Unibrace UB - Update
After driving a few days I wanted to update on the feel.
I wanted to buy a UB 2 years ago but decided I wanted my Eibach Pro-Kit springs. Last year it was CSS muffler and OZ wheels. When the group by occurred this year I almost missed it as it seemed to occur quickly.
For the record, I did not receive my UB as a gift. I did not get a special sale price. I purchased it like anyone else.
I have read much over the years how many feel this is a wasted mod. Looking at the OE brackets removed from the car it is easy to see that they do not do much. I could see there only benefit is helping to hold the stamped tunnel shape to keep from spreading open under loading. The back bracket is simply a stamped round pipe.
Edit: I do need to add that I installed the Unibrace XB a year ago also. So my results include the XB but was in place long before the UB. Not sure if this impacts any results but my info listed below was for the UB change alone and it's impact. The XB also seemed to stiffen the back end and also reduced the door seal creaking heard on uneven pavement and drive ways. Not 100% but was noticeably reduced. In road turns the XB gave the feeling of less cabin lean in the rear but after driving a while that feeling gets absorbed so hard to tell impact of XB in normal driving, but the door creaking improvement has stayed. The XB is a much harder install. The Nutserts must be placed almost perfect as the bolts fit in a taped hole so if one is off the fit gets tight. I also am not 100% sure I have mine in the right spot looking at other installs. But looking at the body frame and the location of the plastic piece which holds the lower hatch floor in place there is only one location for it to be mounted. That install is another story. But it is in.
Another place the car feels better is going over speed bumps. At work and my Wife's school these bumps always seem to upset the car even when taken at 1 mph. With the Unibrace in place the car body feels rigid and only the tires are now moving over the bumps. This more rigid body is also felt on uneven pavement and man hole cover bumps.
Sorry to say it but I like the addition.
The car did not feel like it had movement before but with the brace installed you can tell it had some as now it is gone. To me it was worth it and wish I had installed it 2 years ago. I will soon take my normal 3.5hr drive to Alabama so will see how it feel on higher speeds turns.
I know some will still not like this part but I can only report what I feel in driving. The true test will be long term and if it can maintain this support.
I suggest you use a lift or have someone with a lift install. This way the car is level when they bolt it up. I thought about putting on stands but felt if the car was on all 4 tires and level it might be best to bolt it up in a home position. I also had them use blue loctite to keep every thing in place. My shop completed the work in under 45min, from driving on the lift to pulling off plus some time for me to look under car and talk to the guys.
After the 3.5hr drive tonight I like the brace even more.
At interstate speeds road hazards can lead to harder impacts on a lowered car, even with DCC on different modes. When these hazards are driven over, my wife always question the ride of my car. But tonight after driving over two rough spots she did not comment as the car handled them better. The brace acts like it helps each side of the car share the load when a wheel impacts a rough spot. It was an enjoyable ride even with traffic.
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