A couple of additional notes:
I installed upper section of the DP first without the lower section. I started at the flange to turbo v-band clamped portion first, but left it loose enough that it could still rotate the upper section of the downpipe. Then i rotated the pipe downward, closer to the block, until the bracket welded to the catalyst seated against the OEM cat Y-bracket attached to the block. Then i fastened that bracket, along with subframe bracket with the two rubber mounts at the bottom of the downpipe upper section. Once firmly in place, i went back to the top of the car and finished tightening the flange to downpipe v-band clamp. That completed the upper section of the DP.
The lower section of the downpipe is where the two bolt flanges are and either a resonator or straight pipe. This section can be tricky as i noticed when dry assembling the DP that the flanges seem to purposely be welded at an angle relative to that straight section i.e. the flanges are not completely square with the pipe they are welded to. I think this was done because the upper section of the downpipe exits at the bottom of the car in an orientation that isn't completely inline with the catback, but isn't far off either. So I played with the orientation of the lower section until it essentially lined up perfectly with the catback. Once acheived, it fell right into place and the only challenge was to support the DP+catback joint with one arm while fastening the sleeve that holds them together in order to preload the joint in tension and keep it suspended away from the chassis bracket that runs under that joint (see reference to an adjustement i had to make above).
All-in-all, this downpipe is of similar noise volume, without the resonator, to the APR DP. One difference i noticed is that the tone is a little less "farty", i.e. less burbles and pops at low rpm/load situations. I'd hypothesize that this is due to the cat placement being closer to the turbo, rather than farther downstream and under the car. This hypothesis is based on that fact that both cats are of metal substrate design, but the one UR uses is of a lower cell density (200 vs 300). If anything i'd have expected more noise and fartiness from the UR, but so far it seems a little quieter instead.
Also, the UR downpipe did not come with installation instructions. I'm fine with that as i've turned a few wrenches in my lifetime and also have previous experience swapping downpipes in this car. I mention this because when considering certain aspects of the installation process, like the slight correction in exit angle at the bottom of the car that isn't completely intuitive, this DP is a little less DIY friendly than other designs (like the APR). I don't think i'd recommend it for everyone, but i'm definitely happy with it.