CSB3: Forum Discusses Nicknames For Their Wiener And Muds Danger Noodle - Mrs Mud Runs And Hides


Autocross Champion
The Greater Boston Metropolitan Area
2019 Golf R
Can't believe Woodski supports the bourgeoisie businessmen.


Fuckin' lickin' the boots of the person keeping him down!!


Autocross Champion
Austin, TX
2012 K04 GTI
If you're too broke to go to the dealer, grab a wrench and do it yourself. Or bring it to a mechanic shop that won't tear your wallet in half. Nobody's forcing people to be ripped off by the dealer - there's other places you can go.


Autocross Champion
Your edit is my entire point. Again, I'm not saying shit should be free or anything. But shit should be reasonable. It's a whole separate conversation, but corporate profits are literally the highest they have ever been, across the book.

If I can go to the dealer and buy spark plugs for $8/ea, you sure as shit know they're still making profit on those. You could charge $150 for a spark plug job, pay the tech a flat $50/hr rate (a livable wage) in general, and 40% - 50% would STILL go to the shop.

There is no justification of the tech getting just over a quarter of the cost of the job when materials are low and the company keeping well over 50%. That's why indie shops exist, and that's why if you can't (or wouldn't) do a job yourself you should go to the indie shops over the dealer 100% of the time, even if they're only marginally better in the sense that your money goes to a small business. The only time I go to the dealer is for warranty work.

@Acadia18 walking into the VW service center next week



Autocross Champion
The Greater Boston Metropolitan Area
2019 Golf R
If you're too broke to go to the dealer, grab a wrench and do it yourself. Or bring it to a mechanic shop that won't tear your wallet in half. Nobody's forcing people to be ripped off by the dealer - there's other places you can go.



Autocross Champion
The Greater Boston Metropolitan Area
2019 Golf R
@mwoodski and @aspro_gti got that "I'm gonna be a billionaire one day fuck the peasants" vibe together


just clowning around
Brother what?
Going to any shop nowadays breaks wallets left and right.
Timing chain service I'll do myself, and if I bust a few knuckles, so be it.
For bodywork I know a group of two that work out of a garage and get their work from facebook. Super good pricing and fantastic work. They're in RI.
If you need timing components, I have some sitting around still haha

I'm reading ranger-sized as in like 90's-00's ranger, not the new abomination, and wholeheartedly agree. If the Maverick wasn't FWD I'd be in, and with the hybrid it's also tempting.
I can't say I haven't considered rotrex supercharger for the 2.5 duratec on a CX-5...
100% 90-00s ranger size was the size in my mind. There's no other size and the new one doesn't exist :p

Why not a Maverick? With a tune, they're stupid fast.

I honestly haven't looked at them at all. They're not true trucks, are they? Just truck form on a crossover body?

edit: i guess i don't care as long as its fun to drive, EOD. I thought I loved having a reliable toyota camery of trucks as a daily (4runner) but honestly it's super boring. I love the size and utility but i hate driving it.


Autocross Champion
The flat rate model is so bogus. Encourages techs to rush through jobs or take shortcuts. I'm sure that the rate bakes in some overhead for the fraction of jobs that involve plugs stuck in the head, but it's also a tool to justify charging corporate more for warranty work.

My usual indies are very fair, if the job takes half an hour, you pay for half an hour. No paying more because someone at VW corporate has to assume everyone is slow or not paying out of pocket.


Autocross Champion
Not Fancy CT, USA
17 Golf SW 4mo
I honestly haven't looked at them at all. They're not true trucks, are they? Just truck form on a crossover body?

edit: i guess i don't care as long as its fun to drive, EOD. I thought I loved having a reliable toyota camery of trucks as a daily (4runner) but honestly it's super boring. I love the size and utility but i hate driving it.
they're more truck than 95% of truck owners need.


Autocross Champion
NJ, one of the nice parts.
2017 GTI Sport
My local Ford dealer has options for 120 month notes on their finance calculator 😂

That can't possibly be an option in the real world.


Autocross Champion
13 GTI & 98 Prelude
If you're too broke to go to the dealer, grab a wrench and do it yourself. Or bring it to a mechanic shop that won't tear your wallet in half. Nobody's forcing people to be ripped off by the dealer - there's other places you can go.

Many people can’t afford to have their car down for long periods of time. German cars typically require someone who is familiar with them to work on them. If there is an Indy shop near by that can do the work in a reasonable amount of time for a reasonable cost then great.

It’s a VW tho, shouldn’t cost that much freaking money for a spark plug change. Audi, maybe. Porsche, sure but not a VW.


Autocross Champion

There is no justification of the tech getting just over a quarter of the cost of the job when materials are low and the company keeping well over 50%. That's why indie shops exist, and that's why if you can't (or wouldn't) do a job yourself you should go to the indie shops over the dealer 100% of the time, even if they're only marginally better in the sense that your money goes to a small business. The only time I go to the dealer is for warranty work.

@Acadia18 walking into the VW service center next week

Don’t forget this tidbit - techs have to supply all their own tools. The only thing the dealer provides them with is a lift, electricity and air along with the pipeline of work


Autocross Champion
Many people can’t afford to have their car down for long periods of time. German cars typically require someone who is familiar with them to work on them. If there is an Indy shop near by that can do the work in a reasonable amount of time for a reasonable cost then great.

It’s a VW tho, shouldn’t cost that much freaking money for a spark plug change. Audi, maybe. Porsche, sure but not a VW.
it's asinine given how easy they are on these motors. a boxer motor where you have to lift the car off the motor mount, sure, I'm paying someone with a lift to do it.