I’m so confused haha, I saw all the rave reviews and upgraded from 2.50 (6MT, Stage 2 OTS) a few days ago and have had pretty much the exact opposite experience as most others – having never had any problems on previous versions driving at slow speeds, I now find it’s quite jerky, with odd surges of power (that I don’t get higher up in the revs). And when I blip the throttle in first with the clutch in (which I do a lot in stop and go traffic in NYC to keep it smooth if I’m rolling slowly and am about to let the clutch pedal out) then the revs jump super high – a tiny blip that used to take it to about 1100 now takes it up to 2000, and you can see there’s a kind of second automated blip happening after my foot has come off the throttle, which wasn’t there at all with 2.50. Also finding the throttle pedal much more sensitive than it was before... I feel like I’m having to be super cautious with my right foot so the car doesn’t take off like a scolded cat whenever I give a little gas, haha, so weird. I’ll keep re-learning how to drive my car for a few days and hopefully I’ll get used to it, otherwise I guess I’ll go back to 2.50. Anyone else experiencing anything like this, or am I losing it...?