Isla Vista shootings


Go Kart Champion
Last summer I was on San Juan Island, Washington state...and I could see Vancouver Island in Canada across the channel. I was pretty close. I almost got canada cooties.

Do Work Son

Go Kart Champion
Northern VA
I knew a hot Canadianette once.


Baton Rouge, LA
you like Canada, eh?

Who doesn't?!



Go Kart Champion
You should be jealous of our cheaper everything. LOL@"FREE healthcare"

80% of us live with in 60 miles of the border. We can be at one of your shopping malls in an hour and buy your shit for cheap then come back to our land of unlocked doors and actual freedom. Just saying though.

The one thing we don't have is Tapatio Doritos. Fuck those are good. Or Del Taco...or cheap booze. Fucking USA Costco would make me an alcoholic ASAP


Go Kart Champion
People are dead and yet these bozos are more concerned about their gun rights than the families of those affected. Unbelievable :rolleyes:


Go Kart Champion


Go Kart Champion
Culture of misogyny?


Well, if we outlaw guns because of this guy, then we should outlaw cars and knives too, right? I mean, right? He did use all 3 methods in his spree.

What? You don't think there is none?

Face it, as a society we do objectify women, we're all guilty of it, myself included. If there wasn't then #YesAllWomen wouldn't be the most trending item in the world currently.

A little fucking introspection doesn't hurt anybody. Jesus Christ, talk about burying your head in the sand.

And as for guns, he didn't feel like an "alpha male" with a car and a knife. If you read his manifesto, he cited the instance of having a gun in his hands as as if he had developed a taste for power. To an extent, gun culture is a problem.


Go Kart Champion
On Friday night, Elliot Rodger allegedly killed six people and wounded 13 others near a Santa Barbara, California university campus. The rampage came after Rodger posted a YouTube video in which he said it was “an injustice, a crime” that women have never been attracted to him and that he was going to “punish you all for it” and “slaughter every single blonde slut I see.”

While the debate in the aftermath of the shooting will likely focus on gun legislation — lawmakers are already calling for a renewed focus on background checks and other measures — and mental health resources, it is also becoming a discussion about widespread misogyny. The hashtag #YesAllWomen became a venue on Twitter for women to share personal stories and experiences. As the country tries to reckon with the tragedy, it will have to grapple with a climate in which men perpetrate violence against womenon a daily basis, violence that is deeply embedded within our society.

Here are some facts that paint the picture:

-More than one in three women will experience rape, violence, and/or stalking at the hands of an intimate partner in their lifetimes.
-Eighty-five percent of intimate partner violence victims are women.
-About three women are killed by their partners every day. One in 13 murder victims are killed by their intimate partners.
-Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44.
—One in six women with bone or joint fractures is a recent victim of abuse.
-Violence is often paired with controlling behavior: women whose partners are jealous, controlling, or verbally abusive are significantly more likely to report rape, physical assault, and/or stalking from their partners.