2015 New Years Resolutions


Go Kart Champion

Always this'th

i guess i do have one, i hope to pay off 100% of the credit card debt. Shouldn't be hard, question is do I want to pay it off by May and be fairly broke until then, or ride it through the end of the year.

definitely get it done sooner, you'll be glad you did.

I'm going to finish recording my power metal cd that I started in 2011.

excited to hear it :thumbsup:

become a full time pig

Oh Dang!

Post more.

This'th too

I have a few..

start playing music again

maybe eat healthier (not super committed though, I do work out often)

last one... getting everything I can out of my job traveling around the country, I want to spend a lot more weekends exploring and acquiring hoes in different zip codes

Definitely agree with the last one, but seriously, make the absolute most you can of your travels while you can. Assuming you don't want to do that for the rest of your life.

Pay off all debt & save 50% of my down payment for a house.


Sleep more.

Be more active.

Eat less.

Sounds like a plan to me.

FAP more.

Post less.

Troll more.

GunKata sets the bar high.

There's a member on golfmkv that has 100k+ posts. Hasn't been active since last year. Dayum

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I quit smoking 3 years ago. Cold turkey is the only way, otherwise you're just replacing one addiction with another.

Jay knows whats up. Makes sense doe.

I replaced my smoking addiction with fapping.

While my waist got bigger, my right arm got meaner and leaner.

Oh Dang.

Sleep more.
Post more.
Cobra more.
Buy bigger camper.
Camp more.
Fuck more.
More outdoor activities - hike/mtb.
Hang out with friends more.
Meet JAWN.

Impossible and very good goal, I like the way you think*

*read think as fuck

Another goal: get married this year

To anyone in particular?


Go Kart Champion
I should put then for sale. Nice units too. Like 100 each lol I should sell them tho, that would make me stop maybe.

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Thee Jeebus'th path for a healthier lifestyle


Drag Race Newbie
Lombard, IL
"Hey look, honey! ANOTHER Ferrari hair dryer!!!"

D Griff

Go Kart Champion
Dat forum, doe
eat pollo tropical all day

I'll be having it a few times in January.

FAP more.

Post less.

Troll more.




Quit smoking

I only smoke like a pack a week (3 a day usually) but I havent been able to go Lower then that

Does anyone here use the liquid e cigs? Any recommended brands?

Most people I know that have used that method got addicted to the e cig then eventually started smoking again.

E cigs are also bad for you anyway, may as well just smoke the real thing and look cooler or just actually quit. Good luck man, I've been addicted to cigs before, definitely a bad habit.

I replaced my smoking addiction with fapping.

While my waist got bigger, my right arm got meaner and leaner.

Fapping > smoking.

Another goal: get married this year

Are you single right now? Seems kind of rushed.

My new years resolution is to continue to improve my life by focusing more on what I value instead of living my life for others.

Sounds decent.

Do Work Son

Go Kart Champion
Northern VA
I'm not doing well on my "post more" resolution.