Hill Hold Adjustment. Attempt to remedy jerky take off…


My couch pulls out.I dont
Bellevue, WA
I recently performed a DSG adaptation in an effort to smooth out my jerky/lurchy take offs. Long story short, my take offs got worse.

At this point, I’ve figured out how to ease off the brake pedal to get the car into gear for a smooth take off. My issue however is when I quickly drop the brake pedal…

HOWEVER, I’ve come to notice that the only scenario where I have a smooth take off with a dump of the brake pedal is when hill hold is engaged. Seems like this is because it prevents the car from trying to creep, and allows my foot time to move to the accelerator, apply throttle and go.

I’d like to troubleshoot my issue further by modifying the hill hold sensitivity settings. Couple questions.

1) With VCDS is there a place to adjust the sensitivity for when hill hold is engaged? Example, if default is set to 3% grade, could I change to 0% grade? Thus having hill assist engaged even on flat..
2) In VCDS, It looks like you you can change values in the ABS<Hill Assist section Early/Default/Late. What do these values refer to? How long it “holds”?



New member
Calgary, AB
22Tiguan 17Alltrack
Under 03 ABS Breaks
IDE04871-Dynamic starting assist

You can play with Normal and early and perhaps more, it's been a while since I set this.

There's also
MAS02138-Hill-start assistant
With the same values...