The end of all privacy...


Go Kart Champion
Lubbock, TX
If they didn't pull the person to the side to further inspect, and something DID happen - they'd never hear the end of it.

So you found residue on this person?


But no gun in the bag?


but turns out they had an explosive that looked like a cell phone/chocolate bar/whatever and it blew up a plane with 250 people on it?


why didnt you search them when the residue was spotted?

I dunno.. i let the machine do its job, instead of also doing mine.

Explosive made of different chemical compound that differs from a cell phone/chocolate bar? Because if it is different, they'd know you have it, and then they'd get on to doing their jobs. Of course. If you don't have any elements, and or any elements in excessive amounts to create a potentially deadly weapon, and the guy sitting in the chair watching your bag roll through didn't see anything out of the ordinary, then that's it. The machine is telling them your hand, you've got a fking pair of 2's, MOVE ON. Now the guy behind you with pocket aces and has some materials on him in enough amount to make a bomb? Yeah lets pull him aside.

Just because there's evidence of foul play doesn't mean there is any, if the machine can scan you from head to toe, get a chemcial break down of EVERYTHING you have on you, and in your bag, and no explosive materials show up, no gun metals, but you have a trace amount of something or another, why would they?

Due dilligence will be if you have a higher than "normal" amount of explosive material, chemical, or if you've freaking wolverine and have tons of metal SOMEHWERE on your person or bags.

Don't want to get patted down and asked to step aside? Don't pack 12 things of mouthwash then, buy some when you've reached your destination.

If you don't, they're going to just waive you along, why waste their time searching someone that CLEARLY has nothing? That's the purpose of the machine. John Doe has some residue on his shirt, but the machine showed nothing in his bags or person to not have a high enough amount of X materials/compounds. Done. Waive him by. Not "OH crap, he must be up to something, founded a new way to make a bomb from a new element he created, yeah we better search him"

I just don't see it happening. If the machine can show them without a shadow of a doubt you don't have the recquired elements, or enough amount of them to cause harm to anyway, they're not going to bother with you.

And of course this is all IF they're even going to set the damn thing to even look for trace amounts of anything!


Drag Race Newbie
Lombard, IL
Explosive made of different chemical compound that differs from a cell phone/chocolate bar? Because if it is different, they'd know you have it, and then they'd get on to doing their jobs.

Just because there's evidence of foul play doesn't mean there is any, if the machine can scan you from head to toe, get a chemcial break down of EVERYTHING you have on you, and in your bag, and no explosive materials show up, no gun metals, but you have a trace amount of something or another, why would they?

Due dilligence will be if you have a higher than "normal" amount of explosive material, chemical, or if you've freaking wolverine and have tons of metal SOMEHWERE on your person or bags.

If you don't, they're going to just waive you along, why waste their time searching someone that CLEARLY has nothing? That's the purpose of the machine. John Doe has some residue on his shirt, but the machine showed nothing in his bags or person to not have a high enough amount of X materials/compounds. Done. Waive him by. Not "OH crap, he must be up to something, founded a new way to make a bomb from a new element he created, yeah we better search him"I just don't see it happening. If the machine can show them without a shadow of a doubt you don't have the recquired elements, or enough amount of them to cause harm to anyway, they're not going to bother with you.

And of course this is all IF they're even going to set the damn thing to even look for trace amounts of anything!

tldr - yourself, buddy :laugh:

You make a lot of points that are counter to your "let them watch me and do whatever it takes for my safety" position.

The underwear bomber - he CLEARLY had nothing on him then, yes? lulz....

cell phone / chocolate bar - no, not made of it :rolleyes: looks like one. You heard about the guys trying to use cell phone bodies to make bombs, right?

you seem to be very ignorant on two aspects here - 1. allowing the gov't to do anything they want for your "safety", and then 2. not actually recognizing real or possible threats, and that any real security team worth its salt would do in a situation like that.

yes, who knows if it will detect that shit, but i stand by my statements that they would still pull those aside with ANY type of explosive or firearm related residue on their person. To not do so, would be gross negligence... which reminds me of the story of 9/11.


Go Kart Champion
Lubbock, TX
which is why you shouldn't NOT think they would search someone for finding gunpowder residue on someone, good lord man...

Sorry man, I just don't see it. If the machine is out right showing them every single molecule you've got, I just can't see why they'd be bent out of shape for it. Especially with me living in texas, EVERYONE has guns. I just can't see it happening...Now if we didn't have the right to bear arms...then yeah, finding something like that would raise an eyebrow.


Go Kart Champion
Lubbock, TX
tldr - yourself, buddy :laugh:

You make a lot of points that are counter to your "let them watch me and do whatever it takes for my safety" position.

The underwear bomber - he CLEARLY had nothing on him then, yes? lulz....

cell phone / chocolate bar - no, not made of it :rolleyes: looks like one. You heard about the guys trying to use cell phone bodies to make bombs, right?

you seem to be very ignorant on two aspects here - 1. allowing the gov't to do anything they want for your "safety", and then 2. not actually recognizing real or possible threats, and that any real security team worth its salt would do in a situation like that.

yes, who knows if it will detect that shit, but i stand by my statements that they would still pull those aside with ANY type of explosive or firearm related residue on their person. To not do so, would be gross negligence... which reminds me of the story of 9/11.

Yeah, and with a device like this, the underware bomber (Theoretically) would have been thwarted.

Just because they COVER it with a cell phone structure doesn't prevent the device from doing it's job. The damn thing is suppose to be able to find out what I had for breakfest, if it can get through my clothes and skin, I'm sure it'll penetrate a cell phone case to see what's really inside.

You're making assumptions here.

1. I'm not going to let the government do just anything for my "safety" but a device like this does sound great, and I think you, and many others, are going a little far fetched on this.

2. I think 9/11 serves as a testiment to how real, and possible threats are and I understand them greatly, which is why I'm all for this, it's not invasive to my personal information, other than random things, some of which you could find out just by looking at me, which I don't really think of personal anyway. It's quick and painless. So yeah, why not? And as for a "real" security team, that's a matter of opinion. What you consider to be real security might not even be something I've experienced.

I'll agree on explosive residue, something like C4, that should raise an eyebrow regardless of the circumstance. But Gun residue? Nah...We have a right to have em and use em, it's not out of the ordinary to run across someone that would have residue, and as long as that machine works the way I think it does, and it tells me they're free and clear, no deadly weapons or chemicals on their person or in their bags, who am I to care.


Go Kart Champion
Lubbock, TX
I miss Germany and Israel's airports. They have REAL SECURITY, not this poor acting of it we use.

IE: One time in the Frankfort airport, I saw a guy get shot by a security guard. He got shot because he tried to skip the security line where they searched your bags. Here is the difference from the USA, guy who got shot has ZERO recourse. He acted dumb, he got what he deserved. If we went to full security like this, we wouldn't need those scanners. It's simple, security is not a joke to them in the slightest, and this poor fellow found that out.

America is not concerned with security in the slightest. I have flown with items this year that should have never made it past security, but they are far more concerned that grandma's shoes may have a bomb.

:eek: Holy crap! Now thats security on steroids compared to us! :D

I wouldn't say America isn't concenerned with security, but just how a lot of us in this thread reacted about a harmless laser, how do you think people would react if we started arming our TSA agents with guns?

I fully believe if that article was the reverse and it was stating that we'd be "beefing" up security by arming them we'd have just as many people (and probably some double dippers here that complain(ed) about both) that would complain and be against our security getting guns.

You can't make everyone happy, and you've gotta pander to someone.

Either way I'm not going to act like a fool in an airport, but me, personally, I'd rather have a laser pewpew me than the potentiality of a bullet doing so.


Passed Driver's Ed
Dallas, tx
Yeah it's just like security cameras being all over the place aiding in solving murders, catching people running red lights, stop signs, and preventing shop lifters...What a terrible world we live in now!

I know my weekedns are so boring now because of them. :lol: I was being sarcastic for all those exaggerated conspiracy theorist.


Go Kart Champion
shini are you retarded by chance?

it's idiots like you that can be taught to believe anything, or made to think a certain way, in which our country is going to the shitter. stupid people made to believe that this is right. yea we are gonna shoot you with some laser from far away, and we will see the shit that you're about to take once you get past security. fuck that. this is bullshit.

when i was in the airport 2 weeks ago with my grandparents, they had to take off their shoes and belt. fucking 80 year olds taking off their shoes and belts even tho we go thru AN X-RAY SCANNER anyways. along with all our bags. wanna hear the best part?? the guy behind me was wearing a turbin, and he was able to go thru with it on because it's part of his religion..... let me know how that makes any sense.


Go Kart Champion
Seattle WA
I'm pretty sure big brother has been watching us for a long time.


Ever been to the UK. They have CCTV everywhere. You can't pick your nose without it being watched. I'm sure they'll be the first to trial this technology.

Las Vegas
2007 MKV Fahrenheit
I don't have a problem with this being used at places with legal security checkpoints, but to aim it into our homes or vehicles is Bullshit & where is the independant scientific evidence that this laser is 100% safe to be used on humans?


Not Kentucky
anyone on here who hasn't read 1984 (used to be required reading when i was a young lad) needs to read it. orwell had insane vision. im always baffled how many people haven't read it. seriously if you haven't, its basically a more sci-fi exaggerated and extreme version of what has been happening in our society for quite some time.


Go Kart Champion
Long Island
I don't have a problem with this being used at places with legal security checkpoints, but to aim it into our homes or vehicles is Bullshit & where is the independant scientific evidence that this laser is 100% safe to be used on humans?

This x 1000.

The government has been hiding shit for years, soon well be getting pulled over for eating the wrong cereal brand for breakfast. Fuck logic.

Germany here I come!


Go Kart Champion
Lowell, MA
Shit is invasive, however if it stops someone with a baloon full of hydrochloric acid up their ass from splashing some innocent person in the face and disfiguring them for life I guess it's a good deed.

I guess just dont try to sneak any drugs or weapons of mass destruction anywhere?


Drag Race Newbie
Lombard, IL
anyone on here who hasn't read 1984 (used to be required reading when i was a young lad) needs to read it. orwell had insane vision. im always baffled how many people haven't read it. seriously if you haven't, its basically a more sci-fi exaggerated and extreme version of what has been happening in our society for quite some time.

x eleventy billion. If you read 1984 and Brave New World, you'll have a real idea of whats going on in our country.... "thought police/thought crime", etc. Also kinda reminds me of Equilibrium, lol.