The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Drag Racing Champion
We have Fauci emails from last year that said the genetic sequence was man-made in a lab. /End discussion.
Okay, let's see these supposed email you have as well as the authentication. Were they acquired via a FOIA request? And, how do Fauci emails end ANY discussion? Don't you need to provide evidence they're real, and actually provide them and how they're relevant?


The Fixer
Biden wants OSHA to mandate the vaccine, but OSHA does will not record your vaccine injuries. Does that sound right?



The Fixer
Okay, let's see these supposed email you have as well as the authentication. Were they acquired via a FOIA request? And, how do Fauci emails end ANY discussion? Don't you need to provide evidence they're real, and actually provide them and how they're relevant?
This is old news, catch up.


Autocross Champion
Listen bud, please cool it with the ad hominems. I'm trying my best not to attack you, personally, but you make it hard.

The CNN link you cited - did you even read it, or just look at the title? CNN is reporting a story, and, in fact, this story was a RESPONSE to the story they carried where Sanjay Gupta interviewed the former Trump CDC director (Redfield) who claimed he believes the COVID *was* a lab leak and that it occurred as far back as Sept or Oct 2019. I actually watched that interview on CNN months ago, so I know CNN has not at all been shying away from the lab leak premise. This is one story from another viewpoint, which, up until very recently, was the overwhelming viewpoint... that it was NOT a lab leak and that it occurred naturally by jumping from a horseshoe bat to an intermediate animal and then to humans.

So, yeah, that story does not at all show CNN was pushing a natural origins narrative. They were actually reporting the news... and so-called experts that were supposed to be unbiased were almost all claiming it was a naturally occurring virus and not a lab leak. Of course, I disagree and believe it was absolutely a lab leak... and if you watch CNN at all, you'll see that their reporting tends to cover more and more of the lab leak claims.

Also, I read the article in your second link, and it's much more nuanced and not saying what you're inferring it says. Trump is a liar. Is, was, and always will be. Nobody trusted what he said. He hated China. So, when he claimed it was a lab leak, nobody knew whether he had actual intelligence on it, or if if was just "making it up." Biden is in office now - over a year later. He actually tasked US Intelligence to provide a report on the origins!!!! In 2021, US Intelligence is **still** split on whether it was a lab leak or had natural origins. So, that tells me, yes, Trump was fuqing lying, once again, that he had intelligence that proved it was a lab leak. Even Faucci has pivoted from the natural origins belief to a more nuanced position that it could, in fact, have been a lab leak.

So, those links prove that CNN reports the damn news. They report differing positions - I know, because I watch CNN regularly. CNN has never pushed a narrative that COVID could not have been a lab leak... they reported both sides, and even US intelligence is STILL unsure.

Take this CNN report, for ex:
So you don't think its possible that Trump, as the President, received an intelligence brief that was classified about the origins of the virus, and then CNN used Fauci (who has been consistently wrong every step of the way) to make an argument against Trump?

If CNN was only reporting the news, the headline wouldn't have been "Anthony Fauci just crushed Donald Trump's theory on the origins of the coronavirus". They are purposefully choosing words to color the opinions of individuals rather than "just reporting the news". If you don't understand how this is bias, I can't help you.


The Fixer
Took me all of 2 minutes to find it.
US virus researcher Kristian Andersen.
Genetic sequence features look 'engineered.'



Autocross Champion
Listen bud, please cool it with the ad hominems. I'm trying my best not to attack you, personally, but you make it hard.

The CNN link you cited - did you even read it, or just look at the title? CNN is reporting a story, and, in fact, this story was a RESPONSE to the story they carried where Sanjay Gupta interviewed the former Trump CDC director (Redfield) who claimed he believes the COVID *was* a lab leak and that it occurred as far back as Sept or Oct 2019. I actually watched that interview on CNN months ago, so I know CNN has not at all been shying away from the lab leak premise. This is one story from another viewpoint, which, up until very recently, was the overwhelming viewpoint... that it was NOT a lab leak and that it occurred naturally by jumping from a horseshoe bat to an intermediate animal and then to humans.

So, yeah, that story does not at all show CNN was pushing a natural origins narrative. They were actually reporting the news... and so-called experts that were supposed to be unbiased were almost all claiming it was a naturally occurring virus and not a lab leak. Of course, I disagree and believe it was absolutely a lab leak... and if you watch CNN at all, you'll see that their reporting tends to cover more and more of the lab leak claims.

Also, I read the article in your second link, and it's much more nuanced and not saying what you're inferring it says. Trump is a liar. Is, was, and always will be. Nobody trusted what he said. He hated China. So, when he claimed it was a lab leak, nobody knew whether he had actual intelligence on it, or if if was just "making it up." Biden is in office now - over a year later. He actually tasked US Intelligence to provide a report on the origins!!!! In 2021, US Intelligence is **still** split on whether it was a lab leak or had natural origins. So, that tells me, yes, Trump was fuqing lying, once again, that he had intelligence that proved it was a lab leak. Even Faucci has pivoted from the natural origins belief to a more nuanced position that it could, in fact, have been a lab leak.

So, those links prove that CNN reports the damn news. They report differing positions - I know, because I watch CNN regularly. CNN has never pushed a narrative that COVID could not have been a lab leak... they reported both sides, and even US intelligence is STILL unsure.

Take this CNN report, for ex:
Let’s see your bimmer!!!


The Fixer


Autocross Champion
Listen bud, please cool it with the ad hominems. I'm trying my best not to attack you, personally, but you make it hard.

The CNN link you cited - did you even read it, or just look at the title? CNN is reporting a story, and, in fact, this story was a RESPONSE to the story they carried where Sanjay Gupta interviewed the former Trump CDC director (Redfield) who claimed he believes the COVID *was* a lab leak and that it occurred as far back as Sept or Oct 2019. I actually watched that interview on CNN months ago, so I know CNN has not at all been shying away from the lab leak premise. This is one story from another viewpoint, which, up until very recently, was the overwhelming viewpoint... that it was NOT a lab leak and that it occurred naturally by jumping from a horseshoe bat to an intermediate animal and then to humans.

So, yeah, that story does not at all show CNN was pushing a natural origins narrative. They were actually reporting the news... and so-called experts that were supposed to be unbiased were almost all claiming it was a naturally occurring virus and not a lab leak. Of course, I disagree and believe it was absolutely a lab leak... and if you watch CNN at all, you'll see that their reporting tends to cover more and more of the lab leak claims.

Also, I read the article in your second link, and it's much more nuanced and not saying what you're inferring it says. Trump is a liar. Is, was, and always will be. Nobody trusted what he said. He hated China. So, when he claimed it was a lab leak, nobody knew whether he had actual intelligence on it, or if if was just "making it up." Biden is in office now - over a year later. He actually tasked US Intelligence to provide a report on the origins!!!! In 2021, US Intelligence is **still** split on whether it was a lab leak or had natural origins. So, that tells me, yes, Trump was fuqing lying, once again, that he had intelligence that proved it was a lab leak. Even Faucci has pivoted from the natural origins belief to a more nuanced position that it could, in fact, have been a lab leak.

So, those links prove that CNN reports the damn news. They report differing positions - I know, because I watch CNN regularly. CNN has never pushed a narrative that COVID could not have been a lab leak... they reported both sides, and even US intelligence is STILL unsure.

Take this CNN report, for ex:
Also, you keep making attacks, just not in that last post. You said I couldn't figure it out "in my biased little brain" and have, more than once, called people names in here. I was pointing out that your "an omission isn't a lie" is a stupid argument. Sorry if that offends you, but it doesn't make it less true. At the end of the day you need to realize that people's freedoms don't and shouldn't end where your fear begins. You talk about "ad hominem" attacks yet you consistently go after the perceived political affiliation of the person making an argument, rather than the actual argument. You have also, frequently, set out to mislabel everyone with a conservative view point as a white, racist, religious zealot or redneck (an example is your construction worker argument and your "majority of police" argument, since I know you'll try and say "when have I ever done that?"). You live by the ad hominem attack.


The Fixer


The Fixer
Here's Wuhan researchers playing with a bat in Jan 2020.



The Fixer
@MagicMK I don't have a Master's degree, but I can operate a search engine.
Hone your skills, bro.


Autocross Champion
Hither and thither
remember the pigeon @GTIfan99 that got laughed out of this thread? he's back to thinking he's batman except now he's spreading his cancer outside of this thread

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I expect a gift from that pussy for Valentine's day.
And yeah, both keehs (who's almost as white as i am) and gretafan are shit slinging monkeys. Dixi.