What did you do to your mk7 today?


Go Kart Newbie
SW N. Dakota
2018 Volkswagen Golf
So did you secure it to the floor? (they recommended Velcro in the listing) - No. It came with velcro but in some of the reviews a fair amount of people said they didn't so I didn't bother.

Or is the mat itself heavy enough to stay down by itself? - It's pretty heavy and has continued to flatten out, though I don't think it will fully.

Do you think it can/could move? - It has only moved once when I was pulling into the garage; the tires were wet and had some snow and grit on them and I could feel the fronts spin briefly. So to be careful I stopped the car, got out and looked at the mat. Only one small area bunched up a little bit so I finished pulling in. When I left next time I got out of the car and gave the mat a little tug and it was back to normal. I'm a little more careful with the throttle when pulling in now.

Is it pretty thick? - I don't know if I'd call it thick, but I bought this one because a lot of the reviewers said it was more heavy duty than other ones they'd had. It does seem to be made of pretty durable material.

And what are the "sides/walls" made of or filled with to "contain" water/snow? - They seem to be filled with some kind of semi-firm material to hold their shape, but I'm not sure what it is.
Does it have 4 "walls"/raised lips or is the part where you drive in open (meaning 3 walled)? - It is 4-walled. When you drive over it, the rear-most one returns to its original shape.

I like the idea of it too, and could probably use one myself....just wondering more about it though, if you don't mind

And did you look at any other ones? - I looked at a few others -- didn't spend a ton of time really -- but saw this particular one seemingly had the best reviews at its price level. Not sure if I mentioned it or not, but 'Aibiley' is the brand I went with.


Autocross Champion
San Diego
Wife's car is the camping car, so I put a Muddy Buddy cargo liner in the sportwagen, the one that goes up the seat backs. No pics because it's just a rubber mat.


Drag Racing Champion
Ten years of sag finally lead to a broken coil.
Swapped out both rear springs with OEM as a temp measure until I get a set of coilovers next year.



Snapped in two places, was a PITA to ge tthe tiny piece out of the bottom perch.



former GTI owner
So did you secure it to the floor? (they recommended Velcro in the listing) - No. It came with velcro but in some of the reviews a fair amount of people said they didn't so I didn't bother.

Or is the mat itself heavy enough to stay down by itself? - It's pretty heavy and has continued to flatten out, though I don't think it will fully.

Do you think it can/could move? - It has only moved once when I was pulling into the garage; the tires were wet and had some snow and grit on them and I could feel the fronts spin briefly. So to be careful I stopped the car, got out and looked at the mat. Only one small area bunched up a little bit so I finished pulling in. When I left next time I got out of the car and gave the mat a little tug and it was back to normal. I'm a little more careful with the throttle when pulling in now.

Is it pretty thick? - I don't know if I'd call it thick, but I bought this one because a lot of the reviewers said it was more heavy duty than other ones they'd had. It does seem to be made of pretty durable material.

And what are the "sides/walls" made of or filled with to "contain" water/snow? - They seem to be filled with some kind of semi-firm material to hold their shape, but I'm not sure what it is.
Does it have 4 "walls"/raised lips or is the part where you drive in open (meaning 3 walled)? - It is 4-walled. When you drive over it, the rear-most one returns to its original shape.

I like the idea of it too, and could probably use one myself....just wondering more about it though, if you don't mind

And did you look at any other ones? - I looked at a few others -- didn't spend a ton of time really -- but saw this particular one seemingly had the best reviews at its price level. Not sure if I mentioned it or not, but 'Aibiley' is the brand I went with.
Good info....thanks!!
I might pull the trigger

And yeah I found the one you have, although a squeegee was included with it....which might not be a bad thing


Go Kart Newbie
SW N. Dakota
2018 Volkswagen Golf
Good info....thanks!!
I might pull the trigger

And yeah I found the one you have, although a squeegee was included with it....which might not be a bad thing

I don't know if the squeegee has any practical uses as far as shoving water out of the mat, unless the mat completely flattens out, which I don't see happening. I think it's more of a gimmicky 'bonus.' I did find, however, that it works pretty good at squeegeeing water off the 'ol TSi!


Drag Racing Champion
Ten years of sag finally lead to a broken coil.
Swapped out both rear springs with OEM as a temp measure until I get a set of coilovers next year.

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View attachment 315992 View attachment 315993

Snapped in two places, was a PITA to ge tthe tiny piece out of the bottom perch.

View attachment 315994
was it hard to get that coil out by yourself?? did you need any special tools? What about to put the new one in? did you have to compress it? hope I never have to do this, but interested to know since it seems you done it yourself


Drag Racing Champion
South Grafton, MA
2017 Golf MK7 GTI S
Got the "Fuel leak from fuel tank suction pump failure" recall performed. Quick and easy plus they washed it (which was especially nice wine it had recently snowed and the car had salt and sand from the road).


Drag Racing Champion
was it hard to get that coil out by yourself?? did you need any special tools? What about to put the new one in? did you have to compress it? hope I never have to do this, but interested to know since it seems you done it yourself
This was a very simple job, for sure can be done by yourself, no special tools needed.
  1. Jack rear of car up on both jack stands.
  2. Use jack to lift up (compress) lower control arm. This makes it easier to remove the bolts.
  3. You just need a 13mm socket for the sway bar bolt, and an 18mm for the knuckle and strut bolts. Six bolts total, three per side. Make sure you have the appropriate socket AND a box wrench or else the bolts will spin.
  4. Remove bolts, release jack. Lower control arm just hangs there and the spring is free.
I would recommend also getting WD40 penetrant, rubber mallet, and a long screwdriver to help align the holes. I also replaced the top rubber perches, also recommend replacing all the bolts. Part numbers are in my car journal.
What also helped when replacing the bolts was jacking the LCA up to meet the strut hole first, insert bolt, release jack slightly to align knuckle bolt, LCA bolt last.

Go through this video and it explains everything pretty well.

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Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
7.5 frankenstein
At least it doesn't look too too bad.

Taking pics of things up close makes them look bigger than they really are...
that's how I always take.....wait.....

yeah I think I won't even sand it....I think I'll just put some APR paint right over it