Frosting of the doors


Passed Driver's Ed
I thought this had been covered somewhere here before but I can’t find the thread I thought had a resolution!

With the very cold mornings across Scotland (and the rest of the UK) I am finding one of my doors in particular refuses to open due to the frost. Strangely it only does it on the back passenger door – however after my kids have tried (and failed) to open it I generally find after taking a sharp right hand bend 10 miles down the road and everything has warmed up, a warning message pops up that the door is open!

Is there anything you can put on the seal to prevent this frosting – also, I am one of those mk7 owners who occasionally suffers from the severe fogging issues. Could there may be a possible link? ie. would it be caused by an air leak?

Any advice would be appreciated…


Go Kart Champion
I have always used Gummi Pflege on the seals to stop sticking in cold temperatures as its supposed to give anti-freezing protection as well as maintaining the rubber.
It comes in a 100ml plastic bottle with a sponge applicator.

Sounds like the door or seals may need adjustment if the sensor is suddenly showing door open in the circumstances you describe.

I'd get it checked out especially as you carry children in the back.


Passed Driver's Ed
Gummi Pfledge – thanks, that was the product I was looking for.

I can assure you kids are well out of the car by the time the door defrosts and to confirm the door never swings open, it just falls onto the catch which triggers the door alert message. Some mornings it's so bad I feel I’m about to break the handle.

Help is much appreciated…


Go Kart Newbie
Cheshire, UK
MK7.5 GTI (2018)
Yep, another thumbs up for Gummi Pfledge - I do mine every other month and have never yet had a door freeze, including leaving the car for 5 days when we had all that snow on boxing day and it froze like a rock on the car - the doors still opened.


Autocross Champion
Scotland (U.K.)
Mk7 Golf GT Estate
used G-technig tyre/trim....................

the reason the rears do it more is due to more of the outer seals.................all the body openings have full seal.....then the doors have a seal on them to seal the gap between the panels which is visible from the outside.............better for aerodynamics...........the rear door has more of thes & the rear part as is angled allows water to sit more ..........