I am having the hardest time removing this gauge cluster... I've removed the black trim around the cluster and the 2 screws at the bottom, but this thing will not budge... I've tried pulling rather hard, but nothing...
I am having the hardest time removing this gauge cluster... I've removed the black trim around the cluster and the 2 screws at the bottom, but this thing will not budge... I've tried pulling rather hard, but nothing...
So, I found this thread from Google after struggling to get the cluster out (and failing). I wanted to share my funny shortcut to getting it out. Instead of trying to pull the cluster out of the metal clips, I ended up squeezing the top and bottom of the metal clips with a flathead so they would separate from the dashboard and the cluster practically flew out. So fast in fact that one of the 4 posts on it broke off.. (that’s in addition to the 2 edges of the cluster that I, uh, also broke off )
Hope that may help someone in the future. If you’re more careful than I am you should be able to get it out pretty easy and with no damage.