The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion
This is not even remotely accurate. We have ZERO say in what these corrupt skeletons do. They do not respond to criticism.

Not even close. A handful of millionaires in DC and State houses are the problem.

No, you are definitely part the problem. The dumbest and most corrupt politicians pander to you and you eat it up.


Autocross Champion
It's not free. Renunciation is not as easy as throwing out your passport. It’s a lengthy legal process that involves paperwork, interviews, and money. Because of the increase in the number of U.S. citizens seeking renunciation, the U.S. Department of State raised the fee for renunciation from $450 to $2,350, around five times more than the average cost in other high-income countries like the United Kingdom. In addition, some high-income citizens may owe a type of capital gains tax called an “exit tax” (officially called an expatriation tax).

Lots of Americans illegally live in Mexico. It's not difficult, you just drive across the border and stay.


Autocross Champion
You're both right, but you're also both wrong. There's a big difference between protection for the user and protection for others; surgeons aren't wearing masks for their protection, it's for the patient. Surgical masks are actually a great example of something that has little protection factor for the wearer, but is effective at protecting someone else in the room. There's also a big difference between a cheap, single layer, polyester gaiter and an N95 (Unreal has been trying to point this out for like 1,000 pages). I am under no illusion that my cloth mask, over my bearded face is providing me with any real protection, but it will greatly reduce any spread of virus if I happen to be a carrier. Particle size isn't super relevant if the particles are borne in a suspension; if the mask can stop or slow the droplets or vapor, it's helping.

Yep, been trying to explain that for over 3000 pages. It isn't a hard concept and we've been doing it for 100 years or more.


Autocross Champion
It's pretty clear the majority of the world is brain damaged, including many in this thread.

Still waiting for evidence of the 1.3 million Americans killed by the vaccine, retard.
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Virginia, USA
How are masks really helping again?

COVID19 has a diameter of approximately 60–140 nm or 0.06 to 1.4 microns. While particulate matter or organisms of any size can cause adverse effects to our health, particles below 2.5 microns in size are especially dangerous.


SARS-CoV-2 infection is transmitted predominately by inhalation of respiratory droplets generated when people cough, sneeze, sing, talk, or breathe. CDC recommends community use of masks, specifically non-valved multi-layer cloth masks, to prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Masks are primarily intended to reduce the emission of virus-laden droplets (“source control”), which is especially relevant for asymptomatic or presymptomatic infected wearers who feel well and may be unaware of their infectiousness to others, and who are estimated to account for more than 50% of transmissions.1,2 Masks also help reduce inhalation of these droplets by the wearer (“filtration for wearer protection”). The community benefit of masking for SARS-CoV-2 control is due to the combination of these effects; individual prevention benefit increases with increasing numbers of people using masks consistently and correctly.

Source Control to Block Exhaled Virus​

Multi-layer cloth masks block release of exhaled respiratory particles into the environment,3-6 along with the microorganisms these particles carry.7,8 Cloth masks not only effectively block most large droplets (i.e., 20-30 microns and larger)9 but they can also block the exhalation of fine droplets and particles (also often referred to as aerosols) smaller than 10 microns ;3,5 which increase in number with the volume of speech10-12 and specific types of phonation.13 Multi-layer cloth masks can both block up to 50-70% of these fine droplets and particles3,14 and limit the forward spread of those that are not captured.5,6,15,16 Upwards of 80% blockage has been achieved in human experiments that have measured blocking of all respiratory droplets,4 with cloth masks in some studies performing on par with surgical masks as barriers for source control.3,9,14

Filtration for Wearer Protection​

Studies demonstrate that cloth mask materials can also reduce wearers’ exposure to infectious droplets through filtration, including filtration of fine droplets and particles less than 10 microns. The relative filtration effectiveness of various masks has varied widely across studies, in large part due to variation in experimental design and particle sizes analyzed. Multiple layers of cloth with higher thread counts have demonstrated superior performance compared to single layers of cloth with lower thread counts, in some cases filtering nearly 50% of fine particles less than 1 micron .14,17-29 Some materials (e.g., polypropylene) may enhance filtering effectiveness by generating triboelectric charge (a form of static electricity) that enhances capture of charged particles18,30 while others (e.g., silk) may help repel moist droplets31 and reduce fabric wetting and thus maintain breathability and comfort. In addition to the number of layers and choice of materials, other techniques can improve wearer protection by improving fit and thereby filtration capacity. Examples include but are not limited to mask fitters, knotting-and-tucking the ear loops of medical procedures masks, using a cloth mask placed over a medical procedure mask, and nylon hosiery sleeves.
I guess you didn't read the article. I bolded the highlights for you.
You're right masks don't work! I'll be sure to tell the surgeons that I am talking to today that they should stop wearing masks in the OR, they are totally useless.

Why are we still on this? Should I tell the surgeons that they have brain damage from wearing the masks too? They have been wearing them constantly for many many hours for 20+ years.

Ban masks for doctors we need their brains to work so they can save our lives!

You people are just endlessly fucking moronic...
Yes they are
But it's science bro. Is the information provided by the CDC wrong?

Notice how the CDC does not provide the particle size of COVID while discussing masks. Why is that?

Masks do something in a surgical setting, but they don't stop coronavirus.
Wrong on so many levels
I thought masks give you brain damage? Which is it?
See my screenshot above. There are many in this thread who ARE brain damaged. Oh, and here is the link to the screenshot

You're both right, but you're also both wrong. There's a big difference between protection for the user and protection for others; surgeons aren't wearing masks for their protection, it's for the patient. Surgical masks are actually a great example of something that has little protection factor for the wearer, but is effective at protecting someone else in the room. There's also a big difference between a cheap, single layer, polyester gaiter and an N95 (Unreal has been trying to point this out for like 1,000 pages). I am under no illusion that my cloth mask, over my bearded face is providing me with any real protection, but it will greatly reduce any spread of virus if I happen to be a carrier. Particle size isn't super relevant if the particles are borne in a suspension; if the mask can stop or slow the droplets or vapor, it's helping.
Right. But you can't post that here as it makes too much sense.



Autocross Champion
'20 GTI
I forgot that Mr Ivermectin doesn't need to take his cream tube out of his mouth to spew shit on the internet.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
It's not free. Renunciation is not as easy as throwing out your passport. It’s a lengthy legal process that involves paperwork, interviews, and money. Because of the increase in the number of U.S. citizens seeking renunciation, the U.S. Department of State raised the fee for renunciation from $450 to $2,350, around five times more than the average cost in other high-income countries like the United Kingdom. In addition, some high-income citizens may owe a type of capital gains tax called an “exit tax” (officially called an expatriation tax).
I didn't say renunciation.
And now you are waking up to the real threat that some of the people in this thread pose.
I've been aware.


Virginia, USA
I don't have leprosy, and I don't have elephantiasis either. Turns out drugs are commonly used for multiple different things, even things they aren't designed to treat. You guys might pass out if I told you there were a bunch of old men running around taking an intended blood pressure medication to get boners.
Yes, oftentimes meds are tested and ultimately approved to treat a different condition - but most real Ivermectin studies show that it is dangerous when used to treat COVID and, when it does help, it doesn't do much.


The Fixer
Still waiting for evidence of the 1.3 million Americans killed by the vaccine, retard.
I never said anything about 1.3 million. YOU made up that number. Brain damage, as our friend @cb1111 was so kind to point out.


The Fixer
Facebook has censored a grieving Gold Star mom because she dared to criticize Joe.
