Secondary Benefits of Tune


Ready to race!
Cranberry, PA
So i've read plenty on here about the various tunes, along with claimed benefits marketed on each tuners website. But it seems like the main focus of most discussions involve 1/4 mile times and dyno plots.
However, i'd like to see a discussion comparing the secondary benefits. Things like throttle response, throttle linearity, fuel economy, smoothness, etc. What i guess i'm wondering is what else one can expect from spending the 600 plus dollars on todays tunes, other than the increased power?


Go Kart Champion
You pretty much said it. Most tunes will increase throttle response, fuel economy and more importantly area under the dyno curve. Meaning you will feel the power all over the power-band. You can feel that stuff while just cruising.


Ready to race!
Cranberry, PA
Well how about I solicit some feedback on the various secondary benefits of different tunes? Eurodyne, Unitronic, APR, GIAC, etc.
What other benefits of your tune do you enjoy? Let's compare.


Go Kart Champion
Detroit, MI
Here is what I can recall about the different tunes, maybe someone actually running each tune cane give you feedback on how it performs with their car.

GIAC - Really great tune from what I've read, switchable maps via OBD2 switcher, can bench flash newer GTI ECU box codes, Stage 2 REQUIRES (GIAC rep confirmed) a clutch upgraded for 6MT, requires dealer visits for updates.

APR - Higher torque, generally good reviews, safe tune with minimal issues other than frying clutches, the most expensive and requires dealer visits for switching maps and updates.

Unitronic - Mixed bag reviews, some love it and some hate it, requires dealer visits to switch maps at the moment until UniConnect (at home flash) actually becomes a tangible thing.

Eurodyne - Heavily involved community, some issues on certain DSG cars, complete at home flashing for all maps and tune versions, comes with data logging software with the flash tool. This tune is still kind of "beta" there are bugs actively being worked on at the moment.

That is what I have off the top of my head, I'm running JB1 there are huge threads dedicated to it on this forum if you want to read up.


Autocross Newbie
Surrey, BC, Canada
Mk7 Golf R
Secondary benefit of my tune? The ability to fry or keep up with cars a notch or two above ours :)

As a very happy, issue-free Eurodyne Stage 2 user, I'm waiting for Maestro which will allow for absolute custom tuning (among other things) specific to my car. I'll try to get Nik at CTS to assist me with that when the time comes.
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Go Kart Champion
Zeeland, MI, USA
2022 Golf R
Are there any comments on safety of the various tunes offered? I.E. safety parameters are left untouched, boost spiking is controlled, etc.

In general terms, the more "agressive" the tune, the larger the potential for increased wear on the engine. Most major tuners are wise enough to not make anything crazy and would not release something with major boost spikes and substantial changes to OEM safety parameters.


Autocross Newbie
Surrey, BC, Canada
Mk7 Golf R
Are there any comments on safety of the various tunes offered? I.E. safety parameters are left untouched, boost spiking is controlled, etc.

To tack on to what drrck, going bezerk on a bone stock car is far worse than driving a tuned car spiritedly in moderation.


Passed Driver's Ed
West Hills, CA
throttle linearity,... smoothness

What I'm most interested in. Miss the linear throttle response of an NA car. That's why I don't drive my stock GTI on "sport" mode. The difference is even more noticeable. I do have a GB+ ready to install when I have time these days. I heard it makes a difference, but not as much as on tuned cars.