The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Autocross Champion
'20 GTI
I also know a few people who never got hit but their parents were so manipulative they came out damaged anyway.

You can be a "never hit" type of person and be a passive aggressive sociopath instead.
I also know some of these people. And instances where the kids were manipulative in a damaging way to the parents. I had a colleague who once told me about how him and his sister used to have contests around who could make their mother cry first each day.

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
Because he and his religion are trying to force his beliefs on everyone else through force of law. I have no problem with his choice. I have a problem with forcing others to abide by his choice.

Ahh but isn't this the conundrum? For those with different beliefs can they not say the same about the secular laws created? It is the same thing but being so close minded I would not expect you to understand.

On another note, if a pregnant woman is murdered and the accused is tried are they not tried for double murder? What's the difference?



Autocross Champion
Ahh but isn't this the conundrum? For those with different beliefs can they not say the same about the secular laws created? It is the same thing but being so close minded I would not expect you to understand.

On another note, if a pregnant woman is murdered and the accused is tried are they not tried for double murder? What's the difference?

No, basing laws on science and reason are not the same as basing them on religious beliefs.

Let me explain it like you're a 3 year old. Would you be ok if a bunch of Muslim law makers passed a law requiring your wife and daughters to wear a hijab? Would you be ok if Scientologists got laws passed that required to watch all of Tom Cruise's movies? Would you be ok if we passed a law that you couldn't get needed medical treatment, because your boss is Jahova's Witness?

I really don't care what you believe. I care what the facts are. You can believe whatever you want. I promise I'll fight to the death to prevent the Government from forcing anyone to get an abortion that doesn't want one, but that doesn't make your imaginary shy daddy book real, and if you actually bothered to read it, your sky daddy is completely down with murdering the unborn, infants and children anyway, so you really don't have a religious argument against abortion to begin with.

Keep your sky daddy out of other people's lives. Those that believe the same as you are also welcome to follow their beliefs and not have an abortion.

It's pretty simple.

The difference is your double murder law was passed by the same religious right wingers that want to ban abortion. It was just a stunt. Again, they don't actually care about the unborn, babies or children.

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
Fight to the death? With what, a kitchen knife? I have to assume you think guns are bad mkay.

I always find it interesting when people are so threatened when God is discussed. At the end of the day your choices are yours, I give two shits if you want to parish when you pass, that's your choice. We will have the answer when that time comes but I am very comfortable in mine.


Autocross Champion
Fight to the death? With what, a kitchen knife? I have to assume you think guns are bad mkay.

I always find it interesting when people are so threatened when God is discussed. At the end of the day your choices are yours, I give two shits if you want to parish when you pass, that's your choice. We will have the answer when that time comes but I am very comfortable in mine.
Not threatened at all. I don't care what you believe. I care that you're trying to force your beliefs on everyone else.

Imagine if you were forced to never eat beef again, because someone else believed they are sacred?

Again, no one is forcing you to get an abortion. No one is saying you can't believe in God, or Harry Potter for that matter. Your rights are protected. Leave everyone else alone.


Virginia, USA
No, basing laws on science and reason are not the same as basing them on religious beliefs.

Let me explain it like you're a 3 year old. Would you be ok if a bunch of Muslim law makers passed a law requiring your wife and daughters to wear a hijab? Would you be ok if Scientologists got laws passed that required to watch all of Tom Cruise's movies? Would you be ok if we passed a law that you couldn't get needed medical treatment, because your boss is Jahova's Witness?

I really don't care what you believe. I care what the facts are. You can believe whatever you want. I promise I'll fight to the death to prevent the Government from forcing anyone to get an abortion that doesn't want one, but that doesn't make your imaginary shy daddy book real, and if you actually bothered to read it, your sky daddy is completely down with murdering the unborn, infants and children anyway, so you really don't have a religious argument against abortion to begin with.

Keep your sky daddy out of other people's lives. Those that believe the same as you are also welcome to follow their beliefs and not have an abortion.

It's pretty simple.

The difference is your double murder law was passed by the same religious right wingers that want to ban abortion. It was just a stunt. Again, they don't actually care about the unborn, babies or children.
If the Muslim/Scientology/Jehovah's Witness/Hindu/whatever is in a position to pass a law then the majority allowed it and you can accept it or move.

You might want to reevaluate your attitude by looking at it from the outside and ask "am I really disclosing my personal prejudices and discriminatory attitude?"

Edited to add Hindu to your list of evil people in the world

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
Not threatened at all. I don't care what you believe. I care that you're trying to force your beliefs on everyone else.

Imagine if you were forced to never eat beef again, because someone else believed they are sacred?

Again, no one is forcing you to get an abortion. No one is saying you can't believe in God, or Harry Potter for that matter. Your rights are protected. Leave everyone else alone.
Explain to me where I "forced" anything. I shared my opinion and you became very unsettled.


Autocross Champion
Brookhaven pa
Black 2013 gti


Autocross Champion
NJ, one of the nice parts.
2017 GTI Sport
If you vote for people who will deny women the ability to get an abortion you're forcing your views on other people.

Them getting an abortion does not affect you in any way.

You're passively trying to control their life, which is odd coming from the people who otherwise resist "government control" most vociferously.


Autocross Champion
A car
I think those cake makers are religious nuts and nobody should buy from them, but they had a loophole to "prove" their point. Nobody should care about someone else's sexual orientation. Any extremist view is dangerous, but if it isn't illegal....

After 20+ years in civil rights (it was a while ago), I find the decision abhorrent - but it was a decision and those idiots did it again not too long ago - which is why I said "why would you want to buy from them?"

Oh, and certainly, birth control supplied by insurance just makes so much sense - to those that think otherwise - abstain from any form of sex except for the express purpose of making a baby

I think they are nut bags and should be boycotted to oblivion. They didn’t have a loophole to prove their point. They got off the hook because a largely conservative leaning SCOTUS didn’t like how the CO civil rights commission handled the case. The violation of civil rights/discrimination was clearly founded. It was the convening authority’s admonishing the cake maker’s religious bias that got the case overturned. In a nutshell, the commission overstepped its objectivity and brought emphasis on the religions belief/wackadoodage as the problem/violation. A number of the SCOTUS stated while they agreed with the findings, it was the method that was fatally flawed. Had the commission focused simply on the discriminatory denial of services based on a protected category, the cakers would have been rightfully fucked.

It’s this reason the court’s finding explicitly omitted a precedent finding with regard to the constitutionality of discriminatory acts as free speech, the CO anti-discrimination statutes them selves, and/or the caker’s ability to do this again.

I hope they do to again, and someone hammers the nail down.. hard. Because fuck them.