Discover Pro firmware


Passed Driver's Ed
South Africa
Is there a way to update the Discover Pro firmware yourself?

Mine is 02xx something, and when the car went a service 2 weeks ago the dealership told me that all updates are applied (car is June 2014 model)

This doesn't seem to make much sense as there are people with 04xx version firmware, would have thought it would have updated?

Is there a way to manually update the firmware yourself?


Ready to race!
Essex, UK
I'm onto this at the moment, nobody knows about updates basically its a dealer only thing, however latest firmware us 0376 on Dis Pro Nav Gen 1. The 04xx is for Dis Nav not Pro Nav.


Go Kart Newbie
Cheshire, UK
MK7.5 GTI (2018)
I'd be interested in this as well Nitsrik1976, as my Gen 1 Discover Pro is still on 0200 and wouldn't mind know if a later firmware would go on it and if so, what would it bring ?


Ready to race!
Essex, UK
My dealer is going to look into this and contact technical and if they don't have an answer fire the info back at Wolfsburg and say oi you lot unless you want some '' Wolfenstein action you crouts better sort it!


Ready to race!
Essex, UK
I have a further development on this, after being quite persistent it seems there is a firmware update for Gen 1 Pro Nav past 0376. On SD card and is back ordered as we speak...Dealer has been given a part number to order, ive been told the SW version number....we will wait and see I guess. Car is at dealers as we speak.
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Go Kart Newbie
Cheshire, UK
MK7.5 GTI (2018)
Did you ever get anywhere with this ?


Ready to race!
Mine is on 0376 but due a service in 4-6 weeks - will specifically ask for update at that time, and see what happens


Ready to race!
I found an interesting thread on a German speaking forum

18 pages currently, it mentions a firmware of 0388, and also provided a download link as well for a 1.4GB ZIP file with the update (page 16, post 158)

I've downloaded it, but am rather apprehensive about attempting to update the head unit in case of bricking it!!
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Ready to race!
Right, took a deep breath and went for it.... :D

* I will take NO responsibility if you decide to do this for yourself and it doesn't work as anticipated *

Please do your own research before carrying out any changes

This was my software version previously. 0376, with hardware 5G0 035 020 E

Using the software link in the German forum thread above, I downloaded the 1.4GB zip file, and extracted all files to the root directory of a SD card - I think you'l need a card of 8GB or higher and I used an empty 32GB class 10 SDHC card for speed (with no other files on the card)

I also suggest you use a Windows machine, rather than a Mac, as OS X has a 'feature' of creating various hidden system files on the SD card which confuse the hell out the Discover Pro, and are a PITA to manually delete

With the Discover Pro switched on and operational, I then held down the MENU button on the headunit for 10 seconds to enter the service mode, then selected 'Software/Hardware versions' then 'Update", then selected the source as SD card

A few on screen prompts followed, followed by a screen that said this

I held down the power button on the DP to reset the unit and held my breath whilst it restarted, for what seemed an eternity :D

Success :) - I now had a screen that asked me what I would like to update, so just pressed all, and let it do the updates automatically

It does warn you it could take a long time, and not to power off the car or start the engine either.

In my case, it wanted to update 4 files

A number of screens like this then followed over the next 5-10 minutes

Followed by another restart screen

After another restart, this was the next screen I was presented with this

Pressed the summary, and had a list like this, which I take to show which software has been updated from my earlier version

I then pressed the back arrow, and pressed close, and had yet another restart screen prompt

When it all booted back up again, success :)

  • No radio stations presets/logos lost
  • No navigation presets/POIs lost
  • Phone was still paired/favourites still stored
  • Voice control still worked

Version info now shows as below, but for some reason, it now reports my head unit as a D version rather than the previously shown E

I'll try and pair my work Blackberry phone later, as it was one phone that was having hassles previously pairing - I suspect there will be no difference as my colleagues also have various Bluetooth hassles with their identical Blackberry devices across a variety of cars.

Overall, the unit does seem a little faster overall between changing stations, etc but too early to tell if there has been any benefit in doing this (compared to my previous version, anyway)

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Ready to race!
Essex, UK
This is the version I went from....0376 to 0388, it came direct from Germany VW via Technical at MK. But I noticed NO significant changes at all. My unit was a revision D.
The 'D' to 'E' revisions were 'pre' and 'post' BW45 in 2014. In a word D was pre BW44 and E was post BW44.


Passed Driver's Ed
South Africa
I downloaded the firmware. After which it gave me an incompatibility error as my car is not EU spec: I'm in Singapore.

Did you ever manage to find a newer firmware?
I tried it as well, and my Discover Pro is coded as a RW unit (Rest of World) and the firmware linked is for EU units.

Still not able to update the maps on my Discover pro either, using SD or USB cards. Formatted FAT32/exFat/NTFS on both Mac and PC machines. If I go into the debug mode, it picks up the files but still tells me "no source data" to be found.

Using Sandisk cards, must I try another make?


Ready to race!
Essex, UK
Did you ever manage to find a newer firmware?
I tried it as well, and my Discover Pro is coded as a RW unit (Rest of World) and the firmware linked is for EU units.

Still not able to update the maps on my Discover pro either, using SD or USB cards. Formatted FAT32/exFat/NTFS on both Mac and PC machines. If I go into the debug mode, it picks up the files but still tells me "no source data" to be found.

Using Sandisk cards, must I try another make?

You need 5G0 919 360 D for RoW


Passed Driver's Ed
WARNING......I had mine updated on a nav pro to 0376..... I had serious problems with volume, which caused 6 weeks of headaches. Trouble is I had the P&P sound system installed, and this was suspected to be root of the issue.

Once installed, you cant go back, so they replaced the head unit under warranty. Unless you have a good dealership, with multiple branches, and are well reputed; be careful. The time and stress from that shitty update; was way too much maintenance for me to have deal with.

No major differences in upgrading.