Long time lurker of the forum, and especially this thread. Figured I'd join and compile all the information that I personally applied. Huge thanks to George Ab for making this swap super easy. Also for shapeshifter1's super helpful post (follow the hyperlink for ROW part numbers) here:
NAR units have SiriusXM, as well as HD-Radio FM Tuners.
3Q0 035 844 - NAR USA, Non-Nav, SE, Composition Media
3Q0 035 878 - NAR USA, Non-Nav, SE, Composition Media
3Q0 035 876 - NAR USA, Navi
When looking for these units, I made sure to find units with a "B" suffix (or later) in the part number. That means they're the newest revision with less bugs. Furthermore, when searching on Car-Part.com be sure to try searching for "Radio/CD" on multiple VW models like the Tiguan, Golf, and GTI. Then carefully read the descriptions and look at the photos, reason is, I found the navi unit I bought wrongly listed in the non-nav group of listings.
I myself started out with a NAR 2015 TDI SEL with the DAP. The original MIB Nav unit was a 5G0 035 876 with V3 NAR maps, manufactured by Panasonic. Bought the following from Car-Part.com and "VW MQB Private Sales" Facebook group:
- MIB2 Unit: 3Q0 035 876 B (Delphi manufactured, navi with V5 NAR Maps) for $180 Shipped via Car-Part.
- 6.5" 'Nav Button' Screen: 5GM 919 605 for $100 Shipped via Facebook group. I went with a 6.5" screen since they've become cheaper, and will fit the MIB1 screen's existing trim. I can now wait patiently to find a cheap 8" glass screen with trim to upgrade later
- MIB2 Fender Amp: 5Q0 035 456 for $100 Shipped via Facebook group.
- USB/Aux Plug with Wiring: 5G0 035 222 E for $40 Shipped via Facebook group.
Also bought the following tools:
I would have gone with an AliExpress or eBay 5054A clone, but Jack surprisingly replied to my Skype chat immediately on a Friday, and made an appointment for the following Monday morning. Also considering how flaky these clones are, I liked having Amazon's return policy as insurance. Nonetheless, Googling the Chinese text on the unit I received ("B04 Green Board OKI") shows an identical one for $60 on AliExpress.
DO NOT INSTALL THE SOFTWARE THAT COMES WITH THESE 5054 CLONES! Just as pictured on some of the various listings, my clone came with four simple DVD-R's with "1", "2", "3", and "4" written on them in Sharpie. Curious, I booted up a sandbox and extracted the 21-part .rar file across the four discs to find .txt instructions and some .exe files. Basically to "install" ODIS 5.1.3, you run the setup.exe, then the patch.exe to modify the boot shortcut, and finally the keygen.exe to "license" it. The problem is, the latter two .exe files also tried to install EIGHT various trojans and viruses. Not keygen-related false alarms either (i.e., Photoshop cracks), but real defined malware like Zegost and Sality. Nonetheless, because it was sandboxed, I let it install only to find it not work at all with Windows 10. Seems, all these cracked ODIS images seem to rely on Windows 7.
The good news is, Jack doesn't need you to install software or drivers for your 5054 unit. He will send you a 3GB VMware image to boot that directly links your 5054 to him. You can then sit back and watch as he does his thing; occasionally he'll give you instructions to test something. He has this down to a science and I'd highly recommend working with him. His Skype information is posted in this thread. Also worth mentioning again: Jack only works on weekdays (at his leisure) 09:00 to 17:00 CET, which is 3:00a to 11:00a EST. He doesn't share his online status, nor does he answer how-to questions. Only when you're ready to hire him should you send him a message during his "business hours".
As for installation, I'd just add that if you wrap the USB's wiring harness with tesa tape (leave about 3" unwrapped at each end) and use the flashlight trick (shove a flashlight where the headunit goes in the glovebox) you'll have the cable fed in about three mins with no other tools necessary. The tesa tape both protects the cable as you snake it, and from any potential vibrations or cuts. I attached a photo of where I snaked the new harness (pink line): Start where the headunit will be, and feed it left to where the display goes. You can then tuck the wiring up and above the cabin air filter box out of the way. From the display's area, feed it along the existing thick wiring harness down behind the climate controls and into its final spot. Any further slack can be tucked deeper behind the existing wiring. The existing MDI harness (yellow line), I tucked the right end up and to the left of the headunit in the empty space behind the credit card holder thing. The left end was tucked down behind the shifter into a pocket of insulation to keep it from rattling.
When removing the radio/display fascia, be careful of all the metal spring clips and rubber vibration dampeners that easily fall out and get lost inside the dashboard. If you do lose one, I've noticed a few people wondering what the part numbers are. Well:
- Metal Spring Clip: 3B0 867 190
- Rubber Dampener: These don't appear to be available individually. They are included in the part number for the entire display/vent trim.
Otherwise, the various modules (all connectors are keyed and color coded) swapped in easily, exactly as George Ab described. My display from a NAR 2017 Alltrack however did come with a purple female "ROW" connector; I noticed a couple other posts mentioning this. Nonetheless, shaving the stock male plug is super easy as the plastic is soft.
Honestly, the "hardest" part was coding. Being that all my parts were from different models with different specs, I found George Ab's advice to copy the car's virgin long code to the new modules, and then enable the new features to work perfectly. Nonetheless, here is my coding for a NAR SEL/Autobahn hatchback (i.e., Navi and Fender):
- MIB2 Unit (Module 5F): Will update as soon as I scan my car again.
- MIB2 Amp (Module 47): 2200000000AAAAAA000000000000
Jack also confirmed that he can code the MIB1 amplifier to work perfectly with the MIB2, but that the MIB2 amp does sound ever so slightly better.
I'd assume using the same method SargeMKVI discovered.
Speaking of Jack, turns out that
VW changes the FeC code for the maps and navigation every time they're updated, i.e., V1, V2, etc. I wrongly assumed that since I had nav prior, it would be a direct swap. I had to pay an extra €100 for Jack to buy and activate the newer navigation FeC codes. I'm assuming that's what was meant by this (now slightly incorrect) point in the other linked thread:
- On a 2015 vehicle, the FeC code for Navigation & Traffic is different than that of a 2016+. So the fact is, you'll never be able to activate this.
Nonetheless, for those that don't mind losing factory nav, definitely go with a cheaper non-nav MIB2 unit. Altogether, I paid Jack €400 (~$465) total for Component Protection to be removed from both the headunit and amp, plus the navigation and App-Connect FeC codes with activation. His price is €300 otherwise (via PayPal at the time of writing this). For those that think this is steep, he has to buy the FeC codes himself to activate them for you.
All said and done, everything works great! The audio definitely sounds better (whether it's the unit or amp, I don't know). And the unit itself is so much faster and responsive.
There are a few glitches that I still need to fix with VCDS. Silly things like toggles for various features in the "Car" menu that mine was never equipped with, like ACC. EDIT/Update! I figured it out! Thanks to
this troubleshooting post on a different forum:
Bill@ATR said:
To re-enable the PDC "Park Pilot" screen and RVC overlay if not working after an MIB2 swap, open the adaptations menu in the "Information Electr." module (5F). Then make sure the following are set:
ENG122227-ENG117496-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_pdc activated
ENG122227-ENG117500-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_pdc_after_disclaimer not activated
ENG122227-ENG117497-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_pdc_clamp_15_off not activated
ENG122227-ENG117498-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_pdc_over_threshold_high activated
ENG122227-ENG117499-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_pdc_standstill not activated
ENG122229-ENG117710-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-parking_assist_0x0A activated
ENG122229-ENG117711-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-parking_assist_0x0A_msg_bus Terminal 15
It took a couple times opening and closing the module in VCDS to get all seven of those adaptations to take, but it worked perfectly! From there I was also able to disable screens and toggles in the MIB2's "Car" menu, like ACC, by deactivating adaptations like "Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_acc".