I narrowly avoided a crazy SUV driver that cut me off yesterday on my way into work JUST after passing a work zone. Swerved between two traffic barrels, narrowly missed the first, tagged the second one on the passenger side of the front bumper & fender.
Nut case cut me off again and brake checked me after passing within inches of my front bumper.

Called 911 and reported the crazy driver and gave them his tag number. They couldn't do anything other than put a report out on him for aggressive driving.
I gave it a quick touch free wash last night on my way home and today I got a bit of rubbing alcohol put on a microfiber cloth to get the last bit of scuffs out of the paint since cleaner/wax didn't do much to remove the scuffs.
In the end I'm happy with the outcome... No one was hurt, though at the time of the incident I was LIVID. Damage was much less then I initially though or expected. They seem to make those traffic barrels to absorb impacts and not cause significant damage to cars that hit them. I had to be going 50mph on impact
Before and after images below...