Go Kart Newbie
- Location
- SW N. Dakota
- Car(s)
- 2018 Volkswagen Golf
So did you secure it to the floor? (they recommended Velcro in the listing) - No. It came with velcro but in some of the reviews a fair amount of people said they didn't so I didn't bother.
Or is the mat itself heavy enough to stay down by itself? - It's pretty heavy and has continued to flatten out, though I don't think it will fully.
Do you think it can/could move? - It has only moved once when I was pulling into the garage; the tires were wet and had some snow and grit on them and I could feel the fronts spin briefly. So to be careful I stopped the car, got out and looked at the mat. Only one small area bunched up a little bit so I finished pulling in. When I left next time I got out of the car and gave the mat a little tug and it was back to normal. I'm a little more careful with the throttle when pulling in now.
Is it pretty thick? - I don't know if I'd call it thick, but I bought this one because a lot of the reviewers said it was more heavy duty than other ones they'd had. It does seem to be made of pretty durable material.
And what are the "sides/walls" made of or filled with to "contain" water/snow? - They seem to be filled with some kind of semi-firm material to hold their shape, but I'm not sure what it is.
Does it have 4 "walls"/raised lips or is the part where you drive in open (meaning 3 walled)? - It is 4-walled. When you drive over it, the rear-most one returns to its original shape.
I like the idea of it too, and could probably use one myself....just wondering more about it though, if you don't mind
And did you look at any other ones? - I looked at a few others -- didn't spend a ton of time really -- but saw this particular one seemingly had the best reviews at its price level. Not sure if I mentioned it or not, but 'Aibiley' is the brand I went with.
Or is the mat itself heavy enough to stay down by itself? - It's pretty heavy and has continued to flatten out, though I don't think it will fully.
Do you think it can/could move? - It has only moved once when I was pulling into the garage; the tires were wet and had some snow and grit on them and I could feel the fronts spin briefly. So to be careful I stopped the car, got out and looked at the mat. Only one small area bunched up a little bit so I finished pulling in. When I left next time I got out of the car and gave the mat a little tug and it was back to normal. I'm a little more careful with the throttle when pulling in now.
Is it pretty thick? - I don't know if I'd call it thick, but I bought this one because a lot of the reviewers said it was more heavy duty than other ones they'd had. It does seem to be made of pretty durable material.
And what are the "sides/walls" made of or filled with to "contain" water/snow? - They seem to be filled with some kind of semi-firm material to hold their shape, but I'm not sure what it is.
Does it have 4 "walls"/raised lips or is the part where you drive in open (meaning 3 walled)? - It is 4-walled. When you drive over it, the rear-most one returns to its original shape.
I like the idea of it too, and could probably use one myself....just wondering more about it though, if you don't mind
And did you look at any other ones? - I looked at a few others -- didn't spend a ton of time really -- but saw this particular one seemingly had the best reviews at its price level. Not sure if I mentioned it or not, but 'Aibiley' is the brand I went with.