Radiator + Intercooler Fitment Guide


Go Kart Newbie
Southeast VA
2018 Golf R
Its been a topic of discussion that not all stock location intercoolers will fit nicely with a thicker radiator like the CSF. Ive been looking all over the internet trying to find out what is compatible and cannot find a single source of information so I decided to create one. I plan to update this main post based off your feedback.

If you have installed an intercooler with a larger radiator please reply below with this information:

Does it Fit:
Modifications to make it fit:
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Go Kart Newbie
Southeast VA
2018 Golf R

Radiator: CSF
Intercooler: IE V1
Fans: ?
Does it Fit: yes
Modifications to make it fit: ?

Radiator: CSF
Intercooler: APR
Fans: R
Does it Fit: yes
Modifications to make it fit: minor hose/wiring reroute required. It's really right and probably would not work with GTI fans.

Radiator: CSF
Intercooler: AMS
Fans: GTi/R
Does it Fit: yes
Modifications to make it fit: ?

Radiator: CSF
Intercooler: HPA
Fans: R
Does it Fit: yes
Modifications to make it fit: none

Does Not Fit:

Radiator: CSF
Intercooler: IE V2
Fans: GTI/R
Does it Fit: NO
Modifications to make it fit:
Will not fit - core is too thick and pushes fans into the engine block

Radiator: CSF
Intercooler: DO88
Fans: GTI/R
Does it Fit: NO
Modifications to make it fit:
Based on conversations with DO88 regarding compatibility with larger radiators.
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Go Kart Newbie
Southeast VA
2018 Golf R
Post more detail as to what doesn't fit. I have a mk6 but battled this issue with a Tyrolsport radiator+ eurojet intercooler. Had to modify my fan shroud a bit and put spacers in the core support to bring the front end out about 5mm.

I've added what ive heard so far with the details i have available. hopefully as more people chime in i can fill in the blanks.


Autocross Champion
Thanks for working on this. I was going off of mygolfmk7, assuming that if the IEv1 fit, anything with a thinner depth would too, but a) there are other fitment issues than just depth and b) his numbers aren't reliable, just double-checking a couple.

I'm surprised CSF didn't release their own intercooler with guaranteed fitment.


Autocross Champion
Hampton Roads, VA
2019 GTI Rabbit
Stock radiator here, but just installed a DO88 IC.

It pushes the condenser forward by about 17-18mm leaving 2mm clearance at the very top of the condenser to the lock carrier hood latch bracket.

The radiator + shroud get pushed backwards about 8-9mm.

One area that may be an issue is the upper radiator mounting tabs. I found the openings in the DO88 IC were about 1mm too short to allow the stock tab to even go through. I trimmed the OEM radiator tabs and all was good. Not sure if the CSF does something unique there or not.

If someone wanted to attempt, I’d 100% recommend taking the whole lock carrier out of the car to individually fit the IC and radiator together first. There was some trimming of the OEM radiator lower reinforcement ribbing (outlined in the DO88 instructions) that if it were aluminum in the same spot, no way you’d be able to make it work.

There were other modifications needed for fitment of the radiator(trim the air guides, fiddle with condenser lower mount, trim pass upper condenser tab because MK7.5), but the stuff listed above is what IMO would pertain directly to DO88 + CSF interference.

The intercooler mounts to the lock carrier so radiator thickness will only go towards the engine bay so if you can assemble the radiator + intercooler independently without the lock carrier, it should be fine barring physical limitations in the engine bay. I’ll have to poke around some and see where the next most likely area of contact would be.


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