[SOLD]: 2019 Driver Door Control Module: 5Q0959593F (LHD)


Passed Driver's Ed
North Palm Beach, FL
'19 e-Golf
Ultimately found the module I needed on eBay in the Netherlands from a totaled Mk7.5 Golf.

Looking for a driver's side door control module from a totaled 2019 Golf_GTI, Golf_R, or e-Golf_SEL. Module must be a 5Q0-959-593F and have come from a Left Hand Drive Golf, not an Arteon, an Atlas, a Q3, or some other VW/Audi model. I don't have VCP/ODIS and no shops nearby touch even simple upgrades like a door module swap that requires ODIS parameterization.

The following modules: 5Q0959593A, 5Q0959593B, 5Q0959593D, and 5Q0959593E are incompatible due to changes in the pinout of the white connector.

I'd also be willing to ship a virgin pair of 5Q4959592F and 5Q4959593F modules to (and pay return shipping from) anyone with a 2019 Golf_GTI, Golf_R, or e-Golf_SEL who has ODIS access and can set basic parameters in the virgin modules I already own. (Also willing to compensate them for the hassle of dismantling their doors to do this, but this is admittedly a long shot). As I mentioned above, the white wiring connector on a 2019 is different than previous units used.
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