To you canadians bitching about our "low" US car prices...


Go Kart Champion
fifth dimension
Yes. Exactly like Iraq. 500,000 to 1,000,000 dead as doornail Iraqis versus 4,500 dead bad mother fuckers. Want to calculate that ratio?

The aftermath would be easier in Canada than it is in Iraq. Everyone in Canada wants to be American anyway.


Go Kart Champion
If only Canadians drove on the left like the British since they are part of the Commonwealth anyways.


Go Kart Champion
We used to forgo medical when traveling to the states. It was pretty dumb in retrospect, but I figure if we got hurt just get on the next plane home. My employer covers it now and I've heard some stories on huge payouts for people getting hurt in the US or elsewhere. We charge non-residents for hospital visits in Canada, but many skip town on the bill. As far as the oil goes, there's enough Murican investment here already that there isn't much point in conquering.

As far as not complaining about car pricing. We get hosed here and its not taxes, we're considered a market where people will pay more for the same thing, and our dollar is historically lower than the US by a fair margin.


Go Kart Champion
Yeah, Quebec doesn't even get French cars lulz


Drag Race Newbie
I will chime in on this since it seems to be a little political debate, and who doesn't like those? :23:

I dont know anything about Canada, and wont act like I do, I dont know much about the rest of the world. I have been born and raised in SoCal so I really dont know much.

What I do know is the USA is a great country, and I say that because its all I know. I know that the USA is always there for those in need, and have been since it was founded. Somethings we do seem rash to others because of their upbringing and such, and I respect everyone's opinions.

with that in mind, we are NOT perfect. There is only ONE perfect Person that I know of. We on this Earth are FAR from perfect. So we make mistakes like everyone else.

I will admit I am not an OBAMA fan. I think he has messed this country up in so many ways. I wont go into every single detail, but on the other hand the last Republican we had in office wasn't great either. I wouldn't want to be President of the USA, HECK NO :yikes:

The USA is going down hill so fast, and our President doesn't see it. We are so preoccupied with policing the world for everyone that we dont look into our own backyard and see the hungry and the homeless here. Terrorism? We have lots of that here in the USA. Gangs here are getting so bad, in certain parts of the country you can't even walk down the street at night. Yet we spend BILLIONS fighting terrorist thousands of miles away.

I may never get politics, I just cant do a job like that. To be "Political" is just a way of life for some. How one can get over another, to get ahead. Doesn't matter how many people die in the mean time.

Our Great Nation here in the USA needs to focus ON THE USA. You can't help others if you can't even take care of yourself. :fighting0030:

Anyway, Im just Rambling on. These are difficult times for Everyone. That is for sure.



Go Kart Champion
Dat Forum, Doe

Obama didn't want Obamacare anyway, he wanted single payer...

:clap: So do I.

Yes. Exactly like Iraq. 500,000 to 1,000,000 dead as doornail Iraqis versus 4,500 dead bad mother fuckers. Want to calculate that ratio?

The aftermath would be easier in Canada than it is in Iraq. Everyone in Canada wants to be American anyway.

:dnftt: notsureifsarcasm?

Yeah, Quebec doesn't even get French cars lulz

I have seen Euro cars up there that we don't get here, doe, like B class Mercedes, etc.

I will chime in on this since it seems to be a little political debate, and who doesn't like those? :23:

I dont know anything about Canada, and wont act like I do, I dont know much about the rest of the world. I have been born and raised in SoCal so I really dont know much.

What I do know is the USA is a great country, and I say that because its all I know. I know that the USA is always there for those in need, and have been since it was founded. Somethings we do seem rash to others because of their upbringing and such, and I respect everyone's opinions.

with that in mind, we are NOT perfect. There is only ONE perfect Person that I know of. We on this Earth are FAR from perfect. So we make mistakes like everyone else.

I will admit I am not an OBAMA fan. I think he has messed this country up in so many ways. I wont go into every single detail, but on the other hand the last Republican we had in office wasn't great either. I wouldn't want to be President of the USA, HECK NO :yikes:

The USA is going down hill so fast, and our President doesn't see it. We are so preoccupied with policing the world for everyone that we dont look into our own backyard and see the hungry and the homeless here. Terrorism? We have lots of that here in the USA. Gangs here are getting so bad, in certain parts of the country you can't even walk down the street at night. Yet we spend BILLIONS fighting terrorist thousands of miles away.

I may never get politics, I just cant do a job like that. To be "Political" is just a way of life for some. How one can get over another, to get ahead. Doesn't matter how many people die in the mean time.

Our Great Nation here in the USA needs to focus ON THE USA. You can't help others if you can't even take care of yourself. :fighting0030:

Anyway, Im just Rambling on. These are difficult times for Everyone. That is for sure.


How about just a few details about how Obama has messed up this country? And not just opinions about gang crime, actual stats, please. kthxbye


Drag Race Newbie
:clap: So do I.

:dnftt: notsureifsarcasm?

I have seen Euro cars up there that we don't get here, doe, like B class Mercedes, etc.

How about just a few details about how Obama has messed up this country? And not just opinions about gang crime, actual stats, please. kthxbye

Not the time or the place, Not here for that whole Democratic vs Republican jumbo. If Obama was white? He would not have won. Can you argue that?:iono:



Go Kart Champion
Dat Forum, Doe
^Sure. Americans certainly didn't want old curmudgeon fart McCain and that absolute fucktard moron simpleton Palin.


Go Kart Champion
Dat Forum, Doe


Go Kart Champion
Canada ain't better, they got a dipshit climate change denying conservative fuckwit as PM.


Go Kart Champion
Yes. Another black guy getting all the breaks getting ahead in the US.

Its a wonder any white guys hold any political office.....

NY Times journalist Nicholas Kristof, a white man who grew up in the meth-infested rural areas of Oregon, would beg to differ.


The Fixer
It doesn't really matter who the president is because congress and military advisers call the shots. It is a great country but they sold us out to China and sent jobs everywhere else. If they can't balance the budget fast, our $20 trillion debt is going to ruin us.