Installed the ECS FMIC. Chose this over others because it was on sale for 10% off and I liked how there were powdercoated brackets provided to hold the cooler in place instead of drilling the cash bar. Also ECS provides caps for the stock interooler. People hate on ECS, but I personally haven’t had any issues yet. Thanks again to
@Keehs360 for the guidance.
Things I wish I had known. On most other FMIC installs I’ve seen, you need to break off the ambient temp sensor bracket. There is definitely enough room with the ECS FMIC to just bend it back. Also I didn’t realize we needed to reuse the plastic bracket that holds the temp sensor. Luckily the part is only $2.50. I do have some concerns with the fitment of the hose on the driver side touching the stock intercooler, but now that I’m typing this, I could just back the hose off to give it more room.
Differences from the instructions provided by ECS for the MK7.5 vs the MK7. The grill comes off differently. It’s more of an up motion, then a forward motion. I wasn’t sure about unplugging the forward collision sensor, so I left it in place. The bracket that holds the horn in place needs to be drilled out slightly. Lastly the crash bar bolts were 16mm rather than 19mm.
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