Was meaning to post this sooner than later, but now I have a bit of time!
A few new mods:
Seibon Carbon Fiber Hood, Side Skirts, and Rear Valance installed in February
- If you're buying the Seibon side skirts, be prepared to modify! I had to dremel cut holes on the new skirts for the arrow bumps on the OEM side skirts that point to the pinch welds.
- I was able to install the carbon fiber hood by myself. Some of the holes like for the rubber grommets and washing fluid dispenser may need to be sanded down a bit more to get them to fit, but install was fairly painless. Thinking about a paint match later...
- My hood seems to be a bit crooked towards the front (just alignment around the headlights) due to using the OEM hood strut pushing up on the hood when closed. I haven't installed hoodpins yet because of this.
- The valance required a bit of sanding down on the inside of the left and right tips in order to get the OEM plastic piece to fit in (the pieces that help attach the ends of the valance to the car). Other than that, install was fairly simple.
Loiacono Engineering CF Spoiler installed in early March
- Removed the Rabbit lip spoiler in order to install. The new spoiler has gaps on the edges and around the middle that I'm not too happy about, but you don't really notice it until you get up close to it. Might need to move it forward a bit more but it won't look as flush on the end. Quality is pretty nice though.
OEM Audi Jack point pieces installed in March
- Nothing fancy, but I did have to use a jack to shove one of the front pieces into the hole.
Nothing else new other than hanging a JDM Tsurikawa inside to rice it up a bit! I also just received a P3 gauge today which I should be installing tonight or tomorrow. Considering purchasing a TCR steering wheel too... on the fence with the CF wheels everyone is getting.
Lastly, I did end up getting a bad gouge on one of the rear HRE wheels, due to hitting a piece of metal debris on the highway at night as I was changing lanes. Really bummed me out but got it repaired. Not noticeable until you really look for it.