/yellow wire, & I carefully “pinged” out the two white plastic loom holders, then I tied some string to the switch connector & pulled it through from the gearstick area to the footwell side. This exposed the whole of this section of loom. I had to undo another t-star screw (T-20 size) fixing the centre console to a bracket (marked on photos). Then even more carefully I cut & removed all the fabric loom tape. I then scraped some insulation off the wire & connected a multi-meter to the – of the battery (actually the body point) & + to the wire & switched on & off the ignition & also removed the fuse34 & double checked that was the correct wire e.g. should be 12V when supplied & dead when cut off!

I undid the switch connector (T10ks) using a small flat screwdriver under the middle section, the flap hinges up at the back & this unlocks the pins. I then inserted one repair wire (000 979 009 E) into each of the spaces for pins 9 & 10 on the connector block & closed the locking flap. I then marked the other ends of these wires & re-wrapped these wires along with the existing wires from the switch down to the main section of the loom. Now you join the pin 10 wire to the existing loom black yellow wire & the pin 9 wire to your purple “extension wire”. So now you can cut off the surplus wire (with other pin) from each repair wire. I had a slight problem when I spliced my pin 10 wire to the black/yellow wire & had to “extend” the main wire, this can be seen by two joints on the wire in the photos! Now at this point it is advisable to test the switch, so fuse 34 back in, new switch module plugged into the connector, multi-meter -connected to car battery body – point & + connected to the other end of your purple extension wire. Ignition on 0V, press ESC OFF switch & you should have 12V momentarily. I then re-wrapped the rest of this section of loom & the white plastic loom holders.

Now to get the purple “extension” wire to the T17d in the TIUL Coupling. There is an existing wiring loom from the TIUL coupling up to the bulkhead & along the bulkhead behind the footwell carpet trim top section. I used this to run the cable along. However there is nothing suitable from the centre console to the bulkhead! So I wrapped the wire in fabric tape (enough to cover to the bulkhead) & then passed the cable through a short length of small corrugated plastic flex pipe (used in car electrical) (enough to cover to the bulkhead). I also wrapped the pipe in fabric tape to prevent rattling. I then fixed the pipe to the metal bracket on the centre console & the existing loom on the bulkhead. The pipe is just pushed under the upper section of the carpet trim & is held there under compression. This area is covered by the plastic trim you removed earlier!

Now to wire up the T17d connector in the TIUL Coupling point using the repair wire (000 979 034 E) & your purple extension cable. Firstly undo the T17d connector by pressing down on the top tab to undo it from the other section. Then looking at the purple plastic locking clamp on the connector, prise up each side “wing” & remove the plastic lock clamp. This unlocks the pins. Now place the repair wire pin into the empty (on this side of connector join) pin 5 position. Replace the plastic lock clamp (but do not connect connector). Now join the repair wire to your purple “extension wire” & then tape/cable tie etc the rest of the cable back to the existing loom, now connect the T17d connector back together.

Now using the string you previously pulled through, tie to the switch wiring loom connector & pull the connector back through to the gearstick area. This requires some care & fiddling! Then refit the white plastic loom holders into their holes, double check security & neatness of cable routing.

Now before you refit the trim double check the switch works. So refit fuse34 (if removed), ignition on, switch will only light up white along with all other switches for night time (it never goes amber). Press the switch for 1 second & you should get the display “Traction control (ASR) off” on the MFD as you would normally get if activated via the infotainment! If you have never had ASR disable on the infotainment, then a new sub-menu called ASR (or ESC?) should be shown under the “CAR” menu. Press this to then show an “OFF” option as well. It’s just way quicker to use the switch! Also check other switches (if fitted) work also. Now you can refit all the trim. Do the grey foam trim panel first, then the other items.


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Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
Part 4 of 4

Now pressing & holding the switch down for 3 or 5 seconds will do nothing, unlike the GTI & R where it not only disables the ASR, but also puts the ESC into less a nanny “Sport” mode. However this can be coded “active” using VCDS as I found out!

VCDS coding:-
· Select Control Module [Select]
· [03-ABS Brakes]
· Advanced Functions Select [Coding – 07]
· Select [Long Coding Helper]
· Select “Byte 29” (the last one on the right).
Now it will say 02 which is coding for ASR disable (only) via switch & infotainment. Now to do as the GTI & R change this 02 value to 09 & select [Do it!]. This then activates the ESC “Sport” as on the GTI & R & brings up a selection box in the infotainment as well. So now the switch operates as follows:-

Short press = ASR OFF, short press again ASR ON.
Press & hold for 3-5 seconds = ASR OFF & ESC ON “Sport”.
Short press again = ASR ON & ESC ON “Normal”.

Also the display in the MFD (driver’s binnacle) will also display ASR off, ESC Sport, etc., as appropriate.

You can also go further (credit to forum member “SHFT”) & instead of “09” code it to:-

Code = Default value / Short press / Press & hold for 3-5 secs
01 = ESC & ASR ON / Blank / Blank
02 = ESC & ASR ON / ASR OFF / Blank (Standard for most Golf’s)
03 = ESC & ASR ON / ESC SPORT / Blank
04 = ESC & ASR ON / ESC OFF / Blank

Please remember the default position of the switch (not pressed) in all coding modes is as follows:- ASR ON & ESC ON “Normal”.

On some cars Bit values 01, 02, 08, 09 might be the same or interchangeable.
On some cars Bit value 08 might just be XDS OFF

Pressing a button takes way less time than hunting in a sub menu in the infotainment unit!. It works as it should like the GTI/R !

Again, VW with the penny pinching by not fitting the extra cables & working button, to the detriment of safety & driver annoyance!


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Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate

my case is different.



But the modes are not active. Does the VCDS I can turn on? For the wires are in the same position that has its modes?


Please use this thread to reply in

As you are trying to retro fit the "Driving Mode" button! ...............That would require at least 2 new cables & coding with VCDS................where the cables connect to I have no idea, but probably a 12V switched supply & the main canbus, or instruments.

If you look at my picture of the T10ks connector I have Driving Mode & stop start.........................pins 1,2,3,4,6,7 have wires in them for the stop/start & the driving mode. Some of those wires will be for the driving mode selector. Pins 9 & 10 are only for the ESC OFF button part of the switch module.
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New member
Please use this thread to reply in

As you are trying to retro fit the "Driving Mode" button! ...............That would require at least 2 new cables & coding with VCDS................where the cables connect to I have no idea, but probably a 12V switched supply & the main canbus, or instruments.

If you look at my picture of the T10ks connector I have Driving Mode & stop start.........................pins 1,2,3,4,6,7 have wires in them for the stop/start & the driving mode. Some of those wires will be for the driving mode selector. Pins 9 & 10 are only for the ESC OFF button part of the switch module.

Thanks for the reply!
I will to study more, any news I share here.



New member
Hey There,

Very good description you have created. Your project has inspired me and now I have ordered a new switch from local VW dealer, THIN WALL 0.5mm wires from the UK and VW Crimp terminals from Lithuania. Total cost 50 EUR.

I want to implement my project most original of connecting everything directly to contacts.
Is it any description of how to establish a new 7.5A fuse in the fuse box or how you connect to an existing fuse?


Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
Hey There,

Very good description you have created. Your project has inspired me and now I have ordered a new switch from local VW dealer, THIN WALL 0.5mm wires from the UK and VW Crimp terminals from Lithuania. Total cost 50 EUR.

I want to implement my project most original of connecting everything directly to contacts.
Is it any description of how to establish a new 7.5A fuse in the fuse box or how you connect to an existing fuse?

this part to re-read, you join to existing fused cable which joins to fuse34 as per factory, or join to a different fused cable:-

The ESC OFF button operates by sending a momentary 12V power supply to the ABS/ESC controller which trips the traction control off or on. All the button requires is any switched (powered on with ignition only) 12V supply & a connecting wire to the ABS/ESC controller. At the factory this is wired as a 12V supply coming from Fuse 34 (7.5A), in a Black/Yellow wire, to the switch (pin 10), & then a Purple/Green wire from the switch (pin 9) to the ABS/ESC controller going via pin5, connector T17d, at what VW call the “TIUL Coupling Point”.
Fuse 34 on fuse panel C (behind glove box UK or driver side Europe/USA) is designated for the following items:- Rotary light switch –EX1-, Interior rear-view mirror -EX5-, Tire pressure monitoring display button -E492-, Socket relay -J807-, Back-up lamp switch -F4-, Refrigerant circuit pressure sensor -G805-, Air quality sensor -G238-, Electro-mechanical parking brake button (Auto hold) -E538-. It is a 7.5A mini fuse bottom left area)

“TIUL Coupling Point” is a main point for up to six connectors (arranged in three rows of two) on the main wiring loom. This is situated in the same place in both left & right hand drive cars. This is behind the plastic trim panel under the glove box, & next to the passenger door hinges on a UK car. Or for Europe/USA it is between the driver’s door hinges & the foot rest (behind the bonnet release handle).


New member
Thanks for very fast response.
I've read your description and understand this well.

I would direct coupling from the switch to the fuse 34 without connecting me into 12V supply from Auto Hold switch or different Fuseta cable.
Just like those made at the factory. Can I use cable 72 (Positive connection 2 in dash panel wing harness?)
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Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
Thanks for very fast response.
I've read your description and understand this well.

I would direct coupling from the switch to the fuse 34 without connecting me into 12V supply from Auto Hold switch or different Fuseta cable.
Just like those made at the factory.

Use the existing black/yellow wire from the auto-hold switch as this goes back to fuse no34. I just connected to this existing wire, no need to run another wire back to the fuse. At the factory they just have another wire (black/yellow) from a big crimp connection behind dash item in your diagram A35 the horizontal line drawn through the black/yellow cable is a big crimp point. difficult to connect to so I just connected to the black/yellow wire as per my photos, for the 12v supply


New member
Still impressed by your description and quick responses. I use the existing black / yellow wire from the auto-hold switch that you recommend.

Then I am ready to start the project but must wait a bit until the parts arrive.

Thank you so much


New member
Everything installed but must say I was a bit disappointed. The switch works and ASR comes up and FRONT ASSIST ... I went into VCDS as you describe: "03 ABS", "07 Coding", "Long Coding," but I can not select "BYTE 29". My Byte 29 is blank and I can not configure and VCDs says: Only Limited Coding Information is available for this Control Module.

Can you golfdave or anyone help me further so that I can use the switch.

Short press = ASR OFF, short press again ASR ON.
Press & hold for 3-5 seconds = ASR OFF & ESC ON "Sport".
Short press again ASR ON & ESC ON "Normal"
