You COULD run the Venturi on the street and block it off at the track if you really wanted to. A simple ball valve could make it dead easy to do. I have one to play with, but it's kinda on the heavy side and don't think I want it bouncing around.
Best track to test at is Harris Hill. Me and Goat can consistently smoke any VW on the same corner. I will be happy to do a track day with your car to test.
Not knowing anything technical & i know you can't account for every possibility, but i have the MST TIP with the hose. Can i put the 034 TMD with this TIP & hose.
Any idea what went wrong? I put the MK8 conversion kit in that I bought from Urotuning, along with the OEM TIP. Took the car to Sebring last week for an SCCA Track Night and used 0.75 liters of oil every 20 minute session. That's 3 times my consumption rate when I was using a Spulen catch can and plate system. This was my 6th time at Sebring and I have never used anywhere near this much oil before.
Any idea what went wrong? I put the MK8 conversion kit in that I bought from Urotuning, along with the OEM TIP. Took the car to Sebring last week for an SCCA Track Night and used 0.75 liters of oil every 20 minute session. That's 3 times my consumption rate when I was using a Spulen catch can and plate system. This was my 6th time at Sebring and I have never used anywhere near this much oil before.
Basic retrofit right? Because I've already mentioned a few times that the basic retrofit is essentially a lateral move for an OEM MK7 PCV. Having a stock TIP is about as good as it gets... but the diaphragm still opens especially under part throttle conditions. This is just a factory weakness of the original system. I mentioned this around the 27:00 mark as well.
Watch from that 22:38 time stamp. When I'm kinda accelerating "normally" it's making about 6psi... but the diaphragm is wide open.
This is likely what is happening on long sweeping RH corners... like the one at Sebring.
The full retrofit with a higher flowing TIP is the best likelihood of working well on track. Adding the BMS catch can to the full retrofit is probably the best possible setup.
Not knowing anything technical & i know you can't account for every possibility, but i have the MST TIP with the hose. Can i put the 034 TMD with this TIP & hose.
They work together without any issue. If you are wondering about tapping the 034 TMD for use with the Mk8 venturi I don't use it for that, I have a WMI port in the hot side charge pipe that the venturi is attached to.
Wait until you see some of the turbo "mufflers" coming out on the market for the 3B and specially Evo4 engines.
Really makes you wonder who makes this stuff...
Hey everyone, I'm reading through this rn and I'm planning on moving over to the mk8 pcv and Venturi on my 2260 setup. That turbo has its own inlet so I am planning on getting a charge pipe kit that'll allow me to plug into that.
So pretty much, what charge pipe kit should I get?
Hey everyone, I'm reading through this rn and I'm planning on moving over to the mk8 pcv and Venturi on my 2260 setup. That turbo has its own inlet so I am planning on getting a charge pipe kit that'll allow me to plug into that.
So pretty much, what charge pipe kit should I get?