Go Kart Champion
- Location
- Milton
I have friends that have been given tickets just because a cop was trailing them for a couple minutes and decided they were going fast enough to pull over. What's stopping this guy from doing that to me?
Also, what's wrong with going 10 over the limit with a cop behind you?
If it was anyone else behind me, sure I'd speed up. I'm not worried about going fast; I'm worried about getting tickets.
What's stopping him from doing that to you? Absolutely nothing. Are you complaining that you didn't get a ticket...?
I think your argument is "I was already speeding, I shouldn't have to go any faster". You are absolutely right, but if and ONLY if you were in as far right of a lane as possible (i.e. don't cruise in the centre lane either if there's no one in the right lane).
The issue is you should not have been in a passing lane, because you weren't PASSING anyone. It's not a fast lane, it's not a speeding lane, it's not a cruising lane, it's not a speed limit + 10 lane. It's a passing lane. If you aren't passing someone, get out of that lane!
By the way, why should cops be allowed to speed during non-emergencies? By all means go ahead and speed if you need to get to an emergency or another law enforcing event, but to leisurely drive in speeds excess of 100mph without lights on seems ridiculous.
Even going 5 mph over can get you a ticket in some areas. Why should the cop be allowed to break the law going 35 over? It doesn't make sense.
This I absolutely agree with you about. Cops should not be above the law, and indeed there are a few out there that aren't. I remember a story a while back about a cop who actually sped unknowingly, so he wrote himself a ticket and paid it off. They only uncovered it after going through records or something.
Generally in my area cops don't speed, but I hate it when they change lanes without signaling and another small things like that. A cop once tried to change into my lane while I was in his blind spot. I had to honk at him and speed up. That annoys me to no end... they are terrible role models.
WOW what an ASSHOLE!!!
You are an idiot. That cop was doing everyone a favour - including the idiot driver incorrectly hogging the passing lane by not writing him a ticket.