They cannot charge you with an offense that isn't on the ticket (ie. increase the speed of the offense). However, there might be some additional markings on the ticket (maybe an "R" or "S" or something) by the police officer that will signify to the judge that it this ticket has been reduced already and make the judge side with the police officer. Check your ticket to see if there are any markings of such.
Don't both with X-Copper. If you go with X-Copper, just make sure they tell them that you want the ticket thrown out. Usually they try to make the charges reduced, but fail to get the ticket thrown out. This is NOT what you want.
Just request a court date. When you get one, request a first attendance meeting before the court date. Then at the meeting, talk to the clerk and then finalize a court date. This will probably be more than a year from the original offense. Chances are, the police officer will not show up.
Also, where was the ticket issued? Peel region?