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Tampa, FL


Ready to race!
you cant slap on few stickers, side skirts and pretend that you have THE shit and that you can beat anyone. please, have you seen older type Hondas (like 1994 Civic), it has exhaust smaller than Arby's drink straw...econo box should stay econo box. Or if you want it to look nice, don't go out and try to act cool and fast...and don't over-rice it, over-cook it...whatever the term is.

heh. good point. get everything pretty much, without the rice image of course. Face it, not many R32s are on the'd be like a God, and ricers would pray to you, because they know you can eat their bowl of rice any time...

now, why the hell are you so upset and bad mouthing VW when you drive one yourself dude? I don't get it. You had a choice between Civic, and a GTI, why did you go with a GTI again? Ohhhhh I see, because you would get that "God" image. Not many GTIs on the road either. Honda is starting not only to get grandpa and granma type customers, but also those hardcore ricers as usual.

And thanks for calling me a motherfucker. :bellyroll:

God Image? Dude thats a delusion created by your own mind. I bought the Gti for a variety of reasons. None of which I have to explain to you, but yes I would rather have an Si than a GTI. Honda has always built a better car, and always will.

The R32 is quite possibly the biggest waste of money ever. Maybe if your a dash stroker then it isint, but an S2000 will out perform it at many levels. Oh sorry I forgot The R32 has awd, and a backseat thus is more practical :barf:

Thats about the lamest thing I have ever heard. The R32 is pathetic. Its grossly underpowered, and VW thought they could make up for it by throwing a set or "recaros" in it, and poor white trash like you bought it.

Anyone can buy a new S2000 for less than 35k. Easily less. But hey what do I know. I mean Honda/Acura only outsells VW/Audi by about 30/1


Schnell, bitch! Schnell!
Fort Wayne
VW Rabbit MkV
wrong type of diesel

how so?
i know two stroke diesels aren't used in cars, but they are used in semi trucks. so its not impossible. in fact, two stroke is better than the regular diesel because it mixes and compresses air more efficiently. they are slower than any out there, but i don't plan on racing the grand prix in them.

i'd like to hear your point of view. :smile:


Schnell, bitch! Schnell!
Fort Wayne
VW Rabbit MkV
I will ignore you until you start behaving like an adult and stop with the name calling. Very childish. I suppose we could expect that from someone who's a Honda fanboy, but drives a GTI. Get a life dude.

I'll let the guys who own R32 prove you wrong. I don't think rice can be better than the kraut made automobile. Never was and never will be. Remember, all your rice IS based on Germany's invention. As one commercial claimed: "Everyone drives a Mercedes-Benz." :bellyroll: I bet that's a huge bite in the ass for the ricers...:smoking:
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