In the last quarter of 2018 I did not post a lot of info on car but a lot was going on none the less. I have been wanting to post the info in case others could benefit but never enough time, so I will start this post by making a list of work completed and then edit the post covering each item and giving feedback on the mods. A lot was changed so knowing for sure how each impacted the car will be harder but will try to give a fair review.
In September 2018 a Forum member mentioned a good Euro shop located north of where I live. I called the shop and talked to the owner about my issue. About 2 months after doing my own work on new brake pads, discs, fluid and brake lines, I had to make an emergency stop and heard a loud rotational noise. My first thought was that it sounded like something rubbing the bolts that hold the two piece brake discs. I pulled over and check but could see no issues. But under a hard test the same noise happened. The sound was rotational and made slight pops as I applied more brake pressure. Sort of like a door with rusty hinges. The next weekend put car on ramps but did not find anything. Removed wheels and check all of the bolts. All good. Jerry Ashmore the owner and Master Mechanic at European Motor Works, MT. Julie, TN was thorough in his questions and lined up a 1 hour inspection and investigation time for me to come in. Being 1hr 15 min one way drive, I asked about lining up parts (as we both felt the front mount was the focus area). He said not to throw parts at it yet until we test drive and he can check some things. All very good comments so I felt I might have found a good shop.
I will cover the 1 visit and follow up work in the next update.
Below is a list of work items I will cover. If any interest, tune in and I will try to update on a timely manner. Several pics included.
1. New 034 front mounts with upgraded part added by 034.
2. New 034 rear mounts.
3. Tyrol Sport Dead set kit
4. Checking my brake work.
5. 60,000 mile service.
6. BFI engine mount kit - Stage 1. All three.
7. Unitronic Stage 1+ ECU Tune
8. Unitronic Stage 1 DSG Tune
9. Alignment at Murfreesboro Auto Repair. Murfreesboro, TN.
10. Front lower corner OE lip replacements.
The investigation visit to my new Mechanic!
In late September I set an appointment at 12:30 for Jerry to take a look. Left work early and enjoyed the nice drive north. The new shop and my dealer in Chattanooga are the same distance from home but Jerry's shop is on my time zone so much easier to get to him. The shop in located just off I-40 in a Mt Juliet industrial park. A normal looking metal building but I knew I was at the right spot when I noticed the sign post by the road telling how far it was to Wolfsburg, to the Autobahn, Nurburgring and other locations. Plus a few BMW'S and a Benz. Jerry and I talked again as it had been a couple weeks since our phone call and I brought him up to date. The plan was a one hour check but ran a little over. First he said let's go for a test drive and asked me to drive so I could duplicate the issue. After a short drive we stopped in a parking lot to turn around and talked. He said he would check out the brake work I did and focus on front suspension items during the check. He had the car up on the lift 3 times. Inspecting and making adjustments to then lower car and test drive. He then came in the waiting room to talk. Said he found no issues with brakes and work I did. Subframe he found one bolt I mentioned felt odd when tightening, had rust on it which he correct but had no impact on issue. He tightened the suspension bolts some and you could hear less rotation but noise still present. He recommended rebuilding the mounts and putting it all back in. We talked about what mounts to use and he is an 034 dealer and had not had issues with them. I have run OE and ECS heavy duty mounts both of which gave noise after 10,000 miles. Told him I would line up parts and call back to drop the car off. He went to bring my car around but after a while I looked out the window to see my car parked out front but no Jerry. The young lady at the front desk smiled and said, "I think he wants to take you for a drive". At that moment I see a white MK7 GTI similar to mine back up to the front door. She said he has modified it some. I then learned my Mechanic is the owner of an MK7, I think SE but no PP. He is lowered on VWR and runs stage 2 Unitronic engine and DSG tune with DP and intercooler. He opened the hood which showed he had some similar carbon fiber pieces like I have. BFI stage 2 mounts also. Told me he was a Unitronic dealer and asked if I wanted to go for a drive? OK, as I climb in the passenger seat and buckle up. Soon we were flying down and narrow back road in a very quick car which I wished had PP brakes at this moment. It was the second fastests car I have been in, second only to an AWD Evo with full tunes. I asked about his tune and why Unitronic. He had been an APR dealer but said they gave him bad support. Being and installer he felt he should be able to get someone on the phone when a client had an issue and the last time he called them in took 3 days for them to get back with him. With Unitronic so far he likes the support.
So I told Jerry I would work on getting parts and line up a day to drop the car off. It would take over a month with an out of town trip and being busy at work. On the drive home I felt good. Found a Master Mechanic who also loved GTI's and modded ones at that!
He is also a Veteran, airborne I think from pictures in the waiting room.
Picture of European Motor Works waiting room.
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1. Improved 034 Front Mounts?
From the investigation visit on my car it was decided to focus on the front mounts for my noise issue. I have had OE, ECS Heavy Duty and now 034 mounts. The OE mount is so soft I can flex the shock cup over almost have the distance to the outer metal that surrounds the cup. With 600+ pounds on a corner I would think flexing to hit the outer metal is possible and hitting some road hazards it felt like that. The ECS mount made noise early. For the most part the 034 has done OK until my recent rotational noise. So I ordered new 034 Mounts. When they arrived they had an extra washer in the bag. I texted them and asked why they had the extra part. I had talked to them about the light clicking sound I had with the first set since new and they said the washer was to correct that issue. The washer will go between the mount and shock. I am surprised how much the shock rotates in this mount cup and my older mount shows the wear. The washer will give a good rotational surface but I wonder how long it will last. If soft metal it will wear. If hardened it will wear the shock. One benefit the OE mount has is that the cup is bare metal where 034's is coated with rubber. ECS mount is painted gloss here.
New 034 mount with washer.
Worn mounts. You can see movement marks in the mount. One had torn rubber. The 034 has much more rubber costing to fill voids than the OE part. Not sure if the cracks are an issue but others have shown larger damage. Maybe from pot holes, not sure.
The rotational noise I had from the front suspension on the driver side was a rotating sound under braking load and this load made the rusty door sound. I think my brake work increased this load with better discs and sportier pads. Since the new 034 mounts have been installed it is very smooth and ever when making sharp turns at low speeds. Steering feels good again. Braking sound, no issue. We will see how it goes. If issue returns I will need to try a part like the new 034 camber place or search for other options.
2. 034 Rear Mounts:
With the front mount work and the car at 60,000 I thought I would just have the rear mounts changed. No issues, just thought I would go 034 all the way around. No visible issues on old OE mounts. Both look very similar as only rubber changes. How does it drive? Fine, not real big change. Over some bumps I sometime feel I can hear it more but 98% of the time no issue. OE rears hold up so hopefully 034's will last also. A needed change? Maybe not. I would have changed myself but while up on lift I thought might as well do it all at once.
3. Tyrol Sport Dead Set Kit:
I have had this kit for over a year now. At my 40,000 mile service I had thought of getting dealer to install. During the visit the DSG oil change along with engine oil and new ECS SS pan were to be installed. The only cencern the dealer mechanic had was the loss of ability to shift subframe if needed to do the alignment and that if the car hit a pot hole the subframe could not shift and might damage other things. With planned work and service, then adding alightment time I decided to skip the kit.
With the work coming up at European Motor Works I put the kit in the hatch with the other parts and left a note if they felt it would help to install. They did install without issue and Jerry felt it was a good addition. I had to get an alignment done and used a new shop I found later in Murfreesboro TN at Murfreesboro Auto Repair. The Mechanic doing the work came and asked if I wanted to see the alignment numbers as I had told them about the kit and that it might impact the alignment. I felt in a mod friendly place when I noticed my alignment guy had an ECS Tuning shift on. Later I learned he was a older Benz owner and liked lowered cars. He said the alignment looked good with one item just outside spec tolerances.
I took a picture of the alignment. Caster on one side was just out and before we moved the lift it was actually at 8.3. For info I have Superpro Supaloy LCA that might affect this. He said my front wheels prior were pointed out and is reason I went through my Indy 500 front tires over the summer. Not sure if work Jerry caused the shift but I think it has been off for a while. Last alignment over a year ago. So two new tires by summer.
I am not an alignment expert so share what you think. I had him pull up Caster tolerances, so they could be in picture. So far drives well. With BFI engine mounts, hard to tell positive gains from dead set kit but initial feel was just a "solid" feeling.
4. Brake Work Check:
Jerry checked my brake work during the first visit to make sure it was not the cause of my noise issue. All checked out good and tight. I was worried being my first time to do that much brake work. After getting new front mounts the slotted brake discs have less vibration under hard braking. This item is caused by the slots passing under the pads. Not bad but with older mounts I could feel it more. Much better now.
5. 60,000 Mile Service:
Since I was at 58,000 miles I asked Jerry to go ahead and do the 60,000 mile service. With the tune coming he changed the spark plugs. Plan to do future service with this shop from now on.
6. BFI Engine Mount Kit.
I have read about the various engine mount kits for several years. 034 was on the list and is likely a safe option but if I am going to mod I don't want it to look OE. I also want the parts to look good and if an interesting design, then even better. BFI kit fits the bill and many of you have mentioned them as a good option. I did not buy them thinking I would tune the car but more for and option should the shock mounts not be the noise issue. As my rotational sound came when braking and sometimes on acceleration I wondered if the engine was shifting forward and back, impacting the issue. The BFI parts look great and are well made. Jerry had the parts installed during the service work. I know many say there is no increase in NVH with these mounts. For these owners I say you have no feelings. Once my car was finished I climbed in ready to head home. Foot on brake and pushed the start button. Vrrooomm! I could feel more NVH as soon as it cranked. Wow! That was different. You can feel more vibrations at rest. Your can feel more vibration when the AC comes one. Could not notice that before.
Once you start driving the difference is not noticable but I think I can feel it some at 80mph on the interstate. Not a large difference but can sort of feel it. Is it bad? If you are a person who does not want increased NVH then do not install mounts or stay very OE like. If you are such a person, do not complain about axle tramp as if you do not like this then you will want mounts. You can not have your cake and also eat it in all cases. How different is it? The car is nervous now in park. You can feel the car is tighter in some situation just putting it in gear. Just like new springs change the car so do mounts. I think the best way to describe it is like this, is Mustangs have a Mustang Rumble, then I now have a GTI Rumble". I am no longer driving cute Golf. I am in a track ready GTI. It does add to the sporty feel but I think one has to want that much like one wants a lowered car. So if this is not you then stay OE. Some say is settled down after a while. Some maybe, but do not expect zero NVH in the end. It does not settle that much.
7. Unitronic Stage 1+ Tune.
Before my car arrived in early 2015 I purchased a new/used Neuspeed Power Module from another forum member. He had never installed and the price was good so I picked it up. I know few like the NPM but it fit what I wanted. Easy to install, plug and play, helped the car and gave me no issues. JB1 and JB4 are likely better with more control and adjustability but I liked the price of the used one. You become addicted to these things because when ever I removed I really wanted it back. The NPM does give the car better closing speed on the highway and entrance ramps along with more engine grunt. Never had an issue but I am not super hard on my car. This unit is a good entry mod and we'll worth the money. Sold it last fall to another forum member who I hope enjoys it. In the end it cost me $100 over 3 years of use. A top mod for me.
Why Unitronic?
I have read about many tunes and heard much from all of you. I had dreams of going to APR in Alabama to get an in house tune as part of a man trip. But if I had issues that was a long way and I would have to find a good local option. Jerry in Mt. Juliet, TN was an APR dealer but did not get good quick support from them so switched to Unitronic which he likes. This and his being a good Mechanic I decided if I was going to mod my GTI as much as I have I might as well tune it. So I made the jump along with the DSG tune.
How is it?
Better than a NPM on power and pull across the power band. But the NPM did have a nice grunt. Hard to explain but it was slightly different. The 1+ still sounds great with my Clubsport S muffler and the engine control is very smooth. I can still get 32mpg on trips and keep up with anything and with new brakes, likely stop harder than most. In the different modes the tune is easy for DD and canyon carving. I think the numbers are impressive. Car now has a 10lb to 1hp ratio. Can move out and not die at higher rpm.
Still mainly stock intake, stock downpipe and exhaust but for Clubsport S muffler and tips.
8. Why a DSG Stage 1 tune?
Many of you recommend this and I asked Jerry his thoughts. He also recommend it as it handles the power better. So, if we are going, then go all the way. How was it? My first impression on driving home, which I took easy at first while I checked things out, was the feeling that the DSG box had been neutered. It was smooth but lacked that manual clunky feel at 30-40mph driving. I know the smoothness is needed with the big jump in HP but it was different. Over time most of feeling and fun of manual DSG shifting came back as I adjusted and used the power more. You can feel the smoothness at very low speeds. When coming to a stop before I would normally not down shift below 2nd as the shift to 1st was always clunky. Now with the tune if I forget and shift to 1st it is much smoother. I still let the car down shift from 2nd most of the time but it is a good example of what the DSG tune does. With the ECU tune I agree the DSG tune is a good match.
9. Alignment.
After all the work I needed an alignment, so found a place I had not used 45min from my house in Murfreesboro, TN. at Murfreesboro Auto Repair. The visit was good and the guy doing the work had an ECS Tuning shirt. I later learned this meant he liked older model Mercedes-Benz cars. He showed his current ride and we talked cars for a little bit. He said my front tires where angled out slightly and was likely the caused of my early wear on my Indy 500 tires. It had been just over a year since my last alignment and I had not been around a shop that could do it during that time. The alignment sheet looked good I think. If you have comments I would like to hear your thoughts of you agree or not.
10. Front Corner Chin Spoiler
A while back I mentioned damage to my front spoilers. Thought I hit something but was from my home made ramps used in a different location on my gravel driveway. The angle changed and the ramps hit the spoilers. I ordered replacements on Ali-express and they looked nice. Was under my car doing other work and tried to get one of the OE spoilers off. Made a little headway but being tired from being upside down the last couple hours I saved it for the upcoming service visit mentioned above. While there they change both sides. Jerry said it was easier with 4 hands as you have to get some off and work around. Now good as new.
Prior post.
Sandman GTI MK7 PP DCC Lighting Pkg - The Journey begins!