The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
I support the police 100%
Governors and idiot mayors not so much.
If they read my posts, they would reopen the country like Sweden. Idaho is. Florida says they won't lockdown ever again.

I support the police also but not the few percent of police who are racist. Like the cop who murdered George Floyd. That was a bad cop period.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
Because he's stockpiling weapons to defend himself against the police, or some crazy shit like that. Or is that the military right wing nut bags are going to fight? Oh no, wait, he supports the troops 100% too. But old or sick ones can just die, because wearing a mask is tyranny and he'll fight the police and military if they try to make him .

Makes sense....

Wow talk about conjecture.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
Show me a cop who's never looked the other way while his cop buddy has done something wrong and abused their power. They're all equally guilty and bad.

Well I guess we should defund them and just have anarchy instead.


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
I hate to tell you all this, but every cop could do his job by the book and not be racist and we'd be in the same situation. The war on drugs was specifically started to target hippies and black people. You'd still have black teens being stopped, frisked, and thrown in jail for having pot on them and suburban kids smoking pot with impunity and CEO's snorting cocaine off of hookers tits like it's cool. You catch who you police. If you focus your enforcement in certain neighborhoods, that's who you catch.

As far as cops killing people, it would still happen even if every cop weren't racist. The rules for use of deadly force are broken. The standard used to be "if in reasonable fear for their life or someone else's life. The was revised by the SCOTUS to remove the reasonable. That's why officers are so often acquitted even if clear cases of murder, like the white guy that was shot crawling on his belly in the hotel. Straight up murder, acquitted. It would still occur with black men more often, because of structural income and educational inequality and racial biases.

Until you change laws and policing policies, no amount of training will fix it. It's crazy that any American would accept that the rules to shoot an American by the police are more lax than the rules for military member in a combat zone. Start shooting Afghanis because your scared would be a great way to end up in Leavenworth for life.


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
Slightly Outside Chicago
Mk6 racecar, Tacoma
Imagine thinking that police are more capable of dealing with mentally ill and special needs patients than people that do that for a living.
Sadly that truly is what a lot of people think. Cops are idiots who got beat up on high school and now want to go puff their chests out. Anyone with intelligence would choose a different line of work.