Where were you when the World stopped turning? The 9/11 Thread.


Go Kart Champion
Wilmington, NC
Where were you when the World stopped turning?

I was in my 6th Grade math class, watching a special on TV, when they broke in. Myself, as well as my classmates and teacher, stood there. Stunned.

I literally could not move for at least 2 hours. It's one thing to hear about the first plane hitting the towers, but to actually watch the second, live, is something I will carry with me to my grave.

Then the Pentagon, and Shanksville, PA.

Then the towers fell, as we watched people jumping from the floors above the impact location.

That's when it got really real.

10 years later, it stings a little less, but one flashback to that day brings back chills and things I'd rather not remember.

That's what I was doing, what were you doing on that fateful day?


Go Kart Champion
Houston, TX
I was eating lunch with one of my hot teachers in her class room (Seniors got to do whatever they want), and she had the TV on and that's how i found out, so i ran out the class and (i was on the second floor) i leaned over the edge where everyone was eating and announced it, then we did nothing the rest of the day, i was annoyed cause i drove at the time, so they wouldn't let me go home unless a parent came to get you...


Ready to race!
9th grade, Gym class... All eyes on the TV. Now i serve in the army, and spent a year in Iraq because of the war that came with that day... Never thought i would be here serving

Las Vegas
2007 MKV Fahrenheit
I woke up that morning just in time to see the 2nd plane hit live on TV - it took all of 5 seconds to understand what was happening, I didn't move from my tv for almost a day.

I felt how my elders must have felt during pearl harbor or the Kennedy assassination - utter shock & disbelief.

Do Work Son

Go Kart Champion
Northern VA
I drove to college hearing about a plane hitting the WTC on the radio. After I had parked and was walking to class I started wondering why everyone was standing outside of every building with cell phones (those big ones that flipped opened back then).


Ready to race!
Montreal, QC
In the 3rd grade, walking to my school and my friend told me about it. First time i understand what death meant


living in Burlingame, CA. Was about 6am-6:30am my time. We watched TV for about an hour. Then I went to work.. My (now) wife also got asked to come to work.


Doylestown, PA
I was a freshman in college, had been on campus for about two weeks. It was the most beautiful Tuesday Morning ever.

I had just woken up and my roommate had told me the first one had hit about 2 minutes before. Thought it was a terrible accident. Took a quick shower and saw the second hit right after I got out. We knew right then what had happened.

My buddy from down the hall (now one of my best friends) and I watched the buildings come down live on TV. His dad worked in Lower Manhattan and we couldn't get in touch with him. We went to class about 5 minutes after the second tower (north) fell... what else do you do? Everyone leaving class had no idea what was going on as they had been in class since before the first one hit. Over head was strangely quiet, mostly. Our small college town was "strategic" due to military assets and you would hear/see a CAP scream overhead every couple minutes.

It was.


Not Kentucky
God damn, you guys are young.


Ready to race!
LI, New York
8th grade biology class..teachers weren't really saying anything too much about it, as they didnt want all the students freaking out..I just remember a girl next to me crying because someone in her family worked in one of the towers. When I got home I sat glued to the tv and watched the same horrific news reports over and over again


Ready to race!
Alexandria, VA
Ft. Hood Texas working. I thought it was a movie at first then everybody was rushing to lock down the post.


Go Kart Champion
Chattanooga, TN
Oddly enough I had just returned from my first ever trip to New York City. I took Labor Day week to visit as I was transitioning between two law firms and beginning a new job in my 3rd year of practice. I took a photo with a fire truck across the river with the twin towers in the background.

On that Tuesday I was working my second day at the new office and the TV was on in the break-room. I had heard about the first plane but honestly figured it was a heart attack or other fluke malfunction. Then the second plane hit and all doubt was removed.