CSB3: Forum Bros Celebrate Our Creator And Lord, Danzig


Autocross Champion
Scooty Puff Jr
Found my kid added pornhub and TikTits to his “always allowed” list after he figured out the pin. Had been trying to have “the talk” for a while now…

I filter content at the gateway level for all of the kid devices.
Ah, the golden years. My dad had a parental control software installed on the computer. Once I figured out how to bypass it, everything went downhill. But I think maybe I had some crossed wires, because once I learned that I could defeat that, I started to chase down what other things I could solve. And now I've got a nice cushy career IT adjacent -- smart enough to fix most 'while you're here' problems, but they're not my responsibility so if I don't have time, I can have the requestor submit a ticket and kick it off to the right department.

"the talk" edit: Is this the one about how no matter what, you don't try to breach gov't systems? Because they have infinitely more time and resources to not only find you, but fuck you six thousand ways over AND thousands of much more intelligent individuals and sophisticated equipment to ensure that you'll not only find nothing of value, but also find yourself Mitnick-levels of banned from anything more technologically advanced than an abacus


Autocross Champion
Austin, TX
2012 K04 GTI
Good luck!

Austin is a cool city and lots of fun. I lived in San Marcos for a bit, great town, probably just a liiiiiittle too far to commute in to Austin. (especially with traffic)
San Marcos definitely far.
Austin is fun. Definitely a bit crazy though. Too many people on the road lol.
Thank god they have 93.


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK5 Best GTI
Agreed until the end of time. The expectation that schools should teach your kids about taxes, cooking, religion, all that -- why aren't parents teaching their kids stuff like that at home?

I think I failed school. I got decent grades, but I don't think I lived up to what school was giving me exposure to. I had chemistry, biology, physics, advanced maths (algebra 2, specifically matrices, can suck it), all sorts of things that were just a nibble of what could have been actual, real progress of human knowledge. But instead mediocrity is where I landed, I just fix printers and computers and shit. I failed to make real, good use of the springboard of opportunity that I had, getting exposure to stuff like psychology, ancient history, programming, literature, physics etc.

I kinda know how to do my taxes, I can cook a little, and I know a bit about fixing things. Those basic life skills weren't all taught in school, some of them I learned at home, either through family and friends (and friends' family), or on my own (I was a somewhat curious child). Parents that are too consumed with technology and their own interests sabotage their children by not spending time to teach them things and help their kids develop their own hobbies and feed their curiosity to help them grow to be productive adults, and again I'm not a parent and don't claim that I would be perfect as one, but we need to start making large changes to how we raise our future generations with regard to not only life skills but also empathy.
yes and yes

i'm way too fresh of a parent to claim i'm going to be awesome and teach my child to foster her own innate curiosity and creativity, and do more than just yell at her to hold a flashlight. but i sure hope i can


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK5 Best GTI
And I 100% agree, no way would I ever want to tie my real world identity to things I do online, regardless of the content in question.

Just remember, it's absolutely fucked that there's an entire industry built on separating you from the fruits of your labor. Be aware of marketing and ads, and the strategies used to try to sway your dollar. Because at the end of the day, it's all about money, power, and control; sometimes not in a way that's immediately obvious. Somewhere out there, somebody's getting their whole livelihood based on influencing your decisionmaking and priorities.

I'm so much happier than I used to be, being off of social media. I'm gonna join you on the tightrope here: I don't know how most anybody on this forum votes. What ideologies they support, what they feel about 2A and women's rights and all that. What I know is that we've got common ground and that we can have a lot of fun together, and making friends with people from all over the place gives me hope that maybe people aren't quite as fucked up as the world would make you believe.
i feel like most of us are pretty level headed across most issues - i.e., somewhat centrist, seeing some things from the right where it makes sense, and some things from the left where it makes sense. its the way it should be, not being rigidly tied to let your perscribed idealogy control your every thought.

i do enjoy getting out there and chatting with rando's from time to time and finding that most people are quite sensible.


Autocross Champion
Florida just took it one step further. They're doing the same for "social media".

I can't imagine that stands up to the courts.


Autocross Champion
Scooty Puff Jr
yes and yes

i'm way too fresh of a parent to claim i'm going to be awesome and teach my child to foster her own innate curiosity and creativity, and do more than just yell at her to hold a flashlight. but i sure hope i can
nah you'll do great homie. The desire to be involved is a huge step that not everybody gets. I'm a little bummed that I don't get to hang as much with my best friend as we used to since now he has a daughter and does a lot of shit with her (and our shenanigans aren't always kid friendly), but I respect the hell out of him that he's put everything else on the back riceburner to prioritize building a relationship with her as well as preparing her for the world in a sensible way.


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK5 Best GTI
Found my kid added pornhub and TikTits to his “always allowed” list after he figured out the pin. Had been trying to have “the talk” for a while now…

I filter content at the gateway level for all of the kid devices.


Autocross Champion
Scooty Puff Jr
i feel like most of us are pretty level headed across most issues - i.e., somewhat centrist, seeing some things from the right where it makes sense, and some things from the left where it makes sense. its the way it should be, not being rigidly tied to let your perscribed idealogy control your every thought.

i do enjoy getting out there and chatting with rando's from time to time and finding that most people are quite sensible.
Yeah, though being in PA there's a lot of "THEY" and backwards-ass thinking that happens and sometimes isn't cool. But I try to keep conversations with people on a pretty fun and lighthearted level.

yeah I had to check if that was a joke or not... it was not, that's a real URL, do not check on a work computer


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK5 Best GTI
Ah, the golden years. My dad had a parental control software installed on the computer. Once I figured out how to bypass it, everything went downhill. But I think maybe I had some crossed wires, because once I learned that I could defeat that, I started to chase down what other things I could solve. And now I've got a nice cushy career IT adjacent -- smart enough to fix most 'while you're here' problems, but they're not my responsibility so if I don't have time, I can have the requestor submit a ticket and kick it off to the right department.

"the talk" edit: Is this the one about how no matter what, you don't try to breach gov't systems? Because they have infinitely more time and resources to not only find you, but fuck you six thousand ways over AND thousands of much more intelligent individuals and sophisticated equipment to ensure that you'll not only find nothing of value, but also find yourself Mitnick-levels of banned from anything more technologically advanced than an abacus
what would boosted do?

i remember the good ole days too where you could just type a random letter into google image search and usually find something 'of value' lol. did take me a while to learn about search history though....


Autocross Champion
Austin, TX
2012 K04 GTI
Found my kid added pornhub and TikTits to his “always allowed” list after he figured out the pin. Had been trying to have “the talk” for a while now…

I filter content at the gateway level for all of the kid devices.

Crazy that I'm closer to your son's age than I am to your age.


Autocross Champion
yeah I had to check if that was a joke or not... it was not, that's a real URL, do not check on a work computer

Ah. Did not know that. You're doing god's work.

I thought it was a joke about thirst traps on tiktok. I have definitely enjoyed the rise of the social media thirst trap ... even if it's rotting my brain


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK5 Best GTI
time for a pr0n related not-so-csb

so on the day freshmen year ended my buddy and i went out and stole cd players and clothes from target and kohls. we were bad apples at the time, or wanna-be bad apples at least.

my buddy had gotten on my computer and printed out a bunch of pr0n pictures.

then we went out to sleep over at another buddies place.

but we weren't sleeping over, no.

We went out for a walk with my buddies GF at the time and found ourselves at a park. my buddy gave me the pics he had printed out and was carrying on his person for no reason so his gf didn't find them. i put them in my pocket and forgot about it.

then we found ourselves at a gradeschool park and started raising hell, they were throwing a kids bicycle at the playground structure lol. next thing you know cops show up and arrest us.

the cop searches me and finds the p0rn pics in my pocket and loudly describes the contents to my friends, forever soiling my street cred in school because my buddies gf never let go of it.

i think the pics were a blend of normal, black m1lf, bbw, punk rock, and some girl covered in mansauce.

we get arrested and of course i'm shitting bricks, thinking the cops will also find out we stole our clothes earlier that day but nothing ever came of it.

when at the station i got to use the bathroom and tried flushing the pictures down the toilet which caused a clog because i was a fucking idiot and they wound up telling my dad anyway when he came to pick me up. so that made for a fun night and a very fun morning with my mother who i tried to turn it around on her by showing her her stash of mary jane and booze bottles. that went over like a lead balloon

about a week or so later my other buddy came over. we had set up my treefort to have a tv, vcr, stash spot for other things we were stealing, etc. he brought over some b3astiality vhs tape his buddy gave him, think it was also full of hardcore baconring content and stuff

why oh why do kids only get their hands on the most grotesque shit early on? lol

well in our infinite wisdom we also installed a plexiglass window on the opposite wall of the tv (all of these building materials were stolen from nearby housing construction btw)

and my dad see's the reflection from inside and i got in trouble again. definitely got the talk. definitely didn't ever learn my lesson.
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