ACC RESET ERROR after grill removal possible without dealer visit?


Drag Racing Champion
Hello after installing my osram headlights I have the error that my acc is unavailable because I accidentally tuned on the car without the grill attached so now the car thinks it needs to be recalibrated. my car has been this way for a year and im starting to get sick of it.

im wondering if anyone here has successfully reset this error code with obdeleven without a dealer visit? Dont want them to tell me its 700 dollars to fix despite being under warranty

im willing to give obdeleven money to run a stupid command to reset this error as long as I know it will work. I dont need a recalibration I just need to reset the error


Autocross Champion
Nope. A dealer recalibration is the only option.


Ready to race!
Rutland, UK
R-Line eT|SI
Not something you can do yourself as far as I'm aware but it might be worth checking out some independent places. I know a place near me here in the UK that do activations/retofits who can do acc calibration. Probably cheaper than a main dealer too


Drag Racing Champion
so I just wanted to update my own thread

I had to remove my bumper for the second time to fix an unrelated issue and this time I figured I'd give the ACC sensor a wipe down

what I did this time that I did not do last time was remove the emblem and wipe the sensor with some basic all purpose cleaner and not much dirt seemed to come off but some did, I also wiped down the emblem itself and snapped it back on. I really didn't think much of it as it did not look dirty. I then carefully reassembled the car...

this video was really helpful for removing the emblem to access the ACC sensor

today I drove about 1 hour at highway speeds and got about 2 car lengths away from the car in front of me as I was braking and I see a light on my dash change, showing the symbol for "too close"

so it seems my car reactivated the ACC sensor on its own today despite driving in REALLY bad rain and conditions. I'm not sure a dealership visit is necessary to pay up if you haven't tried these steps yet and have the same problem. Just trying to save someone $500+


Long Live Tibbar
markham, ontario, Canada
7.5 RABBIT,7.5 GSW4m
Usually when you get that issue after a tune all I did was hit the acc button on the top of the left side of the steering wheel.

if it needs to be calibrated you will need vcds or obdeleven with the logo cover off I believe that it was 120cm exactly to the sensor from a wall and perform the calibration. I had to do it myself, only hard parts was finding a flat 90 degree wall that is non reflective.