Stiffer steering wheel after chip-tuning?


New member
Czech Republic
Golf 7 GTD

can chip-tuning affect steering?

Few days ago I got my Golg 7 GTD remapped. I am very happy with the performace and also DSG behaves a bit better. But I have one issue: I can feel that the steering wheel is significantly stiffer. Is it possible that the new map affected it too?

Previously it was like that when I switched to sport driving mode, but when I switched to normal or comfort (I have also DCC, so I can choose different driving modes) the steering wheel was easier and more comfortable. Now when I switch from sport to normal/comfort and back I can not feel any difference.

I also had a service done at the same time (oil change and front brakes replacement) so It can be also caused by that? Or it can be just something like placebo effect in my head..xD

I would be glad for any advices and please excuse my English (it is not my native language).


Autocross Champion
Los Angeles
The short version is that flashing the engine ECU should not impact driving modes of any other module. The software in the engine ECU receives driving mode command (Eco, Normal, Sport), it does not generate them.

Long version... the effect that driving modes have on different systems is controlled, to make it simple-ish, by the gateway (specifically the gateway dataset). When you choose a mode the gateway commands/requests the various modules to the corresponding modes. And if coded properly those modules will then operate accordingly.

So you select Comfort and the gateway sends a command/request to various modules depending on how your car is equipped (steering, engine, DSG, DCC, etc.) to operate in that mode.

That being said, if the specific module is not coded to use driving profiles that request from the gateway is ignored. I can't think of any good reason anybody flashing the ECU would change the coding in your steering module... but if they did they could have set it to not use driving profiles.

Using OBD11 or VCDS go to Module 44 and check setting "Characteristic curve of steering assist"... It should be set as "Driving profile selection button."

If you find it set to something else (comfort, normal or dynamic) your steering will only operate in that mode, ignoring the drive mode selection.