DerHase's 2019 GTI Rabbit Edition: HPDE shenanigans


Autocross Champion
Hampton Roads, VA
2019 GTI Rabbit
Got my rain tires mounted up on my free wheels so naturally, the forecast for next weekend no longer calls for rain at this time. 😂 Which I am perfectly OK with 👌

Been fiddling with the tune and it pulls strong. Have a few different maps with incrementally less timing so if I encounter knock on track I just just bump down to the next lowest map as needed.


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Autocross Champion
Hampton Roads, VA
2019 GTI Rabbit
So had a really great weekend once again with Tidewater Sports Car Club at VIR!

Friday was actually a private test day that @Redslaya hosted for his wedding which was awesome. Weather was gorgeous, couldn't have been any better. It was 8hrs of open track time for 17 people total. I managed to pull off a 2:12.55 the second time I went out in the morning. Track was a bit warmer, car wasn't heat soaked, and I happened to do pretty decent all the way around the track. Wasn't able to improve on that any further but still had a fantastic time.

Then Saturday-Sunday it was cooler, Saturday was nice most of the day with a bit of drizzle in the afternoon, then Sunday was rain all day but not a miserable downpour or anything. Great for learning.

We had I think 9 different MK7s there? Was silly. Plus a MK8 though it didn't go on track. Met up with @ironicbadger who was at VIR for the first time, plus a bunch of others.

I managed to get a video of my fastest lap, with full data for once, but I was a moron and accidentally disabled the camera sound when I was trying to turn off the audio coach :censored: Here is the video:

Have a few other fun clips I may share when I get a chance but this should do in the meantime.


Go Kart Champion
MK7.5 R
How were the V730s doing this time out now that they have some more miles on them past initial scrub in?


Autocross Champion
Hampton Roads, VA
2019 GTI Rabbit
How were the V730s doing this time out now that they have some more miles on them past initial scrub in?

I think I hate them. They might have marginally more grip than before, but the grip up front falls off 3-4 laps into every session. There is zero consistency over the course of a full session.. I Friday testing the following:

9:05am - Warm up. Started with 28/29psi cold. Front bar on stiff setting. Beat prior PB on lap 4 with a 2.13.40. Came in and tires had gone up to about 40psi/35psi by the end of that session. The front was pushing but this was mostly from improvements in line choice, etc. (had been watching several videos the week leading up to this). Dropped to 35/35 hot.

9:51am - Went out and went for it on the first full lap after feeling it out through the esses on the out lap. Car felt fantastic, brakes worked great into Oak Tree and Rollercoaster. Ran the 2:12.55 on my first and only full lap. Here was the brake trace with wheel speeds into T1 for reference when everything felt "right":


Braking into T11/Oak Tree:


The next 2 morning sessions I tried 30psi. Honestly didn't notice any increase in grip, but felt sloppier everywhere.
**This could be due to the sway bar on stiff + the added camber adding grip, therefore requiring more pressure. Prior to this day I'd only ever run the FSB on soft**

Then in the afternoon I tried running the FSB on soft and tires at 35psi. This is probably the best side by side screenshot I have of the two sway bar settings and effect on lateral grip. Darker lines are from FSB soft, lighter lines are from FSB stiff. Both at 35psi hot. You'll see that all the peaks are a bit higher with the stiffer bar setting.


Unfortunately I don't have a full session worth of data from ST for the 30 vs 35psi comparison... It was cut slightly short and the ST logger has intermittent issues running for a full session. I am wondering if it's wiggling when hitting curbs etc with an intermittent broken connection. I have hundreds of 50-100kb size files, and a handful of 10-20mb useful logs. Fortunately they're all time stamped via the title so I can match them up to Garmin sessions.


Autocross Champion
Hampton Roads, VA
2019 GTI Rabbit
Some photos from the weekend. Was great meeting @ironicbadger, got a pic of him coming out of T17 onto the front straight.

Funny enough no pics of my car other than when I put my peak poor edition wheels on when the rain started. So hideous and terrible fitment but the Contis are great in the rain.


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Autocross Champion
MK7.5 - MK4 - B8.5
2:12 is moving! nice driving! Looks like it was a blast. What times were you doing in the rain on the Contis?


Autocross Champion
Hampton Roads, VA
2019 GTI Rabbit
2:12 is moving! nice driving! Looks like it was a blast. What times were you doing in the rain on the Contis?

The amount of rain changed so much throughout the end of Saturday and throughout the day Sunday it really "depends".

The track was damp for my first afternoon session (third of the day) Saturday where I did 2:30 -> 2:26 -> 2:23.55. It was definitely wet but there wasn't any standing water yet.

My final session Saturday I ran 4 laps from 2:42.28 to 2:47. There was standing water but it wasn't to the point of rivers flowing or anything yet.

Sunday I was honestly just completely fucking wiped out. I ran a 2:57 on the first lap with traffic, then 2:52 -> 2:50.52 -> 2:52 again.

The second session got cut short when someone hit a wall. I did a 2:55 -> 2:54 being very conservative before that happened.

The third session I was going to do lead-follow with a guy in an Audi TT who wanted to see the line so I did that at like 6/10ths so he could keep up doing a 3:08 and then someone else went off track again cutting the session short.

I was tired as hell from all the driving and being up late still Friday night for the wedding party, etc and know I wasn't as sharp as I should be. That's one thing I've had to really recognize is when I'm not feeling 100% is when I start making stupid mistakes. Usually it starts by realizing "shit did that guy give me a point by or no?" or "was that flagger waving something?". I love coming to these events for the social aspect of things, but staying up late and hanging with friends is counter-productive if I want to actually focus on driving fast.

edit: Also in the rain the 3.12 pads are not great up front once you're 3-4 laps in. They will actually get up to temp and start gripping harder and harder until it gets to the point that ABS kicks in almost immediately. I think if rain is planned next time I'd swap back to the DS2500s. Here is the data log of me driving straight off in T1 in the rain on Sunday. I think I left the track surface at maybe 15mph so it wasn't a big deal. I knew what was happening so just accepted it and drove off.



Autocross Champion
I’ve got to get up to VIR. I’ve been there to watch some friends on track over a decade ago but never personally been on track. Thanks for all the info.


Ready to race!
Raleigh NC
19 MK7.5 R EQT Stg1
My final session Saturday I ran 4 laps from 2:42.28 to 2:47. There was standing water but it wasn't to the point of rivers flowing or anything yet.
Dem some quick times mate! My fastest on Sunday was a 2:45.7 but I enabled cheat mode with my AWD. Had a fantastic weekend. Was great to meet you and the others too, felt like a real good group.
My biggest complaint about the car was it freaking out in traffic and thinking I was about to rear end everything I got with touching distance off and applying a lot of brakes for me. How do I turn that off?


Go Kart Champion
MK7.5 R
Dem some quick times mate! My fastest on Sunday was a 2:45.7 but I enabled cheat mode with my AWD. Had a fantastic weekend. Was great to meet you and the others too, felt like a real good group.
My biggest complaint about the car was it freaking out in traffic and thinking I was about to rear end everything I got with touching distance off and applying a lot of brakes for me. How do I turn that off?
Usually just turn cruise control off and bump stability control down to either sport or off and that gets rid of them for me.

Think there is a sub-menu buried in the settings where you can disable forward collision warnings/assist without turning stability control off if you want to keep it on for rainy track days.


Autocross Champion
Hampton Roads, VA
2019 GTI Rabbit
Dem some quick times mate! My fastest on Sunday was a 2:45.7 but I enabled cheat mode with my AWD. Had a fantastic weekend. Was great to meet you and the others too, felt like a real good group.
My biggest complaint about the car was it freaking out in traffic and thinking I was about to rear end everything I got with touching distance off and applying a lot of brakes for me. How do I turn that off?

Yeah I had a great time!

Should get you set straight. Alternatively if you turn the stability control to "ASR Sport" or "TCS off" or whatever (anything but leaving all the traction nannies on) it will disable forward assist automatically. If you turn cruise control on/set it then it will turn stability and everything back to the default setting as well.


Ready to race!
Raleigh NC
19 MK7.5 R EQT Stg1
Yeah I had a great time!

Should get you set straight. Alternatively if you turn the stability control to "ASR Sport" or "TCS off" or whatever (anything but leaving all the traction nannies on) it will disable forward assist automatically. If you turn cruise control on/set it then it will turn stability and everything back to the default setting as well.
Sorry link is dead.


Autocross Champion
Hampton Roads, VA
2019 GTI Rabbit

I did manage to throw my ancient Gopro on the back as I have been using a bit of oil each track weekend (usually 3/4 to 1qt total across 2 or 3 days) since tuned. Only thing I noticed was this little puff of smoke on the out lap. No noticeable problems in the logs, etc, and no idea it ever happened at all. Working on uploading the full ~20 min video as I actually got to play with a bunch in traffic which was a fun session. Unfortunately I think this is the one where I didn't hit "save" on my Garmin at the end, so it saved the data but not the video. At least this one has sound!