Or how the USA made money from WW2..(as some might say)...
Lend-Lease - Wikipedia
Marshall Plan - Wikipedia
Better tell Ukraine that the UK didn't manage to pay off all its debts & accrued interest under lend/lease or Marshall plan until December 2006....& one loan started in 1941 the other in 1948.......
No doubt the USA will get several nice bases in Ukraine...which will really upset Putin...."oh dear what a shame"....
Ukraine will need loads of help building back its military, & more importantly its infrastructure...& that will take at least 10years.....
......Just don't like countries "making loads of money" out of it, but knowing the human race & corporate greed...
THB the Ex USSR countries ought to club together & form their own "block/group" as they are not 100% EU & don't want to be under Russia again (most anyway)...They can them have their own military strategy as a buffer to hold back Russia..& together they would be far better than having to rely on the say so of NATO, UN, or EU.
P.S. tried not to divert too much from topic...