RGB Ambient Lighting (hopes/dreams)... pre-facelift Mk7


Autocross Champion
Los Angeles
So I have a slightly off topic, yet lighting related question for you, since you've dug so far into lighting coding...

I have an aftermarket digital dash. It doesn't have the sun/lighting sensor in it the stock dashes have. I have a GTI, which has that little slider knob near the headlight/foglighy knob. That would raise/lower the brightness of all the interior lighting. With the digital dash in, that does nothing. The problem I have, is my infotainment screen is too bright at night, even on the "darkest" setting in the options.

Do you know if there is a way to add a slider for infotainment screen brightness in the lightning menu?
I remember halfway looking into this before. Nothing I've played with thus far has given me that but I'll if there's something for "background lighting" or the german equivalent in some ROW scans I have. All that lighting must still be tied to Terminal 58d. But there's gotta be coding to let the car know how that is adjusted.

I would think something in long coding for the rotary being present/not-present. But then something in BCM and/or Infotainment adaptations to activate the on screen slider.

Quick edit: Terminal 58d comes off of BCM Plug C pin 62... so that's where I would start.
Last edited:


Autocross Champion
Los Angeles
This should not be considered a real update until I add some context and a current scan. But after updating from 5Q0 Gateway to 3Q0 (both high, but 3Q0 is the "current" gateway) the single RGB light I have working now changes with driving profiles. It is not correct yet as shown below. But I think I know how to solve this.

Driving ProfileRGB Color NowDriving Profile RGB Color Desired
ComfortBlueComfortBlue or Green, undecided
IndividualGreenIndividualRed (probably)

You might notice I'm only choosing Red, Green and Blue. The reason for that is my BCM only has 3 (RGB sets of) customizable colors. Facelift BCM's have 10 (up to 30) customizable colors, depending on software level. I currently have the 3 customizable colors in my BCM set to Red, Green and Blue. I am therefore making an assumption that I can assign them to driving profiles. Easy test (maybe tonight) will be to change one of those custom colors to Yellow and see what happens.

Pictures, which we actually care about...




Autocross Champion
Los Angeles
This is another not quite update - update. Don't have time for a thorough post but very excited about what I've found...

First regarding the color based on driving profiles... I was able to modify that (set Eco/Comfort to illuminate yellow) so that works. For some reason it also changed Normal to not quite Red as shown above. So I've got something funny going on with the RGB channels. I'm not too worried about this, just requires some methodical trial and error.

Now, regarding changing colors via the drop down, as pictured in the OP. This is now working! Selecting different colors changes my RGB light (it does have the same funniness as above regarding colors, which is not a big deal). Previously I was able to get the RGB to light up but I had no color/brightness control. I now suspect that was because the following adaptation takes priority over the drop down...

IDE09732-ENG125651-Interior light: light configuration-Farbwahl ueber Fahrprofil : active (translation = Color selection via driving profile)
- Despite this being an option in my BCM, it seems the gateway must also support color by profile, and my 5Q0 gateway did not.
- It has been replaced with a 3Q0 gateway which does have support.
- Of note though, on facelift BCM's this is set to not active (see below for possible reasoning)

Facelift BCM's have two additional adaptations relating to driving profile and ambient lighting...
Ambiente_Farbwahl_FPA_waehlbare_Kopplung: active or not active (translation = ambient color choice driving profile selection selective coupling active)
Ambiente_Farbwahl_FPA_waehlbare_Kopplung_Status_hmi_default: coupled or not coupled (translation = ambient color choice driving profile selection selectable coupling default)
- This provides a checkbox on infotainment as to whether you want ambient colors tied to driving profiles. Second one sets the default for that box, checked/checked not checked.
- My BCM does not have these two adaptation channels, nor does it have the other "facelift" set of adaptations that assign each profile to a color

No pictures this time, but I'm no longer concerned about whether or not my BCM supports RGB ambient lighting. I would say it does, albeit with less granular control than facelift BCM's. Figuring out the color settings/lists and deciphering the LIN_slaves_groups/modules (which determine which part number LED's I should buy) is work that remains to be done. But that's just a matter of taking the time and going through it systematically.


Autocross Champion
Los Angeles
So I continued digging last night and will try to summarize what I've found, maybe even add some pictures.

So a quick recap about where we are now...
- I currently have one RGB module connected and illuminated, PN 8W0.947.355.J
- There are 3 (sets of 3) RGB lists in my BCM that I can customize
- On my infotainment screen I can enable a drop down with color selection
--- The options are white, warm white, red, orange, blue, turquoise

So... if I select white, red or blue my RGB changes to one of the colors defined in my RGB color list
- I've matched my RGB color list adaptations to these selections
- That means my infotainment color selection matches the color of the RGB
- See the table below for a digestible explanation of what I'm on about
Infotainment Dropdown Color SelectionColor List Number (assigned via adaptation)Color List Value (RGB)Illumination of RGB LED
White1White (255, 255, 255)White
Red2Red (255, 0, 0)Red
Blue3Blue (0, 0, 255)Blue
- If I choose any of the other colors (warm white, orange, turquoise) the RGB goes blue
--- Reading from @Chillout's page here and in the above post he talks about ambientcolormap.res, where the default color is blue
--- It seems the RGB color selection is similar in that way... if no color list is defined (remember I have only 3) the RGB light reverts to blue, as in this table
Infotainment Dropdown Color SelectionColor List Number (assigned via adaptation)Color List Value (RGB)Illumination of RGB LED
White1White (255, 255, 255)White
Red2Red (255, 0, 0)Red
Blue3Blue (0, 0, 255)Blue
Warm WhiteN/A (BCM only has 3 color lists)N/ABlue (seems to be default color)

- Now since we are talking RGB color lists they can be set to any color you want, with one problem
- Only infotainment dropdown color selections white, red and blue are matched to the Color Lists (only 3 available in my BCM)... see below table
- So in this way you can pick any 3 colors you want, but then your RGB lights will not match the color selection/representation shown on your infotainment screen
Infotainment Dropdown Color SelectionColor List Number (assigned via adaptation)Color List Value (RGB)Illumination of RGB LED
White1Green (0, 255, 0)Green
Red2Yellow (255, 255, 0)Yellow
Blue3Purple (255, 0, 255)Purple
- This means if I'm going to select colors on screen, I would limit myself to white, red or blue
- Having the colors on the screen not match the actual colors of the lights is a no-go for me

All that being said, the other option that works is setting color by driving profile.
- In this case the infotainment graphics representation has no meaning, so I would not want to see it all
--- I think there is a away to get brightness sliders for each zone instead of the picture showing the car interior
- Going this route I was able to assign colors to profiles, but only grouped as follows
-- Eco/Comfort as Color 1 (Green)
-- Normal as Color 2 (Blue)
-- Sport/Individual as Color 3 (Red)
- There might be some other way to do this by modifying FPA (driving profile) data sets, but I'm not there yet.

When set this way, no color control is possible from the Infotainment screen. When you unlock the doors you should get a default color. I didn't really pay attention but I think it was white. Then once ignition is on the RGB switched to the color of the active driving profile.

Personally I would end up going for color by driving profile. I would love to choose colors as I see fit but it I'm limited to White, Red and Blue (since I want the screen to match). I would say however, that pre-facelift cars DO support RGB lighting, albeit in a limited fashion as compared to facelift cars.


New member
Golf 7 gtd
Expectation Setting First, this is not a DIY although it may (hopefully) become one at some point.
It has been said this is not possible/will not work, and that may still be correct in the end.

First post is a placeholder/state of the project/random thoughts post more than anything else. Subsequent posts will be responses as I find things, and hopefully get some input from people interested in the same thing.

Quick overview of what I've found thus far... all of this on my 2015 TDI, BCM High Part Number and Software 5Q0-937-087-S
  • BCM has all the LIN Bus Adaptations that are present on facelift BCM's and will accept changes
  • BCM has 3 (sets of) RGB color lists, where facelift BCM's have either 10 or 30 depending on software version
    • On facelift BCM's these determine the colors shown in the Ambient RGB color slider
      • On my pre-facelift there is no adaptation to enable this color list slider (more on that later)
    • So I'm not sure why these 3 sets exist in my BCM... but there are adaptations to set colors based on driving profile
      • These adaptations seem to reference the RGB color list but that's going down another path, maybe towards AID/Infotainment accent color by profile
  • BCM has the ability to enable a color list drop down, and these colors show properly on the Ambient Lights infotainment picture
    • I can currently show footwell and dash strip lighting depiction, not yet able to get door strip/handle/pocket
    • although a dump of my MIB (using @Chillout's Toolbox) shows the door strip/handle/pocket images are present
    • Current list of colors is White, Warm White, Orange, Red, Blue, and Turquoise
      • White and Warm White look the same on the infotainment screen, maybe they'll be different with the actual lights
      • Any combination of those colors can be shown in the dropdown
  • On facelift BCM's (and similarly capable BCM's on other MQB vehicles) ambient light colors are set via LIN bus
    • This is BCM Plug C Pin 29, which I visually confirmed is present on my BCM
    • The presence of the pin and my BCM accepting all these adaptations is a good sign but doesn't mean anything until I connect something there
    • FWIW, my old BCM Low did not have the pins for fog lights and would not accept any fog light coding

In subsequent posts I will 100% post the adaptations that I'm messing around with. I will also 1000% be posting links to some other sites (mostly Drive2, but also some other places) to give credit for tons of info that has got me to the point of being able to "explore" this possibility.

And finally, some low quality exploration progress pics for attention...
View attachment 233398View attachment 233399View attachment 233400View attachment 233401
hello and thank you for all the information it helped me a lot. I am looking to change the blue color of my MIB2 high harman on my golf 7 gtd 2016

I activated the ambient lighting menu and adjusted the door and floor LEDs with this menu. but what is your coding to activate the drop-down list with the colors? because I only have the slider (like the facelift) but with only 1 blue color ?
I do not want to install multicolor LEDs. just change the headbands on the discover
Sorry for my english.. im french


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  • 7B902194-F1E3-4EA3-9D81-F51AF9383D1E.png
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Autocross Champion
Los Angeles
hello and thank you for all the information it helped me a lot. I am looking to change the blue color of my MIB2 high harman on my golf 7 gtd 2016

I activated the ambient lighting menu and adjusted the door and floor LEDs with this menu. but what is your coding to activate the drop-down list with the colors? because I only have the slider (like the facelift) but with only 1 blue color ?
I do not want to install multicolor LEDs. just change the headbands on the discover
Sorry for my english.. im french

You're looking for the following set of adaptations... each of the 10 (sets of 3) will give you a color on the slider.
IDE12412-ENG154526-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_1_lin    71    30       
IDE12412-ENG154527-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_10_lin    0    30       
IDE12412-ENG154537-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_2_lin    0    30       
IDE12412-ENG154557-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_3_lin    6    30       
IDE12412-ENG154560-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_4_lin    2    30       
IDE12412-ENG154561-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_5_lin    106    30       
IDE12412-ENG154562-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_6_lin    182    30       
IDE12412-ENG154563-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_7_lin    254    30       
IDE12412-ENG154564-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_8_lin    153    30       
IDE12412-ENG154565-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_9_lin    4    30       
IDE12412-ENG154645-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_1_lin    231    30       
IDE12412-ENG154646-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_10_lin    132    30       
IDE12412-ENG154656-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_2_lin    200    30       
IDE12412-ENG154676-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_3_lin    73    30       
IDE12412-ENG154679-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_4_lin    9    30       
IDE12412-ENG154680-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_5_lin    134    30       
IDE12412-ENG154681-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_6_lin    140    30       
IDE12412-ENG154682-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_7_lin    110    30       
IDE12412-ENG154683-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_8_lin    255    30       
IDE12412-ENG154684-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_9_lin    245    30       
IDE12412-ENG154733-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_1_lin    120    30       
IDE12412-ENG154734-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_10_lin    57    30       
IDE12412-ENG154744-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_2_lin    255    30       
IDE12412-ENG154764-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_3_lin    173    30       
IDE12412-ENG154767-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_4_lin    255    30       
IDE12412-ENG154768-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_5_lin    255    30       
IDE12412-ENG154769-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_6_lin    106    30       
IDE12412-ENG154770-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_7_lin    0    30       
IDE12412-ENG154771-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_8_lin    29    30       
IDE12412-ENG154772-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_9_lin    58    30

So to set the first color on the slider to red you would make the following settings
IDE12412-ENG154526-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_1_lin 0
IDE12412-ENG154645-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_1_lin 0
IDE12412-ENG154733-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_1_lin 255

Then do the same for the next 9 sets choosing the colors you want. Or if you don't want 10 just set what you want, 3 colors, 5 colors, etc. Any set of colors where you set all 0's will not show up on the slider.

Depending on your BCM software, you might also have another set which gives you 20 more possible colors on the slider. These get set the same way, if you want more colors.
ENG153710-ENG154516-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 11    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154517-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 12    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154518-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 13    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154519-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 14    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154520-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 15    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154521-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 16    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154522-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 17    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154523-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 18    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154524-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 19    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154525-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 20    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154539-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_21    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154541-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_22    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154543-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_23    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154545-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_24    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154547-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_25    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154549-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_26    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154551-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_27    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154553-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_28    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154555-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_29    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154558-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_30    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154635-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 11    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154636-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 12    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154637-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 13    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154638-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 14    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154639-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 15    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154640-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 16    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154641-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 17    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154642-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 18    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154643-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 19    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154644-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 20    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154658-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_21    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154660-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_22    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154662-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_23    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154664-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_24    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154666-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_25    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154668-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_26    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154670-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_27    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154672-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_28    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154674-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_29    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154677-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_30    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154723-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 11    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154724-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 12    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154725-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 13    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154726-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 14    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154727-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 15    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154728-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 16    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154729-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 17    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154730-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 18    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154731-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 19    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154732-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 20    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154746-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_21    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154748-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_22    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154750-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_23    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154752-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_24    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154754-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_25    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154756-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_26    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154758-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_27    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154760-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_28    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154762-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_29    0    60       
ENG153710-ENG154765-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_30    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154528-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_11_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154529-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_12_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154530-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_13_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154531-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_14_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154532-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_15_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154533-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_16_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154534-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_17_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154535-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_18_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154536-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_19_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154538-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_20_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154540-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_21_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154542-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_22_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154544-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_23_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154546-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_24_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154548-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_25_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154550-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_26_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154552-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_27_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154554-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_28_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154556-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_29_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154559-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_30_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154647-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_11_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154648-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_12_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154649-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_13_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154650-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_14_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154651-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_15_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154652-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_16_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154653-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_17_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154654-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_18_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154655-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_19_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154657-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_20_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154659-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_21_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154661-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_22_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154663-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_23_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154665-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_24_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154667-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_25_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154669-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_26_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154671-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_27_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154673-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_28_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154675-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_29_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154678-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_30_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154735-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_11_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154736-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_12_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154737-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_13_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154738-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_14_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154739-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_15_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154740-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_16_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154741-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_17_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154742-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_18_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154743-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_19_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154745-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_20_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154747-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_21_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154749-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_22_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154751-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_23_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154753-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_24_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154755-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_25_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154757-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_26_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154759-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_27_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154761-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_28_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154763-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_29_lin    0    60       
ENG153711-ENG154766-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_30_lin    0    60


New member
Golf 7 gtd
You're looking for the following set of adaptations... each of the 10 (sets of 3) will give you a color on the slider.
IDE12412-ENG154526-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_1_lin    71    30    
IDE12412-ENG154527-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_10_lin    0    30    
IDE12412-ENG154537-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_2_lin    0    30    
IDE12412-ENG154557-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_3_lin    6    30    
IDE12412-ENG154560-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_4_lin    2    30    
IDE12412-ENG154561-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_5_lin    106    30    
IDE12412-ENG154562-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_6_lin    182    30    
IDE12412-ENG154563-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_7_lin    254    30    
IDE12412-ENG154564-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_8_lin    153    30    
IDE12412-ENG154565-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_9_lin    4    30    
IDE12412-ENG154645-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_1_lin    231    30    
IDE12412-ENG154646-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_10_lin    132    30    
IDE12412-ENG154656-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_2_lin    200    30    
IDE12412-ENG154676-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_3_lin    73    30    
IDE12412-ENG154679-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_4_lin    9    30    
IDE12412-ENG154680-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_5_lin    134    30    
IDE12412-ENG154681-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_6_lin    140    30    
IDE12412-ENG154682-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_7_lin    110    30    
IDE12412-ENG154683-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_8_lin    255    30    
IDE12412-ENG154684-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_9_lin    245    30    
IDE12412-ENG154733-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_1_lin    120    30    
IDE12412-ENG154734-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_10_lin    57    30    
IDE12412-ENG154744-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_2_lin    255    30    
IDE12412-ENG154764-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_3_lin    173    30    
IDE12412-ENG154767-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_4_lin    255    30    
IDE12412-ENG154768-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_5_lin    255    30    
IDE12412-ENG154769-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_6_lin    106    30    
IDE12412-ENG154770-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_7_lin    0    30    
IDE12412-ENG154771-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_8_lin    29    30    
IDE12412-ENG154772-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_9_lin    58    30

So to set the first color on the slider to red you would make the following settings
IDE12412-ENG154526-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_1_lin 0
IDE12412-ENG154645-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_1_lin 0
IDE12412-ENG154733-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_1_lin 255

Then do the same for the next 9 sets choosing the colors you want. Or if you don't want 10 just set what you want, 3 colors, 5 colors, etc. Any set of colors where you set all 0's will not show up on the slider.

Depending on your BCM software, you might also have another set which gives you 20 more possible colors on the slider. These get set the same way, if you want more colors.
ENG153710-ENG154516-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 11    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154517-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 12    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154518-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 13    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154519-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 14    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154520-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 15    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154521-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 16    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154522-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 17    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154523-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 18    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154524-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 19    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154525-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 20    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154539-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_21    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154541-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_22    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154543-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_23    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154545-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_24    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154547-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_25    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154549-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_26    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154551-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_27    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154553-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_28    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154555-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_29    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154558-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_30    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154635-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 11    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154636-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 12    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154637-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 13    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154638-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 14    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154639-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 15    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154640-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 16    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154641-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 17    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154642-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 18    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154643-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 19    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154644-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 20    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154658-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_21    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154660-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_22    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154662-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_23    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154664-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_24    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154666-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_25    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154668-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_26    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154670-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_27    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154672-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_28    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154674-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_29    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154677-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_30    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154723-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 11    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154724-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 12    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154725-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 13    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154726-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 14    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154727-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 15    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154728-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 16    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154729-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 17    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154730-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 18    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154731-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 19    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154732-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 20    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154746-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_21    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154748-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_22    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154750-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_23    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154752-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_24    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154754-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_25    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154756-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_26    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154758-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_27    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154760-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_28    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154762-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_29    0    60    
ENG153710-ENG154765-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_30    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154528-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_11_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154529-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_12_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154530-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_13_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154531-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_14_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154532-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_15_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154533-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_16_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154534-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_17_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154535-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_18_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154536-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_19_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154538-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_20_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154540-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_21_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154542-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_22_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154544-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_23_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154546-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_24_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154548-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_25_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154550-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_26_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154552-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_27_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154554-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_28_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154556-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_29_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154559-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_30_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154647-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_11_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154648-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_12_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154649-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_13_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154650-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_14_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154651-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_15_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154652-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_16_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154653-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_17_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154654-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_18_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154655-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_19_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154657-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_20_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154659-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_21_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154661-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_22_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154663-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_23_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154665-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_24_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154667-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_25_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154669-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_26_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154671-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_27_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154673-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_28_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154675-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_29_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154678-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_30_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154735-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_11_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154736-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_12_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154737-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_13_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154738-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_14_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154739-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_15_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154740-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_16_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154741-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_17_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154742-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_18_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154743-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_19_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154745-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_20_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154747-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_21_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154749-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_22_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154751-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_23_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154753-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_24_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154755-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_25_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154757-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_26_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154759-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_27_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154761-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_28_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154763-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_29_lin    0    60    
ENG153711-ENG154766-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_30_lin    0    60
Thank you for your answer. the problem is that I have "E1" to display from Farbe 4 to 30.
and when i set colors on the first 3 Farbe (rotwert farbe 1:255, grewvert farbe 1:1 and bleuwert farbe 1:1) to set 3 primary color (green blue red). it does not appear on the discover I always only have the color blue. restarting does not change anything. I am only looking to change the color of the blue banners on the screen. With the menu background light


  • 1A19EC0D-1994-4DFD-B5E0-0A6E801544F1.jpeg
    122.4 KB · Views: 147


Autocross Champion
Los Angeles
Thank you for your answer. the problem is that I have "E1" to display from Farbe 4 to 30.
and when i set colors on the first 3 Farbe (rotwert farbe 1:255, grewvert farbe 1:1 and bleuwert farbe 1:1) to set 3 primary color (green blue red). it does not appear on the discover I always only have the color blue. restarting does not change anything. I am only looking to change the color of the blue banners on the screen. With the menu background light

Hmmm, I'm a little confused... do you have VCDS? Can you post a full ad-map of 09?


Autocross Champion
Los Angeles
I'm looking for something like this, my admap...
;SW:5Q0-937-087-S   HW:5Q0-937-087-S ---  Cent. Elect.       
;Component:BCM PQ37BOSCH 028 0145     Coding:00000B4640C182E96DE44080B10003A01000000000000000000000000000   
;EV_BodyContrModul1UDSBosc    14004    EV_BCMBOSCH_014.rod
;Tuesday    18    January
;VCDS Version: Release 21.9.0 (x64)  Data version: 20210903 DS330.0       
;VCID: 4BC36833734A7FB3023-801E       
IDE00001-ENG99061-Production mode-Access control    not active     3
IDE00001-ENG115730-Production mode-Exterior lighting    not active     3
IDE00001-ENG116710-Production mode-Frontwischer deaktivieren    not active     3
IDE00001-ENG112304-Production mode-Heckwischer    not active     3
IDE00001-ENG98647-Production mode-Interior lights    not active     3
IDE00001-ENG115729-Production mode-Scheinwerferreinigung    not active     3
IDE00001-ENG115731-Production mode-Virtuel_pedal    not active     3
IDE00002-Transport mode    active     1
IDE00820-Activating and deactivating all development messages    not active     1
IDE01268-ENG115835-Windshield wiper-Adaptives Nachwischen bei SRA    not active     12
IDE01268-ENG116609-Windshield wiper-Anzahl Betaetigungen Frontwaschanlage pro SRA Aktivierung    0    12
IDE01268-ENG115836-Windshield wiper-Frontwischer Notlaufprogramm    active     12
IDE01268-ENG116614-Windshield wiper-Frontwischer Referenzlauf    active     12
IDE01268-ENG116617-Windshield wiper-Geschwindigkeitsabhaengige Wischstufenrueckschaltung    active     12
IDE01268-ENG116615-Windshield wiper-Menuesteuerung Frontwischer    not active     12
IDE01268-ENG115771-Windshield wiper-Regensensor aktivieren    Deactivating     12
IDE01268-ENG115769-Windshield wiper-SRA bei Waschwassermangel    not active     12
IDE01268-ENG115767-Windshield wiper-SRA Einweichpausenzeit    0 ms    12
IDE01268-ENG115768-Windshield wiper-SRA Nachwaschzeit    0 ms    12
IDE01268-ENG116611-Windshield wiper-SRA Pausenzeit    0 ms    12
IDE01268-ENG116610-Windshield wiper-SRA Verzoegerungszeit    0 ms    12
IDE01268-ENG115766-Windshield wiper-SRA Waschzeit    0 ms    12
IDE01268-ENG116616-Windshield wiper-Tippwischen mit erhoehter Wischfrequenz    active     12
IDE01268-ENG116618-Windshield wiper-Traenenwischen Front Status    not active     12
IDE01268-ENG115770-Windshield wiper-Variable Regensensoraktivierung    not active     12
IDE01268-ENG126844-Windshield wiper-Washer_Tipwiping_Variant    0    12
IDE01268-ENG116613-Windshield wiper-Wischer abparken bei Oeffnen der Motorhaube    not active     12
IDE01268-ENG116612-Windshield wiper-Wischer stop bei KL15 aus    not active     12
IDE01268-ENG122185-Windshield wiper-Wischer Stopp bei Oeffnen der Motorhaube    not active     12
IDE01550-Service position    170.49 °    2
IDE02152-Characteristics in production mode    2000 ms    4
IDE02269-MAS04382-Acknowledgement signals-Optical feedback during locking    DELAY     4
IDE02269-ENG116666-Acknowledgement signals-Akustische Rueckmeldung entriegeln    active     4
IDE02269-ENG116669-Acknowledgement signals-Akustische Rueckmeldung global    active     4
IDE02269-ENG116670-Acknowledgement signals-Akustische Rueckmeldung Signalhorn    not active     4
IDE02269-ENG116667-Acknowledgement signals-Akustische Rueckmeldung verriegeln    active     4
IDE02269-ENG122187-Acknowledgement signals-Dauer der Akustischen Rueckmeldung vom Einfachhorn    short     4
IDE02269-ENG122188-Acknowledgement signals-Menuesteuerung akustische Rueckmeldung    active     4
IDE02269-ENG122995-Acknowledgement signals-Optische Rueckmeldung 3.Bremsleuchte    not active     4
IDE02269-ENG116668-Acknowledgement signals-Optische Rueckmeldung Komfortschliessen    active     4
IDE02332-Deactivate production mode    0    3
IDE02488-Anti-theft system interior monitoring    100%    1
IDE02711-ENG116690-Rear wiper-Automatisches Heckwischen    not active     8
IDE02711-ENG114947-Rear wiper-Heckwischer Weiterlauf    not active     8
IDE02711-ENG116692-Rear wiper-Kein automatisches Abparken    not active     8
IDE02711-ENG114946-Rear wiper-Komfortwischen Heck    active     8
IDE02711-ENG116695-Rear wiper-Komofortwischen Heck Intervallpausenzeit Stufe 1    5 s    8
IDE02711-ENG116696-Rear wiper-Komofortwischen Heck Intervallpausenzeit Stufe 2    3 s    8
IDE02711-ENG116694-Rear wiper-Komofortwischen Heck Intervallpausenzeit Stufe Automatik    7 s    8
IDE02711-ENG116693-Rear wiper-Komofortwischen Heck Intervallpausenzeit Stufe Intervall    7 s    8
IDE02711-ENG116689-Rear wiper-Menuesteuerung Komfortwischen HW    active     8
IDE02711-ENG116691-Rear wiper-Traenenwischen Heck    active     8
IDE02957-ENG115822-Ambient lighting-Defaultwert Ambienteprofil Fussraum    100%    8
IDE02957-ENG116685-Ambient lighting-Defaultwert Ambienteprofil Tuer    80%    8
IDE02957-ENG115823-Ambient lighting-Defaultwert Ambienteprofil Vorn    80%    8
IDE02957-ENG115824-Ambient lighting-Innenlichtinszenierung    Enabled     8
IDE02957-ENG116687-Ambient lighting-Tuerinnengriff mit Tuertafel    installed     8
IDE02957-ENG116686-Ambient lighting-Tuerinnengriffbeleuchtung mit I-Tafel    installed     8
IDE03638-IDE04231-Stationary cornering lamp-Steering wheel angle: offset    -63.75 °    14
IDE03638-ENG116677-Stationary cornering lamp-Abdimmgeschwindigkeit    50.00 %/s    14
IDE03638-ENG116673-Stationary cornering lamp-bei Rueckwaertsfahrt    double sided     14
IDE03638-ENG116675-Stationary cornering lamp-Lower speed threshold    0.00 km/h    14
IDE03638-ENG116682-Stationary cornering lamp-Maximaltemperatur    100.00 °C    14
IDE03638-ENG116679-Stationary cornering lamp-obere Grenztemperatur    95.00 °C    14
IDE03638-ENG116681-Stationary cornering lamp-Oberer Lenkradwinkel    120 °    14
IDE03638-ENG116680-Stationary cornering lamp-untere Grenztemperatur    80.00 °C    14
IDE03638-ENG116678-Stationary cornering lamp-Unterer Lenkradwinkel    180 °    14
IDE03638-ENG116676-Stationary cornering lamp-Upper speed threshold    40.00 km/h    14
IDE03638-ENG116674-Stationary cornering lamp-Vorschrift    ECE R119     14
IDE04923-ENG116590-Turn signal control-Blinkkontrolleuchte fuer Anhaenger    separte     8
IDE04923-ENG115774-Turn signal control-Komfortblinken    active     8
IDE04923-ENG116587-Turn signal control-Komfortblinken Blinkzyklen    3    8
IDE04923-ENG116589-Turn signal control-Signalprioritaet fuer Blinker    MFG     8
IDE04923-ENG116588-Turn signal control-Sonderfunktionen    not enabled     8
IDE04923-ENG115818-Turn signal control-Warnblinken bei Verdeckentriegelung    not active     8
IDE04923-ENG115819-Turn signal control-Warnblinktastersuchbeleuchtung Aktivierung    Always active     8
IDE04923-ENG115821-Turn signal control-Warnblinktastersuchbeleuchtung Faktor    0.1    8
IDE04923-ENG115820-Turn signal control-Warnblinktastersuchbeleuchtung Grundwert    10.00%    8
IDE04924-ENG116705-Driving light and parking light-Allwetterlicht Ausschaltgrenze    350 km/h    14
IDE04924-ENG116704-Driving light and parking light-Allwetterlicht Einschaltgrenze    350 km/h    14
IDE04924-ENG115858-Driving light and parking light-Kontrollleuchte fuer Begrenzungslicht    integriert in Suchbeleuchtung     14
IDE04924-ENG115861-Driving light and parking light-Lichthupe bei Zuendung aus moeglich    active     14
IDE04924-ENG115862-Driving light and parking light-Lichtwarnungsverhalten    klemmenabhaengig     14
IDE04924-ENG115863-Driving light and parking light-Menueeinstellung CHO LHO    Menuesteuerung Zeit aktivieren     14
IDE04924-ENG115782-Driving light and parking light-Nebelschlusslicht Warngeschwindigkeit    0 km/h    14
IDE04924-ENG115859-Driving light and parking light-Parklicht ueber LSS aktiviert    not active     14
IDE04924-ENG115831-Driving light and parking light-Schlusslicht mit Bremslichtfunktion    not active     14
IDE04924-ENG126816-Driving light and parking light-Standlicht aus    active     14
IDE04924-ENG115829-Driving light and parking light-Standlichtreduzierung mit beidseitigem Parklicht    not active     14
IDE04924-ENG122200-Driving light and parking light-Warnung Fahrt mit Standlicht    not active     14
IDE04924-ENG115860-Driving light and parking light-Zahl der aktiven Scheinwerfer auf 2 limitieren    limitieren     14
IDE04924-ENG115830-Driving light and parking light-Zeitwert Einschaltzeit Abbiegelicht    15 min    14
IDE04926-ENG115656-Comfort illumination-Coming Home Leuchten    Fog lamp     8
IDE04926-ENG116601-Comfort illumination-Coming Home Verbaustatus    automatic     8
IDE04926-ENG116604-Comfort illumination-Coming-home Einschaltereignis    Driver door     8
IDE04926-ENG116608-Comfort illumination-Helligkeitsschwelle Forward-Messung    46400 lx    8
IDE04926-ENG116605-Comfort illumination-Helligkeitsschwelle Infrarot-Messung    12 lx    8
IDE04926-ENG115657-Comfort illumination-Leaving-Home Verbausstatus    Enabled     8
IDE04926-ENG116603-Comfort illumination-Menueeinstellung Cominghome    20 seconds     8
IDE04926-ENG116607-Comfort illumination-Menueeinstellung Leaving-home Zeit per BAP    20 seconds     8
IDE04926-ENG116602-Comfort illumination-Menuesteuerung Coming Home Werkseinstellung    active     8
IDE04926-ENG116606-Comfort illumination-Menuesteuerung Leaving-home Freischaltung per BAP    active     8
IDE04927-IDE01446-Window heater-Running time of heated front window    240 s    8
IDE04927-ENG126847-Window heater-Abschalttemperatur fuer Frontscheibenheizung    35.00 °C    8
IDE04927-ENG126846-Window heater-Abschalttemperatur fuer Heckscheibenheizung    35.00 °C    8
IDE04927-ENG126845-Window heater-FSH Automatik    active     8
IDE04927-ENG115736-Window heater-Heckscheibenheizung Zeitwert    600 s    8
IDE04927-ENG116620-Window heater-Temperaturabhaengige Einschaltzeit FSH    active     8
IDE04927-ENG116619-Window heater-Temperaturabhaengige Einschaltzeit HSH    not active     8
IDE04928-ENG115867-Anti-theft protection-Akustischer Alarm Signalhorn    not active     4
IDE04928-ENG115864-Anti-theft protection-Alarmsignal    frequency modulated     4
IDE04928-ENG115865-Anti-theft protection-DWA Alarmverzoegerung    not active     4
IDE04928-ENG115812-Anti-theft protection-DWA Camper Modus    not active     4
IDE04928-ENG115866-Anti-theft protection-Sirenen Alarmzahl    1 Alarm     4
IDE04928-ENG126842-Anti-theft protection-Ueberwachung Innenentriegelungshebel    not active     4
IDE04928-ENG115868-Anti-theft protection-Verzoegerung Panikalarm    keine verzoegerung     4
IDE05142-ENG116628-Access control-Autolock Autounlock wirkt auf Heck    active     8
IDE05142-ENG116621-Access control-automatisches Entriegeln    active     8
IDE05142-ENG115756-Access control-automatisches Verriegeln bei Geschwindigkeit    active     8
IDE05142-ENG116706-Access control-Autounlock NAR    active     8
IDE05142-ENG116632-Access control-Bewusstes Safe mit 2. Betaetigung der FFB    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG116624-Access control-CAN Wecken bei Softtouchbetaetigung    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG125653-Access control-Deaktivierung_SAFE_ueber_DWA_Deaktivierungstaster    active     8
IDE05142-ENG115759-Access control-Direkter Auswurf des Heckdeckels    active     8
IDE05142-ENG115722-Access control-Electrical rear lid    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG126839-Access control-Entriegelungwunsch_verzoegert_waehrend_Zuziehvorgang    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG126837-Access control-Entsafen mit autorisierte Klemme 15 Ein    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG116707-Access control-Freigabenachlauf Heck nach Einzeloeffnung ueber HDF-Funktaster    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG115754-Access control-Funk bei Klemme 15 ein    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG116622-Access control-Geschwindigkeitsabhaengige Tankdeckelverriegelung    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG116627-Access control-Heckdeckel-Bedienstellen nachCrash temporaer sperren    active     8
IDE05142-ENG116633-Access control-Menuesteuerung Tuerentriegelung    active     8
IDE05142-ENG116634-Access control-Menuesteuerung ZV Autolock-Unlock    adjustable     8
IDE05142-ENG115761-Access control-Nach externer Verriegelung ist Heck noch zeitbegrenzt entriegelt    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG115755-Access control-Notschließfunktion    active     8
IDE05142-ENG116626-Access control-Oeffnung Heckdeckel bei Wiederentriegelung    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG116631-Access control-Schliessung der Schiebetuer bei geoeffneter Tankklappe    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG125652-Access control-Servoheck Schlossansteuerung    Always     8
IDE05142-ENG126838-Access control-Softtouch-Betaetigung senden    Always     8
IDE05142-ENG115758-Access control-Valet Parking    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG126840-Access control-Vorrastenhaenger_Freigabe    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG116630-Access control-Wiederholte Heckansteuerung beim Schliessen FT oder BT    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG116625-Access control-Wiederoeffnung Elektrische-Schiebetuer    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG115760-Access control-ZV entriegelt auch Heckdeckel    active     8
IDE05142-ENG116629-Access control-ZV Heck nur direkt auswerfen    not active     8
IDE05142-ENG116623-Access control-ZV Tuerentriegelung    Einzeltuerentriegelung     8
IDE05142-ENG116635-Access control-ZV-Entriegelung nach Seitencrash    not active     8
IDE05143-MAS02985-Writing parameter-Value    130    5
IDE05143-MAS04381-Writing parameter-Parameter address    FE 00 00     5
IDE05144-Read parameter address    FE 00 00     3
IDE05145-ENG115874-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 0    34    560
IDE05145-ENG115893-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 1    3E     560
IDE05145-ENG116063-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 10    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116082-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 11    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116101-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 12    38    560
IDE05145-ENG116120-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 13    42    560
IDE05145-ENG116139-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 14    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116158-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 15    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116177-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 16    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116196-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 17    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116215-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 18    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116234-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 19    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115911-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 2    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116253-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 20    13    560
IDE05145-ENG116272-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 21    23    560
IDE05145-ENG116291-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 22    29    560
IDE05145-ENG116310-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 23    0A     560
IDE05145-ENG116329-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 24    1A     560
IDE05145-ENG116348-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 25    28    560
IDE05145-ENG116367-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 26    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116386-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 27    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116405-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 28    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116424-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 29    1B     560
IDE05145-ENG115930-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 3    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116443-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 30    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116462-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 31    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116481-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 32    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116500-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 33    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116519-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 34    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115949-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 4    48    560
IDE05145-ENG115968-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 5    4C     560
IDE05145-ENG115987-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 6    36    560
IDE05145-ENG116006-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 7    40    560
IDE05145-ENG116025-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 8    37    560
IDE05145-ENG116044-Light configuration-BAP Bitposition 9    41    560
IDE05145-ENG115883-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 0    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115902-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 1    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116072-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 10    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116091-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 11    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116110-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 12    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116129-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 13    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116148-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 14    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116167-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 15    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116186-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 16    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116205-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 17    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116224-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 18    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116243-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 19    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115920-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 2    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116262-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 20    minimize     560
IDE05145-ENG116281-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 21    minimize     560
IDE05145-ENG116300-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 22    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116319-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 23    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116338-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 24    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116357-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 25    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116376-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 26    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116395-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 27    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116414-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 28    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116433-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 29    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115939-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 3    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116452-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 30    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116471-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 31    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116490-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 32    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116509-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 33    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116528-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 34    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115958-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 4    minimize     560
IDE05145-ENG115977-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 5    minimize     560
IDE05145-ENG115996-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 6    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116015-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 7    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116034-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 8    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116053-Light configuration-Dimming Direction CD 9    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115887-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 0    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115906-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 1    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116076-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 10    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116095-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 11    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116114-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 12    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116133-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 13    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116152-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 14    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116171-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 15    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116190-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 16    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116209-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 17    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116228-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 18    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116247-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 19    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115924-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 2    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116266-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 20    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116285-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 21    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116304-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 22    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116323-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 23    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116342-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 24    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116361-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 25    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116380-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 26    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116399-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 27    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116418-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 28    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116437-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 29    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115943-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 3    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116456-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 30    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116475-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 31    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116494-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 32    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116513-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 33    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116532-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 34    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115962-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 4    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115981-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 5    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116000-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 6    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116019-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 7    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116038-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 8    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116057-Light configuration-Dimming Direction EF 9    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115891-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 0    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115909-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 1    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116080-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 10    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116099-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 11    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116118-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 12    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116137-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 13    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116156-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 14    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116175-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 15    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116194-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 16    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116213-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 17    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116232-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 18    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116251-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 19    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115928-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 2    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116270-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 20    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116289-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 21    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116308-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 22    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116327-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 23    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116346-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 24    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116365-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 25    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116384-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 26    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116403-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 27    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116422-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 28    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116441-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 29    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115947-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 3    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116460-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 30    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116479-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 31    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116498-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 32    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116517-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 33    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116536-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 34    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115966-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 4    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115985-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 5    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116004-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 6    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116023-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 7    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116042-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 8    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG116061-Light configuration-Dimming Direction GH 9    maximize     560
IDE05145-ENG115878-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 0    100    560
IDE05145-ENG115897-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 1    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116067-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 10    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116086-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 11    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116105-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 12    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116124-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 13    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116143-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 14    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116162-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 15    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116181-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 16    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116200-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 17    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116219-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 18    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116238-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 19    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115915-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 2    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116257-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 20    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116276-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 21    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116295-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 22    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116314-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 23    28    560
IDE05145-ENG116333-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 24    28    560
IDE05145-ENG116352-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 25    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116371-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 26    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116390-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 27    28    560
IDE05145-ENG116409-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 28    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116428-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 29    100    560
IDE05145-ENG115934-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 3    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116447-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 30    127    560
IDE05145-ENG116466-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 31    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116485-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 32    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116504-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 33    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116523-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 34    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115953-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 4    100    560
IDE05145-ENG115972-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 5    100    560
IDE05145-ENG115991-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 6    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116010-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 7    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116029-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 8    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116048-Light configuration-Dimmwert AB 9    100    560
IDE05145-ENG115882-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 0    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115901-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 1    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116071-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 10    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116090-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 11    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116109-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 12    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116128-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 13    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116147-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 14    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116166-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 15    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116185-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 16    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116204-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 17    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116223-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 18    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116242-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 19    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115919-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 2    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116261-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 20    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116280-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 21    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116299-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 22    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116318-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 23    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116337-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 24    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116356-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 25    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116375-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 26    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116394-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 27    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116413-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 28    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116432-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 29    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115938-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 3    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116451-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 30    100    560
IDE05145-ENG116470-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 31    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116489-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 32    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116508-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 33    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116527-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 34    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115957-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 4    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115976-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 5    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115995-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 6    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116014-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 7    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116033-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 8    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116052-Light configuration-Dimmwert CD 9    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115886-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 0    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115905-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 1    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116075-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 10    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116094-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 11    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116113-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 12    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116132-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 13    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116151-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 14    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116170-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 15    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116189-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 16    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116208-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 17    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116227-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 18    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116246-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 19    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115923-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 2    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116265-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 20    28    560
IDE05145-ENG116284-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 21    28    560
IDE05145-ENG116303-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 22    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116322-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 23    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116341-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 24    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116360-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 25    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116379-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 26    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116398-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 27    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116417-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 28    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116436-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 29    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115942-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 3    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116455-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 30    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116474-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 31    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116493-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 32    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116512-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 33    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116531-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 34    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115961-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 4    31    560
IDE05145-ENG115980-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 5    31    560
IDE05145-ENG115999-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 6    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116018-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 7    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116037-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 8    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116056-Light configuration-Dimmwert EF 9    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115890-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 0    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115908-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 1    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116079-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 10    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116098-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 11    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116117-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 12    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116136-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 13    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116155-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 14    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116174-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 15    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116193-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 16    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116212-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 17    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116231-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 18    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116250-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 19    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115927-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 2    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116269-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 20    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116288-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 21    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116307-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 22    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116326-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 23    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116345-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 24    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116364-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 25    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116383-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 26    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116402-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 27    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116421-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 28    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116440-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 29    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115946-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 3    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116459-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 30    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116478-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 31    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116497-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 32    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116516-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 33    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116535-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 34    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115965-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 4    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115984-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 5    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116003-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 6    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116022-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 7    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116041-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 8    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116060-Light configuration-Dimmwert GH 9    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115875-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 0    14    560
IDE05145-ENG115894-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 1    15    560
IDE05145-ENG116064-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 10    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116083-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 11    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116102-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 12    22    560
IDE05145-ENG116121-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 13    23    560
IDE05145-ENG116140-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 14    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116159-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 15    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116178-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 16    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116197-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 17    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116216-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 18    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116235-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 19    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115912-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 2    45    560
IDE05145-ENG116254-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 20    3D     560
IDE05145-ENG116273-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 21    3E     560
IDE05145-ENG116292-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 22    2C     560
IDE05145-ENG116311-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 23    29    560
IDE05145-ENG116330-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 24    2A     560
IDE05145-ENG116349-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 25    30    560
IDE05145-ENG116368-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 26    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116387-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 27    47    560
IDE05145-ENG116406-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 28    31    560
IDE05145-ENG116425-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 29    32    560
IDE05145-ENG115931-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 3    46    560
IDE05145-ENG116444-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 30    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116463-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 31    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116482-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 32    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116501-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 33    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116520-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 34    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115950-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 4    43    560
IDE05145-ENG115969-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 5    44    560
IDE05145-ENG115988-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 6    1A     560
IDE05145-ENG116007-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 7    1B     560
IDE05145-ENG116026-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 8    1C     560
IDE05145-ENG116045-Light configuration-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 9    1D     560
IDE05145-ENG115873-Light configuration-Lasttyp 0    12 - Blinkleuchten     560
IDE05145-ENG115892-Light configuration-Lasttyp 1    12 - Blinkleuchten     560
IDE05145-ENG116062-Light configuration-Lasttyp 10    not active     560
IDE05145-ENG116081-Light configuration-Lasttyp 11    not active     560
IDE05145-ENG116100-Light configuration-Lasttyp 12    10 - allgemeine Scheinwerfer     560
IDE05145-ENG116119-Light configuration-Lasttyp 13    10 - allgemeine Scheinwerfer     560
IDE05145-ENG116138-Light configuration-Lasttyp 14    not active     560
IDE05145-ENG116157-Light configuration-Lasttyp 15    not active     560
IDE05145-ENG116176-Light configuration-Lasttyp 16    not active     560
IDE05145-ENG116195-Light configuration-Lasttyp 17    not active     560
IDE05145-ENG116214-Light configuration-Lasttyp 18    not active     560
IDE05145-ENG116233-Light configuration-Lasttyp 19    not active     560
IDE05145-ENG115910-Light configuration-Lasttyp 2    not active     560
IDE05145-ENG116252-Light configuration-Lasttyp 20    34 - LED Bremsleuchten     560
IDE05145-ENG116271-Light configuration-Lasttyp 21    34 - LED Bremsleuchten     560
IDE05145-ENG116290-Light configuration-Lasttyp 22    42 - LED dritte Bremsleuchte     560
IDE05145-ENG116309-Light configuration-Lasttyp 23    38 - LED Blinkleuchten     560
IDE05145-ENG116328-Light configuration-Lasttyp 24    38 - LED Blinkleuchten     560
IDE05145-ENG116347-Light configuration-Lasttyp 25    18 - 2* 5W     560
IDE05145-ENG116366-Light configuration-Lasttyp 26    not active     560
IDE05145-ENG116385-Light configuration-Lasttyp 27    32 - allgemeine LED bis 12W     560
IDE05145-ENG116404-Light configuration-Lasttyp 28    32 - allgemeine LED bis 12W     560
IDE05145-ENG116423-Light configuration-Lasttyp 29    9 - allgemeine Glühlampe 27W: auch H15     560
IDE05145-ENG115929-Light configuration-Lasttyp 3    not active     560
IDE05145-ENG116442-Light configuration-Lasttyp 30    18 - 2* 5W     560
IDE05145-ENG116461-Light configuration-Lasttyp 31    not active     560
IDE05145-ENG116480-Light configuration-Lasttyp 32    not active     560
IDE05145-ENG116499-Light configuration-Lasttyp 33    not active     560
IDE05145-ENG116518-Light configuration-Lasttyp 34    not active     560
IDE05145-ENG115948-Light configuration-Lasttyp 4    9 - allgemeine Glühlampe 27W: auch H15     560
IDE05145-ENG115967-Light configuration-Lasttyp 5    9 - allgemeine Glühlampe 27W: auch H15     560
IDE05145-ENG115986-Light configuration-Lasttyp 6    11 - Abblendlicht     560
IDE05145-ENG116005-Light configuration-Lasttyp 7    11 - Abblendlicht     560
IDE05145-ENG116024-Light configuration-Lasttyp 8    10 - allgemeine Scheinwerfer     560
IDE05145-ENG116043-Light configuration-Lasttyp 9    10 - allgemeine Scheinwerfer     560
IDE05145-ENG115879-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 0    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG115898-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 1    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116068-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 10    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116087-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 11    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116106-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 12    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116125-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 13    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116144-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 14    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116163-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 15    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116182-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 16    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116201-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 17    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116220-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 18    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116239-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 19    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG115916-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 2    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116258-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 20    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116277-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 21    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116296-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 22    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116315-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 23    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116334-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 24    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116353-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 25    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116372-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 26    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116391-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 27    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116410-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 28    only_if_closed     560
IDE05145-ENG116430-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 29    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG115935-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 3    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116448-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 30    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116467-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 31    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116486-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 32    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116505-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 33    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116524-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 34    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG115954-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 4    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG115973-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 5    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG115992-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 6    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116011-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 7    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116030-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 8    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116049-Light configuration-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 9    Always     560
IDE05145-ENG116199-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion  B 17    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116126-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion  C 13    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115876-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 0    2    560
IDE05145-ENG115895-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 1    4    560
IDE05145-ENG116065-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 10    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116084-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 11    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116103-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 12    18    560
IDE05145-ENG116122-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 13    19    560
IDE05145-ENG116141-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 14    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116160-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 15    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116179-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 16    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116198-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 17    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116217-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 18    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116236-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 19    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115913-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 2    8    560
IDE05145-ENG116255-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 20    24    560
IDE05145-ENG116274-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 21    24    560
IDE05145-ENG116293-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 22    24    560
IDE05145-ENG116312-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 23    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116331-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 24    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116350-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 25    8    560
IDE05145-ENG116369-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 26    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116388-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 27    8    560
IDE05145-ENG116407-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 28    63    560
IDE05145-ENG116426-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 29    25    560
IDE05145-ENG115932-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 3    8    560
IDE05145-ENG116445-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 30    43    560
IDE05145-ENG116464-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 31    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116483-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 32    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116502-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 33    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116521-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 34    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115951-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 4    20    560
IDE05145-ENG115970-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 5    20    560
IDE05145-ENG115989-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 6    11    560
IDE05145-ENG116008-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 7    12    560
IDE05145-ENG116027-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 8    13    560
IDE05145-ENG116046-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion A 9    14    560
IDE05145-ENG115877-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 0    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115896-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 1    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116066-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 10    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116085-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 11    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116104-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 12    22    560
IDE05145-ENG116123-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 13    23    560
IDE05145-ENG116142-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 14    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116161-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 15    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116180-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 16    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116218-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 18    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116237-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 19    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115914-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 2    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116256-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 20    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116275-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 21    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116294-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 22    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116313-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 23    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116332-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 24    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116351-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 25    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116370-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 26    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116389-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 27    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116408-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 28    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116427-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 29    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115933-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 3    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116446-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 30    38    560
IDE05145-ENG116465-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 31    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116484-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 32    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116503-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 33    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116522-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 34    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115952-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 4    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115971-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 5    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115990-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 6    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116009-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 7    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116028-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 8    15    560
IDE05145-ENG116047-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion B 9    15    560
IDE05145-ENG115880-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 0    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115899-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 1    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116069-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 10    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116088-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 11    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116107-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 12    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116145-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 14    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116164-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 15    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116183-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 16    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116202-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 17    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116221-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 18    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116240-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 19    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115917-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 2    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116259-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 20    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116278-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 21    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116297-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 22    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116316-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 23    2    560
IDE05145-ENG116335-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 24    4    560
IDE05145-ENG116354-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 25    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116373-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 26    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116392-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 27    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116411-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 28    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116429-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 29    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115936-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 3    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116449-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 30    41    560
IDE05145-ENG116468-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 31    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116487-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 32    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116506-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 33    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116525-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 34    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115955-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 4    6    560
IDE05145-ENG115974-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 5    7    560
IDE05145-ENG115993-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 6    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116012-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 7    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116031-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 8    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116050-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion C 9    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115881-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 0    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115900-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 1    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116070-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 10    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116089-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 11    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116108-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 12    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116127-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 13    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116146-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 14    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116165-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 15    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116184-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 16    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116203-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 17    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116222-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 18    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116241-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 19    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115918-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 2    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116260-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 20    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116279-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 21    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116298-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 22    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116317-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 23    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116336-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 24    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116355-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 25    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116374-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 26    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116393-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 27    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116412-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 28    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116431-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 29    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115937-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 3    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116450-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 30    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116469-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 31    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116488-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 32    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116507-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 33    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116526-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 34    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115956-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 4    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115975-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 5    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115994-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 6    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116013-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 7    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116032-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 8    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116051-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion D 9    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115884-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 0    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115903-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 1    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116073-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 10    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116092-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 11    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116111-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 12    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116130-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 13    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116149-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 14    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116168-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 15    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116187-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 16    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116206-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 17    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116225-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 18    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116244-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 19    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115921-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 2    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116263-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 20    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116282-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 21    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116301-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 22    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116320-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 23    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116339-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 24    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116358-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 25    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116377-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 26    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116396-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 27    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116415-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 28    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116434-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 29    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115940-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 3    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116453-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 30    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116472-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 31    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116491-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 32    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116510-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 33    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116529-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 34    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115959-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 4    8    560
IDE05145-ENG115978-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 5    8    560
IDE05145-ENG115997-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 6    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116016-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 7    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116035-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 8    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116054-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion E 9    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115885-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 0    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115904-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 1    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116074-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 10    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116093-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 11    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116112-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 12    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116131-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 13    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116150-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 14    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116169-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 15    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116188-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 16    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116207-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 17    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116226-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 18    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116245-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 19    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115922-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 2    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116264-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 20    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116283-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 21    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116302-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 22    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116321-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 23    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116340-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 24    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116359-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 25    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116378-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 26    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116397-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 27    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116416-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 28    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116435-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 29    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116454-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 30    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116473-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 31    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116492-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 32    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116511-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 33    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116530-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 34    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115960-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 4    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115998-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 6    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116017-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 7    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116036-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 8    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116055-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F 9    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115941-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F3    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115979-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion F5    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115888-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 0    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115907-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 1    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116077-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 10    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116096-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 11    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116115-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 12    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116134-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 13    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116153-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 14    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116172-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 15    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116191-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 16    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116210-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 17    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116229-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 18    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116248-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 19    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115925-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 2    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116267-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 20    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116286-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 21    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116305-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 22    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116324-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 23    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116343-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 24    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116362-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 25    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116381-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 26    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116400-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 27    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116419-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 28    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116438-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 29    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115944-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 3    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116457-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 30    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116476-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 31    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116495-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 32    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116514-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 33    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116533-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 34    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115963-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 4    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115982-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 5    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116001-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 6    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116020-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 7    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116039-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 8    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116058-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion G 9    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115889-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 0    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116549-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 1    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116078-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 10    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116097-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 11    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116116-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 12    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116135-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 13    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116154-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 14    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116173-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 15    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116192-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 16    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116211-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 17    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116230-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 18    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116249-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 19    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115926-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 2    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116268-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 20    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116287-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 21    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116306-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 22    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116325-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 23    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116344-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 24    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116363-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 25    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116382-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 26    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116401-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 27    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116420-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 28    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116439-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 29    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115945-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 3    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116458-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 30    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116477-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 31    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116496-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 32    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116515-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 33    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116534-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 34    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115964-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 4    0    560
IDE05145-ENG115983-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 5    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116002-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 6    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116021-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 7    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116040-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 8    0    560
IDE05145-ENG116059-Light configuration-Lichtfunktion H 9    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154438-Light configuration-Reserved 0    0    560
IDE05145-ENG99841-Light configuration-Reserved 1    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154357-Light configuration-Reserved 10    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154352-Light configuration-Reserved 11    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154182-Light configuration-Reserved 12    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154265-Light configuration-Reserved 13    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154334-Light configuration-Reserved 14    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154340-Light configuration-Reserved 15    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154204-Light configuration-Reserved 16    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154344-Light configuration-Reserved 17    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154195-Light configuration-Reserved 18    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154190-Light configuration-Reserved 19    0    560
IDE05145-ENG99862-Light configuration-Reserved 2    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154300-Light configuration-Reserved 20    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154439-Light configuration-Reserved 21    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154440-Light configuration-Reserved 22    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154441-Light configuration-Reserved 23    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154442-Light configuration-Reserved 24    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154443-Light configuration-Reserved 25    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154444-Light configuration-Reserved 26    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154445-Light configuration-Reserved 27    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154446-Light configuration-Reserved 28    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154447-Light configuration-Reserved 29    0    560
IDE05145-ENG101107-Light configuration-Reserved 3    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154448-Light configuration-Reserved 30    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154449-Light configuration-Reserved 31    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154450-Light configuration-Reserved 32    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154451-Light configuration-Reserved 33    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154452-Light configuration-Reserved 34    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154267-Light configuration-Reserved 4    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154291-Light configuration-Reserved 5    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154239-Light configuration-Reserved 6    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154308-Light configuration-Reserved 7    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154184-Light configuration-Reserved 8    0    560
IDE05145-ENG154255-Light configuration-Reserved 9    0    560
IDE05822-Anti-theft alarm system vehicle inclination sensor    100%    1
IDE05823-DWA Interior monitoring parameter set    01 0A 08 00 43 63 0A C8 01 14 0A 03 81 33 0C 00 00 00 01 CD 46 06 1C 0F 1E 00 85 0F 39 F7 64 23 55 42 57 9B 25 44 3F 3A 29 27 95 2D 09 A3 02 7A 06 56 00 0F 17 00 89 10 2F F7 69 0F E3 42 87 9B 05 34 3F 3A 69 58 03 0D 09 A3 03 44 46 2A 00 0F 1C 00 88 0E 2F E7 69 1E 65 42 77 9B 05 24 3F 3A 69 47 03 0D 09 A3 04 FF F6 46 00 0F 1E 00 85 1E 32 F7 44 0C 42 20 57 94 05 24 3F 3A 69 58 02 04 09 A3 05 34 26 19 15 0C 12 18 86 09 26 33 67 23 45 42 57 9B 25 24 0C FA 0A 34 95 2D 09 A3 21 03 00 02 02 02 02 02 02 B1 40 71 28 F1     172
IDE06089-ENG116683-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Filterkonstante fuer Waermefluss    1 s    24
IDE06089-ENG116684-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Regeltemperaturkorrektur bei Waermefluss    0.00 °C    24
IDE06089-ENG115738-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 1 obere Schaltschwelle    22.50 °C    24
IDE06089-ENG115737-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 1 untere Schaltschwelle    21.50 °C    24
IDE06089-ENG115740-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 2 obere Schaltschwelle    22.50 °C    24
IDE06089-ENG115739-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 2 untere Schaltschwelle    21.50 °C    24
IDE06089-ENG115742-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 3 obere Schaltschwelle    36.00 °C    24
IDE06089-ENG115741-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 3 untere Schaltschwelle    35.00 °C    24
IDE06089-ENG115744-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 4 obere Schaltschwelle    36.00 °C    24
IDE06089-ENG115743-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 4 untere Schaltschwelle    35.00 °C    24
IDE06089-ENG115746-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 5 obere Schaltschwelle    53.50 °C    24
IDE06089-ENG115745-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 5 untere Schaltschwelle    52.50 °C    24
IDE06089-ENG115748-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 6 obere Schaltschwelle    53.50 °C    24
IDE06089-ENG115747-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 6 untere Schaltschwelle    52.50 °C    24
IDE06096-ENG116596-Interior lights-Innenlicht bei offenem Heckdeckel einschalten    active     8
IDE06096-ENG116597-Interior lights-KL30G ohne PWM    not active     8
IDE06096-ENG116598-Interior lights-KL58 Einschalten mit Rampe    not active     8
IDE06096-ENG116599-Interior lights-KL58 Verriegelungsausschalten    not active     8
IDE06096-ENG116600-Interior lights-Lichtsensor wirkt auf Suchbeleuchtung    active     8
IDE06096-ENG115631-Interior lights-Suchbeleuchtung Festwert    100%    8
IDE06425-Dynamometer mode: functional    not active     1
IDE06864-ENG115833-Daytime running lamps-Fahrlicht bei Tag    Daytime running lamps     4
IDE06864-ENG115832-Daytime running lamps-Scheinwerferferreinigungsansteuerung und Abblendlichtanzeige bei Dauerfahrlicht    not active     4
IDE06864-ENG116592-Daytime running lamps-Standlicht aktiviert zusaetzlich Tagfahrlicht    active     4
IDE06864-ENG116594-Daytime running lamps-Tagfahrlicht Aktivierung durch BAP oder Bedienfolge moeglich    active     4
IDE06864-ENG122184-Daytime running lamps-Tagfahrlicht Dauerfahrlicht bei Handbremse abschalten    active     4
IDE06864-ENG115734-Daytime running lamps-Tagfahrlicht nur in Schalterstellung AUTO    not active     4
IDE06864-ENG116593-Daytime running lamps-Tagfahrlicht-Dauerfahrlicht aktiviert zusaetzlich Standlicht    not active     4
IDE06864-ENG115733-Daytime running lamps-Tagfahrlichtkontrollleuchte    not active     4
IDE06864-ENG116591-Daytime running lamps-Werkseinstellung fuer Tagfahrlicht Freischaltung BAP / Bedienfolge    active     4
IDE07356-Position during interval mode    31.49 °    2
IDE07470-ENG116719-After-run for park light-Bedingungen zur Beendigung des Standlichtnachlaufs    abschalten nach der Nachlaufzeit     12
IDE07470-ENG116720-After-run for park light-Standlicht-Nachlaufzeit    30 min    12
IDE08542-IDE02021-Access control 2-Comfort closing    active     8
IDE08542-IDE02022-Access control 2-Comfort opening    active     8
IDE08542-ENG128459-Access control 2-easycloselight_aktiv    not active     8
IDE08542-ENG116663-Access control 2-Fahrertuerbedienung Fensterheber oeffnen    active     8
IDE08542-ENG116664-Access control 2-Fahrertuerbedienung Fensterheber schliessen    not active     8
IDE08542-ENG116662-Access control 2-FH SAD Kl15Aus Freigabezeit    600 s    8
IDE08542-ENG116648-Access control 2-Freigabenachlauf FH bei Kl 15 aus    active     8
IDE08542-ENG122993-Access control 2-Freigabenachlauf FH bei Tueroeffnen abbrechen    active     8
IDE08542-ENG116652-Access control 2-Funk Komfort oeffnen    active     8
IDE08542-ENG116651-Access control 2-Funk Komfort schliessen    active     8
IDE08542-ENG116658-Access control 2-Funk Spiegelanklappen    active     8
IDE08542-ENG116665-Access control 2-Funk Spiegelanklappung Modus    by look command via remote control key     8
IDE08542-ENG116653-Access control 2-Kessy Komfort oeffnen    not active     8
IDE08542-ENG116654-Access control 2-Kessy Komfort schliessen    active     8
IDE08542-ENG116655-Access control 2-Kessy Komfortbedienung Reichweitenbegrenzung    not active     8
IDE08542-ENG115670-Access control 2-Komfortbedienung global    active     8
IDE08542-ENG116642-Access control 2-Komfortoeffnen nur FH Fahrertuer    not active     8
IDE08542-ENG116660-Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Funk Spiegel anklappen    active     8
IDE08542-ENG122994-Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Komfortbedienung einstellbar    adjustable     8
IDE08542-ENG122186-Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Regenschliessen    active     8
IDE08542-ENG116657-Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Spiegelabsenkung    active     8
IDE08542-ENG116659-Access control 2-Menuesteuerung synchrone Spiegelverstellung    not active     8
IDE08542-ENG125654-Access control 2-Nachsaven_nach_Verdecklauf    not active     8
IDE08542-ENG126841-Access control 2-Profilfunktion fuer Anklappung der Aussenspiegel    active     8
IDE08542-ENG125656-Access control 2-Regenschliessen_art    Permanent     8
IDE08542-ENG125655-Access control 2-Regenschliessen_ein_aus    active     8
IDE08542-ENG125657-Access control 2-Remote_Unlock_Lock    Via ZV-Absicherung Light     8
IDE08542-ENG116647-Access control 2-SAD Komfort oeffnen    not active     8
IDE08542-ENG116646-Access control 2-SAD Komfort schliessen    not active     8
IDE08542-ENG116661-Access control 2-SAD PreCrash Konturschliessen    not active     8
IDE08542-ENG116645-Access control 2-SAD Richtung Komfortoeffnen    tilting     8
IDE08542-ENG116643-Access control 2-Schliesszylinder Komfort oeffnen    not active     8
IDE08542-ENG116644-Access control 2-Schliesszylinder Komfort schliessen    not active     8
IDE08542-ENG126610-Access control 2-Signalisierung_Spiegelanklappung    active     8
IDE08542-ENG116650-Access control 2-Spiegelabsenkung bei Rueckwaertsfahrt    active     8
IDE08542-ENG116656-Access control 2-Spiegelverstellung Synchron    not active     8
IDE08542-ENG115869-Access control 2-Virtuelles_Pedal    not active     8
IDE08542-ENG126611-Access control 2-virtuelles_pedal_HMI_einstellbar    not active     8
IDE08786-ENG116640-Assistance light functions-AFL Zeitverzoegerung    0 ms    8
IDE08786-ENG115723-Assistance light functions-Assistenzfahrlicht bei Regen    active     8
IDE08786-ENG130581-Assistance light functions-Fahrlicht_Hinweis_mehrfach    not active     8
IDE08786-ENG126818-Assistance light functions-Fahrlichtwarnung_Hinweis_Konfig    kein_Hinweis     8
IDE08786-ENG116639-Assistance light functions-Fernlichtassistent Reset    not active     8
IDE08786-ENG116638-Assistance light functions-Fernlichtassistent Zeitverzoegerungswert    0 ms    8
IDE08786-ENG115724-Assistance light functions-Lichtsensorempfindlichkeit    sensitive     8
IDE08786-ENG126628-Assistance light functions-LS_Error_Ausgabe    not active     8
IDE08786-ENG116637-Assistance light functions-Menuesteuerung Fernlichtassistent    present     8
IDE08786-ENG116641-Assistance light functions-Menuesteuerung Fernlichtassistent Werkseinstellung    present     8
IDE08786-ENG116636-Assistance light functions-Notbremsanzeige NBA    not active     8
IDE08786-ENG126817-Assistance light functions-Umfeldleuchte als Manoevrierleuchte    not active     8
IDE08787-ENG115810-Auxiliary functions-Klemmenfehler auf CAN ausgeben    active     2
IDE08787-ENG101416-Auxiliary functions-Reserved_1    not active     2
IDE08787-ENG99458-Auxiliary functions-Reserved_2    not active     2
IDE08787-ENG115809-Auxiliary functions-Signalhorn ohne KL15    active     2
IDE08787-ENG116672-Auxiliary functions-Spoiler Einfahrunterdrueckung nach manuellem Ausfahren    not active     2
IDE08787-ENG116671-Auxiliary functions-Spoiler Komfortsenken des Spoiler ueber Schliesszylinder FT    not active     2
IDE08788-ENG122212-Dyn. turn signal modes-ABBA_Blinken    not active     4
IDE08788-ENG121966-Dyn. turn signal modes-Crash flashing    not active     4
IDE08788-ENG122207-Dyn. turn signal modes-DWA_Alarm_Blinken    not active     4
IDE08788-ENG122206-Dyn. turn signal modes-DWA_Schaerfungsquittung    not active     4
IDE08788-ENG126819-Dyn. turn signal modes-Emergency_alert_blinken    not active     4
IDE08788-ENG122208-Dyn. turn signal modes-Multi_kollisions_Blinken    not active     4
IDE08788-ENG122209-Dyn. turn signal modes-Notwarn_blinken_NBA_Phase_2    not active     4
IDE08788-ENG121967-Dyn. turn signal modes-Panic flashing    not active     4
IDE08788-ENG122211-Dyn. turn signal modes-Richtungs_blinken_links    active     4
IDE08788-ENG122210-Dyn. turn signal modes-Richtungs_blinken_rechts    active     4
IDE08788-ENG122201-Dyn. turn signal modes-Schluessel_Anlern_Blinken    not active     4
IDE08788-ENG121968-Dyn. turn signal modes-Taxi alarm flashing    not active     4
IDE08788-ENG126629-Dyn. turn signal modes-Telematikblinken1_STS_Blinken Telematikblinken2_OCU_Blinken    not active     4
IDE08788-ENG122202-Dyn. turn signal modes-UGDO_ Anlern_Blinken    not active     4
IDE08788-ENG122214-Dyn. turn signal modes-Warnblinken_Zuendung_AUS    active     4
IDE08788-ENG122213-Dyn. turn signal modes-Warnblinken_Zuendung_EIN    active     4
IDE08788-ENG122204-Dyn. turn signal modes-ZV_Blinken_auf    active     4
IDE08788-ENG122203-Dyn. turn signal modes-ZV_Blinken_zu    active     4
IDE09595-ENG115658-Characteristic curve-x0    0 lx    18
IDE09595-ENG101574-Characteristic curve-X1    2000 lx    18
IDE09595-ENG99557-Characteristic curve-X2    4000 lx    18
IDE09595-ENG102140-Characteristic curve-X3    6000 lx    18
IDE09595-ENG102936-Characteristic curve-X4    8000 lx    18
IDE09595-ENG103548-Characteristic curve-X5    10200 lx    18
IDE09595-ENG148955-Characteristic curve-y1_0    0    18
IDE09595-ENG148956-Characteristic curve-y1_1    40    18
IDE09595-ENG148957-Characteristic curve-y1_2    90    18
IDE09595-ENG148958-Characteristic curve-y1_3    140    18
IDE09595-ENG148959-Characteristic curve-y1_4    190    18
IDE09595-ENG148960-Characteristic curve-y1_5    245    18
IDE09595-ENG148961-Characteristic curve-y2_0    0    18
IDE09595-ENG148962-Characteristic curve-y2_1    60    18
IDE09595-ENG148963-Characteristic curve-y2_2    110    18
IDE09595-ENG148964-Characteristic curve-y2_3    160    18
IDE09595-ENG148965-Characteristic curve-y2_4    210    18
IDE09595-ENG148966-Characteristic curve-y2_5    255    18
IDE09731-ENG125014-Int. light: 2nd generation-Aufloesung Dimmzeit    0.50 s    20
IDE09731-ENG125024-Int. light: 2nd generation-BAP Farbwert Farbe 1    1    20
IDE09731-ENG125025-Int. light: 2nd generation-BAP Farbwert Farbe 2    4    20
IDE09731-ENG125026-Int. light: 2nd generation-BAP Farbwert Farbe 3    5    20
IDE09731-ENG126827-Int. light: 2nd generation-Blauwert Farbe 1    10    20
IDE09731-ENG126830-Int. light: 2nd generation-Blauwert Farbe 2    10    20
IDE09731-ENG126833-Int. light: 2nd generation-Blauwert Farbe 3    255    20
IDE09731-ENG125018-Int. light: 2nd generation-Cockpitbeleuchtung mehrfarbig    active     20
IDE09731-ENG125021-Int. light: 2nd generation-Dachbeleuchtung mehrfarbig    active     20
IDE09731-ENG125028-Int. light: 2nd generation-Defaultwert Ambienteprofil Dach    80%    20
IDE09731-ENG125029-Int. light: 2nd generation-Defaultwert Ambienteprofil Farbe    8    20
IDE09731-ENG125027-Int. light: 2nd generation-Defaultwert Ambienteprofil Mittelkonsole    80%    20
IDE09731-ENG125641-Int. light: 2nd generation-Farbausgabe Cockpitbeleuchtung nicht berechnen    active     20
IDE09731-ENG125644-Int. light: 2nd generation-Farbausgabe Dachbeleuchtung nicht berechnen    active     20
IDE09731-ENG125640-Int. light: 2nd generation-Farbausgabe Instrumententafelbeleuchtung nicht berechnen    active     20
IDE09731-ENG125642-Int. light: 2nd generation-Farbausgabe Lautsprecherbeleuchtung nicht berechnen    active     20
IDE09731-ENG125643-Int. light: 2nd generation-Farbausgabe Mittelkonsolenbeleuchtung nicht berechnen    not active     20
IDE09731-ENG125645-Int. light: 2nd generation-Farbausgabe Panoramaschiebedachbeleuchtung nicht berechnen    active     20
IDE09731-ENG125639-Int. light: 2nd generation-Farbausgabe Tuertafelbeleuchtung nicht berechnen    not active     20
IDE09731-ENG126826-Int. light: 2nd generation-Gruenwert Farbe 1    10    20
IDE09731-ENG126829-Int. light: 2nd generation-Gruenwert Farbe 2    255    20
IDE09731-ENG126832-Int. light: 2nd generation-Gruenwert Farbe 3    10    20
IDE09731-ENG125634-Int. light: 2nd generation-Helligkeit Cockpitbeleuchtung nicht berechnen    not active     20
IDE09731-ENG125637-Int. light: 2nd generation-Helligkeit Dachbeleuchtung nicht berechnen    active     20
IDE09731-ENG125633-Int. light: 2nd generation-Helligkeit Instrumententafelbeleuchtung nicht berechnen    active     20
IDE09731-ENG125635-Int. light: 2nd generation-Helligkeit Lautsprecherbeleuchtung nicht berechnen    not active     20
IDE09731-ENG125636-Int. light: 2nd generation-Helligkeit Mittelkonsolenbeleuchtung nicht berechnen    active     20
IDE09731-ENG125638-Int. light: 2nd generation-Helligkeit Panoramaschiebedachbeleuchtung nicht berechnen    active     20
IDE09731-ENG126824-Int. light: 2nd generation-Helligkeit Tuertafelbeleuchtung nicht berechnen    not active     20
IDE09731-ENG125017-Int. light: 2nd generation-Instrumententafelbeleuchtung mehrfarbig    active     20
IDE09731-ENG125019-Int. light: 2nd generation-Lautsprecherbeleuchtung mehrfarbig    not active     20
IDE09731-ENG125020-Int. light: 2nd generation-Mittelkonsolenbeleuchtung mehrfarbig    not active     20
IDE09731-ENG125023-Int. light: 2nd generation-Panoramaschiebedachbeleuchtung bei geoeffnetem Rollo deaktivieren    not active     20
IDE09731-ENG125022-Int. light: 2nd generation-Panoramaschiebedachbeleuchtung mehrfarbig    not active     20
IDE09731-ENG126825-Int. light: 2nd generation-Rotwert Farbe 1    255    20
IDE09731-ENG126828-Int. light: 2nd generation-Rotwert Farbe 2    10    20
IDE09731-ENG126831-Int. light: 2nd generation-Rotwert Farbe 3    10    20
IDE09731-ENG125016-Int. light: 2nd generation-Tuertafelbeleuchtung mehrfarbig    active     20
IDE09731-ENG125015-Int. light: 2nd generation-weicher Farbwechsel    active     20
IDE09732-ENG115870-Interior light: light configuration-Ambiente_Applikationsleisten_in_Instrumententafel    installed     2
IDE09732-ENG115871-Interior light: light configuration-Ambiente_Applikationsleisten_in_Tuertafel    installed     2
IDE09732-ENG115872-Interior light: light configuration-Ambiente_Lautsprecher    not installed     2
IDE09732-ENG126836-Interior light: light configuration-Ambientemenue mit alle Zonen    active     2
IDE09732-ENG126835-Interior light: light configuration-Ambientemenue mit globalem aus    active     2
IDE09732-ENG125646-Interior light: light configuration-Cockpitbeleuchtung    installed     2
IDE09732-ENG125648-Interior light: light configuration-Dachbeleuchtung    installed     2
IDE09732-ENG125651-Interior light: light configuration-Farbwahl ueber Fahrprofil    installed     2
IDE09732-ENG125650-Interior light: light configuration-Farbwahl ueber HMI    installed     2
IDE09732-ENG114629-Interior light: light configuration-Footwell lighting    installed     2
IDE09732-ENG126834-Interior light: light configuration-LIN-Dachkonsole lokal aktivierbar    not active     2
IDE09732-ENG125647-Interior light: light configuration-Mittelkonsolenbeleuchtung    installed     2
IDE09732-ENG125649-Interior light: light configuration-Panoramaschiebedachbeleuchtung    not installed     2
IDE09733-ENG147407-LED bar setting values-Filterzeit Anpassung    3000 ms    10
IDE09733-ENG147406-LED bar setting values-Filterzeit Umgebungshelligkeit    1000 ms    10
IDE09733-ENG147405-LED bar setting values-Lockout time    0 s    10
IDE09733-ENG148967-LED bar setting values-Maximale Dauer fuer konstante Anzeige    0 s    10
IDE09733-ENG148968-LED bar setting values-Maximale Helligkeitsdifferenz    25    10
IDE09733-ENG148971-LED bar setting values-Schwellwert Plausibilisierung Kombi-Fototransistor    0    10
IDE09733-ENG148969-LED bar setting values-Schwellwert Plausibilisierung RLS    393210 lx    10
IDE09733-ENG148970-LED bar setting values-Schwellwert Plausibilisierung SLS    393210 lx    10
IDE09761-ENG126617-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_1_Lehne    30%    12
IDE09761-ENG126616-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_1_Sitz    25%    12
IDE09761-ENG126619-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_2_Lehne    30%    12
IDE09761-ENG126618-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_2_Sitz    25%    12
IDE09761-ENG126621-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_3_Lehne    58%    12
IDE09761-ENG126620-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_3_Sitz    53%    12
IDE09761-ENG126623-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_4_Lehne    58%    12
IDE09761-ENG126622-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_4_Sitz    53%    12
IDE09761-ENG126625-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_5_Lehne    85%    12
IDE09761-ENG126624-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_5_Sitz    80%    12
IDE09761-ENG126627-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_6_Lehne    85%    12
IDE09761-ENG126626-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_6_Sitz    80%    12
IDE10298-Alternating park position 1    7.49 °    2
IDE10299-Alternating park position 2    29.49 °    2
IDE11477-ENG128587-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_cockpit    1    256
IDE11477-ENG128619-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_dach    1    256
IDE11477-ENG128539-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_fussraum    1    256
IDE11477-ENG128571-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_itafel    1    256
IDE11477-ENG128555-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_lautsprecher    1    256
IDE11477-ENG128603-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_miko    1    256
IDE11477-ENG128635-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_psd    1    256
IDE11477-ENG128523-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_tuer    1    256
IDE11477-ENG128659-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambientelicht_verbauinformation_HMI    5    256
IDE11477-ENG128660-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambientelicht_verbauinformation_HMI_2    85    256
IDE11477-ENG128661-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambientelicht_verbauinformation_HMI_3    0    256
IDE11477-ENG128662-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambientelicht_verbauinformation_HMI_4    0    256
IDE11477-ENG128655-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambienteumfang_mehrfarbig_HMI    255    256
IDE11477-ENG128656-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambienteumfang_mehrfarbig_HMI_2    255    256
IDE11477-ENG128657-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambienteumfang_mehrfarbig_HMI_3    255    256
IDE11477-ENG128658-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambienteumfang_mehrfarbig_HMI_4    255    256
IDE11477-ENG128652-Interior lighting: parameter-p_dimmfaktor_farbwechsel_ab    1    256
IDE11477-ENG128651-Interior lighting: parameter-p_dimmfaktor_farbwechsel_auf    1    256
IDE11477-ENG128654-Interior lighting: parameter-p_farbauswahl_HMI    127    256
IDE11477-ENG128653-Interior lighting: parameter-p_farbwechsel_delay    0    256
IDE11477-ENG128596-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_cockpit    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128628-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_dach    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128548-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_fussraum    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128516-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_innenlicht    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128580-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_itafel    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128564-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_lautsprecher    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128612-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_miko    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128644-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_psd    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128532-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_tueren    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128593-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_cockpit    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128625-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_dach    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128545-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_fussraum    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128513-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_innenlicht    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128577-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_itafel    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128561-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_lautsprecher    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128609-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_miko    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128641-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_psd    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128529-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_tueren    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128595-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_cockpit    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128627-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_dach    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128547-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_fussraum    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128515-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_innenlicht    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128579-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_itafel    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128563-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_lautsprecher    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128611-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_miko    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128643-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_psd    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128531-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_tueren    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128592-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_cockpit    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128624-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_dach    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128544-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_fussraum    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128512-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_innenlicht    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128576-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_itafel    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128560-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_lautsprecher    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128608-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_miko    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128640-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_psd    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128528-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_tueren    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128597-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_cockpit    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128629-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_dach    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128549-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_fussraum    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128517-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_innenlicht    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128581-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_itafel    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128565-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_lautsprecher    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128613-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_miko    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128645-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_psd    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128533-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_tueren    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128588-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_cockpit    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128620-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_dach    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128540-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_fussraum    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128508-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_innenlicht    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128572-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_itafel    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128556-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_lautsprecher    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128604-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_miko    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128636-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_psd    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128524-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_tueren    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128602-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_cockpit    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128634-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_dach    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128554-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_fussraum    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128522-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_innenlicht    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128586-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_itafel    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128570-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_lautsprecher    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128618-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_miko    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128650-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_psd    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128538-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_tueren    125%    256
IDE11477-ENG128598-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_cockpit    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128630-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_dach    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128550-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_fussraum    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128518-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_innenlicht    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128582-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_itafel    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128566-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_lautsprecher    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128614-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_miko    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128646-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_psd    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128534-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_tueren    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128594-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_cockpit    126%    256
IDE11477-ENG128626-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_dach    126%    256
IDE11477-ENG128546-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_fussraum    125%    256
IDE11477-ENG128514-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_innenlicht    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128578-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_itafel    126%    256
IDE11477-ENG128562-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_lautsprecher    126%    256
IDE11477-ENG128610-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_miko    126%    256
IDE11477-ENG128642-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_psd    126%    256
IDE11477-ENG128530-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_tueren    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128591-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_cockpit    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128623-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_dach    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128543-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_fussraum    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128511-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_innenlicht    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128575-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_itafel    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128559-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_lautsprecher    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128607-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_miko    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128639-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_psd    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128527-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_tueren    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128590-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_cockpit    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128622-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_dach    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128542-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_fussraum    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128510-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_innenlicht    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128574-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_itafel    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128558-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_lautsprecher    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128606-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_miko    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128638-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_psd    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128526-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_tueren    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128589-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_cockpit    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128621-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_dach    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128541-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_fussraum    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128509-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_innenlicht    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128573-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_itafel    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128557-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_lautsprecher    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128605-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_miko    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128637-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_psd    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128525-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_tueren    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128599-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_cockpit    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128631-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_dach    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128551-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_fussraum    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128519-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_innenlicht    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128583-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_itafel    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128567-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_lautsprecher    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128615-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_miko    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128647-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_psd    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128535-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_tueren    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128600-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_cockpit    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128632-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_dach    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128552-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_fussraum    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128520-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_innenlicht    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128584-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_itafel    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128568-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_lautsprecher    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128616-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_miko    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128648-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_psd    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128536-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_tueren    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128601-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_cockpit    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128633-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_dach    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128553-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_fussraum    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128521-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_innenlicht    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128585-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_itafel    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128569-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_lautsprecher    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128617-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_miko    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128649-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_psd    100%    256
IDE11477-ENG128537-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_tueren    0%    256
IDE11477-ENG128488-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_ausstieg_cockpit    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128502-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_ausstieg_dach    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128481-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_ausstieg_fussraum    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128467-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_ausstieg_innenlicht    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128495-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_ausstieg_miko    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128474-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_ausstieg_tueren    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128487-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_einstieg_cockpit    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128501-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_einstieg_dach    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128480-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_einstieg_fussraum    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128466-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_einstieg_innenlicht    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128494-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_einstieg_miko    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128473-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_einstieg_tueren    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128490-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_entriegelt_cockpit    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128504-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_entriegelt_dach    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128483-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_entriegelt_fussraum    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128469-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_entriegelt_innenlicht    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128497-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_entriegelt_miko    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128476-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_entriegelt_tueren    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128489-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_oeffnen_cockpit    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128503-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_oeffnen_dach    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128482-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_oeffnen_fussraum    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128468-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_oeffnen_innenlicht    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128496-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_oeffnen_miko    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128475-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_oeffnen_tueren    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128491-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schliessen_cockpit    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128505-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schliessen_dach    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128484-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schliessen_fussraum    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128470-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schliessen_innenlicht    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128498-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schliessen_miko    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128477-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schliessen_tueren    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128492-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schluessel_ab_cockpit    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128506-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schluessel_ab_dach    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128485-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schluessel_ab_fussraum    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128471-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schluessel_ab_innenlicht    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128499-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schluessel_ab_miko    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128478-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schluessel_ab_tueren    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128493-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_verriegelt_cockpit    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128507-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_verriegelt_dach    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128486-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_verriegelt_fussraum    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128472-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_verriegelt_innenlicht    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128500-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_verriegelt_miko    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128479-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_verriegelt_tueren    0.0 s    256
IDE11477-ENG128663-Interior lighting: parameter-p_verzoegerung_berechnen    0    256
MAS01490-Energy management    active     1
MAS05055-lower turn position    31.49 °    2
MAS05056-upper turn position    170.49 °    2
MAS05934-ENG116716-Convert. top oper.-Doppelpuls nur Verdeck    active     8
MAS05934-ENG116718-Convert. top oper.-Heckdeckel sperren bei Verdeckbetrieb    not active     8
MAS05934-ENG122193-Convert. top oper.-Heckschloss oeffnen durch Verdeck-SG    not active     8
MAS05934-ENG116711-Convert. top oper.-Komfortbedienung Verdeck global    active     8
MAS05934-ENG122189-Convert. top oper.-Komfortbedienung Verdeck oeffnen    active     8
MAS05934-ENG116712-Convert. top oper.-Komfortbedienung Verdeck schließen    active     8
MAS05934-ENG126630-Convert. top oper.-Reichweitenbegrenzung fuer Servoheck schliessen    not active     8
MAS05934-ENG116717-Convert. top oper.-Verdeck mit Schiebedach    not active     8
MAS05934-ENG122191-Convert. top oper.-Verdeck oeffnen via Funkfernbedienung    active     8
MAS05934-ENG122192-Convert. top oper.-Verdeck oeffnen via Kessy    active     8
MAS05934-ENG122190-Convert. top oper.-Verdeck oeffnen via Schliesszylinder    active     8
MAS05934-ENG116714-Convert. top oper.-Verdeck schließen via Funkfernbedienung    active     8
MAS05934-ENG116715-Convert. top oper.-Verdeck schließen via Kessy    active     8
MAS05934-ENG116713-Convert. top oper.-Verdeck schließen via Schließzylinder    active     8
MAS05934-ENG126843-Convert. top oper.-ZV verriegeln bei Klemme 15 Ein    not active     8
ENG126649-ENG126874-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_1    1    30
ENG126649-ENG126901-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_10    1    30
ENG126649-ENG126904-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_11    1.2    30
ENG126649-ENG126907-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_12    1    30
ENG126649-ENG126910-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_13    1    30
ENG126649-ENG126913-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_14    1.2    30
ENG126649-ENG126916-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_15    1    30
ENG126649-ENG126877-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_2    1    30
ENG126649-ENG126880-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_3    1    30
ENG126649-ENG126883-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_4    1    30
ENG126649-ENG126886-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_5    1    30
ENG126649-ENG126889-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_6    1    30
ENG126649-ENG126892-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_7    1    30
ENG126649-ENG126895-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_8    1    30
ENG126649-ENG126898-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_9    1    30
ENG126649-ENG126873-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_1    door     30
ENG126649-ENG126900-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_10    door     30
ENG126649-ENG126903-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_11    door     30
ENG126649-ENG126906-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_12    door     30
ENG126649-ENG126909-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_13    door     30
ENG126649-ENG126912-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_14    door     30
ENG126649-ENG126915-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_15    door     30
ENG126649-ENG126876-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_2    door     30
ENG126649-ENG126879-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_3    door     30
ENG126649-ENG126882-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_4    door     30
ENG126649-ENG126885-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_5    door     30
ENG126649-ENG126888-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_6    door     30
ENG126649-ENG126891-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_7    door     30
ENG126649-ENG126894-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_8    door     30
ENG126649-ENG126897-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_9    door     30
ENG126649-ENG126872-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_1    not installed     30
ENG126649-ENG126899-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_10    not installed     30
ENG126649-ENG126902-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_11    not installed     30
ENG126649-ENG126905-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_12    not installed     30
ENG126649-ENG126908-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_13    not installed     30
ENG126649-ENG126911-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_14    not installed     30
ENG126649-ENG126914-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_15    not installed     30
ENG126649-ENG126875-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_2    not installed     30
ENG126649-ENG126878-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_3    not installed     30
ENG126649-ENG126881-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_4    not installed     30
ENG126649-ENG126884-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_5    not installed     30
ENG126649-ENG126887-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_6    not installed     30
ENG126649-ENG126890-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_7    not installed     30
ENG126649-ENG126893-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_8    not installed     30
ENG126649-ENG126896-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_9    not installed     30
ENG128379-ENG128424-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_:12    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128391-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_1    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128418-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_10    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128421-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_11    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128427-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_13    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128430-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_14    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128433-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_15    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128436-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_16    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128439-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_17    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128442-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_18    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128445-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_19    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128394-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_2    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128448-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_20    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128397-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_3    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128400-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_4    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128403-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_5    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128406-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_6    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128409-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_7    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128412-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_8    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128415-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_9    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128393-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_1    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128420-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_10    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128423-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_11    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128426-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_12    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128429-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_13    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128432-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_14    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128435-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_15    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128438-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_16    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128441-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_17    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128444-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_18    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128447-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_19    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128396-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_2    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128450-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_20    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128399-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_3    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128402-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_4    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128405-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_5    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128408-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_6    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128411-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_7    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128417-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_9    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128414-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave8    0    60
ENG128379-ENG128392-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_1    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128419-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_10    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128422-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_11    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128425-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_12    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128428-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_13    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128431-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_14    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128434-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_15    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128437-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_16    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128440-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_17    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128443-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_18    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128446-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_19    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128395-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_2    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128449-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_20    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128398-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_3    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128401-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_4    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128404-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_5    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128407-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_6    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128410-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_7    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128416-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_9    not installed     60
ENG128379-ENG128413-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave8    not installed     60
ENG126647-ENG98399-debug_light_function-Activation    0    11
ENG126647-ENG101417-debug_light_function-Adresse    0    11
ENG126647-ENG126820-debug_light_function-Bitmask    0    11
ENG126647-ENG126821-debug_light_function-Divisor    0    11
ENG126647-ENG98827-debug_light_function-Offset    0    11
ENG126647-ENG126822-debug_light_function-Polaritaet    0    11
ENG126647-ENG126823-debug_light_function-WBT-Ausgabe    0    11
ENG99457-ENG117394-Head area heater-blower_speed    1    2
ENG99457-ENG98971-Head area heater-Temperature    -2    2
ENG116836-ENG115658-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-x0    0 ms    22
ENG116836-ENG101574-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-X1    200 ms    22
ENG116836-ENG115664-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-x10    2000 ms    22
ENG116836-ENG99557-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-X2    400 ms    22
ENG116836-ENG102140-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-X3    600 ms    22
ENG116836-ENG102936-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-X4    800 ms    22
ENG116836-ENG103548-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-X5    1000 ms    22
ENG116836-ENG113992-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-X6    1200 ms    22
ENG116836-ENG115661-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-x7    1400 ms    22
ENG116836-ENG115662-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-x8    1600 ms    22
ENG116836-ENG115663-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-x9    1800 ms    22
ENG116836-ENG115659-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-y0    100.00%    22
ENG116836-ENG99777-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-Y1    72.00%    22
ENG116836-ENG115668-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-y10    0.00%    22
ENG116836-ENG100480-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-Y2    48.00%    22
ENG116836-ENG100773-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-Y3    33.00%    22
ENG116836-ENG100631-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-Y4    18.00%    22
ENG116836-ENG102174-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-Y5    12.00%    22
ENG116836-ENG113993-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-Y6    8.00%    22
ENG116836-ENG115665-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-y7    6.00%    22
ENG116836-ENG115666-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-y8    4.00%    22
ENG116836-ENG115667-Innenbeleuchtung Abdimmen-y9    2.00%    22
ENG116831-ENG115658-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-x0    0    22
ENG116831-ENG101574-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-X1    50    22
ENG116831-ENG115664-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-x10    0    22
ENG116831-ENG99557-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-X2    100    22
ENG116831-ENG102140-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-X3    200    22
ENG116831-ENG102936-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-X4    253    22
ENG116831-ENG103548-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-X5    0    22
ENG116831-ENG113992-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-X6    0    22
ENG116831-ENG115661-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-x7    0    22
ENG116831-ENG115662-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-x8    0    22
ENG116831-ENG115663-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-x9    0    22
ENG116831-ENG115659-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-y0    0 lx    22
ENG116831-ENG99777-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-Y1    50 lx    22
ENG116831-ENG115668-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-y10    0 lx    22
ENG116831-ENG100480-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-Y2    100 lx    22
ENG116831-ENG100773-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-Y3    200    22
ENG116831-ENG100631-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-Y4    500    22
ENG116831-ENG102174-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-Y5    0    22
ENG116831-ENG113993-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-Y6    0 lx    22
ENG116831-ENG115665-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-y7    0 lx    22
ENG116831-ENG115666-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-y8    0 lx    22
ENG116831-ENG115667-Innenbeleuchtung Fotosensor-y9    0 lx    22
ENG116835-ENG115658-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-x0    0 ms    22
ENG116835-ENG101574-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-X1    200 ms    22
ENG116835-ENG115664-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-x10    2000 ms    22
ENG116835-ENG99557-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-X2    400 ms    22
ENG116835-ENG102140-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-X3    600 ms    22
ENG116835-ENG102936-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-X4    800 ms    22
ENG116835-ENG103548-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-X5    1000 ms    22
ENG116835-ENG113992-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-X6    1200 ms    22
ENG116835-ENG115661-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-x7    1400 ms    22
ENG116835-ENG115662-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-x8    1600 ms    22
ENG116835-ENG115663-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-x9    1800 ms    22
ENG116835-ENG115659-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-y0    0.00%    22
ENG116835-ENG99777-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-Y1    1.00%    22
ENG116835-ENG115668-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-y10    100.00%    22
ENG116835-ENG100480-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-Y2    3.00%    22
ENG116835-ENG100773-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-Y3    5.00%    22
ENG116835-ENG100631-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-Y4    11.00%    22
ENG116835-ENG102174-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-Y5    22.00%    22
ENG116835-ENG113993-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-Y6    40.00%    22
ENG116835-ENG115665-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-y7    80.00%    22
ENG116835-ENG115666-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-y8    95.00%    22
ENG116835-ENG115667-Innenbeleuchtung Hochdimmen-y9    100.00%    22
ENG116975-ENG115658-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd log Bus-x0    0.00%    12
ENG116975-ENG101574-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd log Bus-X1    6.00%    12
ENG116975-ENG99557-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd log Bus-X2    16.00%    12
ENG116975-ENG102140-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd log Bus-X3    30.00%    12
ENG116975-ENG102936-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd log Bus-X4    60.00%    12
ENG116975-ENG103548-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd log Bus-X5    100.00%    12
ENG116975-ENG115659-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd log Bus-y0    10    12
ENG116975-ENG99777-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd log Bus-Y1    10    12
ENG116975-ENG100480-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd log Bus-Y2    100    12
ENG116975-ENG100773-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd log Bus-Y3    150    12
ENG116975-ENG100631-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd log Bus-Y4    220    12
ENG116975-ENG102174-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd log Bus-Y5    253    12
ENG116976-ENG115658-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd max-x0    0 lx    10
ENG116976-ENG101574-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd max-X1    8 lx    10
ENG116976-ENG99557-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd max-X2    200 lx    10
ENG116976-ENG102140-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd max-X3    300 lx    10
ENG116976-ENG102936-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd max-X4    500 lx    10
ENG116976-ENG115659-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd max-y0    16    10
ENG116976-ENG99777-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd max-Y1    16    10
ENG116976-ENG100480-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd max-Y2    100    10
ENG116976-ENG100773-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd max-Y3    100    10
ENG116976-ENG100631-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd max-Y4    100    10
ENG116980-ENG115658-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd min-x0    0 lx    10
ENG116980-ENG101574-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd min-X1    8 lx    10
ENG116980-ENG99557-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd min-X2    220 lx    10
ENG116980-ENG102140-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd min-X3    300 lx    10
ENG116980-ENG102936-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd min-X4    500 lx    10
ENG116980-ENG115659-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd min-y0    6    10
ENG116980-ENG99777-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd min-Y1    6    10
ENG116980-ENG100480-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd min-Y2    100    10
ENG116980-ENG100773-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd min-Y3    100    10
ENG116980-ENG100631-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd min-Y4    100    10
ENG116979-ENG115658-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd PWM-x0    0    12
ENG116979-ENG101574-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd PWM-X1    10    12
ENG116979-ENG99557-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd PWM-X2    50    12
ENG116979-ENG102140-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd PWM-X3    100    12
ENG116979-ENG102936-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd PWM-X4    220    12
ENG116979-ENG103548-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd PWM-X5    253    12
ENG116979-ENG115659-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd PWM-y0    2.00%    12
ENG116979-ENG99777-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd PWM-Y1    2.00%    12
ENG116979-ENG100480-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd PWM-Y2    6.00%    12
ENG116979-ENG100773-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd PWM-Y3    10.00%    12
ENG116979-ENG100631-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd PWM-Y4    80.00%    12
ENG116979-ENG102174-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xd PWM-Y5    100.00%    12
ENG116972-ENG115658-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs max-x0    0 lx    8
ENG116972-ENG101574-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs max-X1    8 lx    8
ENG116972-ENG99557-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs max-X2    50 lx    8
ENG116972-ENG102140-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs max-X3    500 lx    8
ENG116972-ENG115659-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs max-y0    100    8
ENG116972-ENG99777-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs max-Y1    100    8
ENG116972-ENG100480-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs max-Y2    100    8
ENG116972-ENG100773-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs max-Y3    100    8
ENG126561-ENG115658-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-x0    0 lx    8
ENG126561-ENG101574-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-X1    8 lx    8
ENG126561-ENG99557-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-X2    50 lx    8
ENG126561-ENG102140-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-X3    500 lx    8
ENG126561-ENG115659-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-y0    6    8
ENG126561-ENG99777-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-Y1    6    8
ENG126561-ENG100480-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-Y2    100    8
ENG126561-ENG100773-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-Y3    100    8
ENG116977-ENG115658-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs PWM-x0    0.00%    6
ENG116977-ENG101574-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs PWM-X1    50.00%    6
ENG116977-ENG99557-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs PWM-X2    100.00%    6
ENG116977-ENG115659-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs PWM-y0    0.00%    6
ENG116977-ENG99777-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs PWM-Y1    50.00%    6
ENG116977-ENG100480-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs PWM-Y2    100.00%    6
ENG116974-ENG115658-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt max-x0    0 lx    8
ENG116974-ENG101574-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt max-X1    8 lx    8
ENG116974-ENG99557-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt max-X2    50 lx    8
ENG116974-ENG102140-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt max-X3    500 lx    8
ENG116974-ENG115659-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt max-y0    100    8
ENG116974-ENG99777-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt max-Y1    100    8
ENG116974-ENG100480-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt max-Y2    100    8
ENG116974-ENG100773-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt max-Y3    100    8
ENG116973-ENG115658-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt min-x0    0 lx    8
ENG116973-ENG101574-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt min-X1    8 lx    8
ENG116973-ENG99557-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt min-X2    50 lx    8
ENG116973-ENG102140-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt min-X3    500 lx    8
ENG116973-ENG115659-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt min-y0    6    8
ENG116973-ENG99777-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt min-Y1    6    8
ENG116973-ENG100480-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt min-Y2    100    8
ENG116973-ENG100773-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt min-Y3    100    8
ENG116978-ENG115658-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt PWM-x0    0.00%    6
ENG116978-ENG101574-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt PWM-X1    50.00%    6
ENG116978-ENG99557-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt PWM-X2    100.00%    6
ENG116978-ENG115659-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt PWM-y0    0.00%    6
ENG116978-ENG99777-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt PWM-Y1    50.00%    6
ENG116978-ENG100480-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xt PWM-Y2    100.00%    6
ENG116834-ENG115633-Innenbeleuchtung Tasterdimmung-Tasterdimmung x0    0 ms    10
ENG116834-ENG115634-Innenbeleuchtung Tasterdimmung-Tasterdimmung x1    100 ms    10
ENG116834-ENG115635-Innenbeleuchtung Tasterdimmung-Tasterdimmung x2    160 ms    10
ENG116834-ENG115636-Innenbeleuchtung Tasterdimmung-Tasterdimmung x3    200 ms    10
ENG116834-ENG115637-Innenbeleuchtung Tasterdimmung-Tasterdimmung x4    260 ms    10
ENG116834-ENG115638-Innenbeleuchtung Tasterdimmung-Tasterdimmung y0    1.00%    10
ENG116834-ENG115639-Innenbeleuchtung Tasterdimmung-Tasterdimmung y1    5    10
ENG116834-ENG115640-Innenbeleuchtung Tasterdimmung-Tasterdimmung y2    15    10
ENG116834-ENG115641-Innenbeleuchtung Tasterdimmung-Tasterdimmung y3    10    10
ENG116834-ENG115642-Innenbeleuchtung Tasterdimmung-Tasterdimmung y4    100    10
ENG116936-ENG115883-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Dimming Direction CD 0    maximize     16
ENG116936-ENG115887-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Dimming Direction EF 0    maximize     16
ENG116936-ENG115891-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Dimming Direction GH 0    maximize     16
ENG116936-ENG115878-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Dimmwert AB 0    100    16
ENG116936-ENG115882-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Dimmwert CD 0    0    16
ENG116936-ENG115886-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Dimmwert EF 0    0    16
ENG116936-ENG115890-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Dimmwert GH 0    0    16
ENG116936-ENG115875-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 0    14    16
ENG116936-ENG116547-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lampendefektbit Position 0    34    16
ENG116936-ENG115873-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lasttyp 0    12 - Blinkleuchten     16
ENG116936-ENG115879-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 0    Always     16
ENG116936-ENG115876-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion A 0    Blinken links Hellphase     16
ENG116936-ENG115877-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion B 0    not active     16
ENG116936-ENG115880-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion C 0    not active     16
ENG116936-ENG115881-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion D 0    not active     16
ENG116936-ENG115884-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion E 0    not active     16
ENG116936-ENG115885-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion F 0    not active     16
ENG116936-ENG115888-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion G 0    not active     16
ENG116936-ENG115889-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion H 0    not active     16
ENG116946-ENG116072-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Dimming Direction CD 10    maximize     16
ENG116946-ENG116076-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Dimming Direction EF 10    maximize     16
ENG116946-ENG116080-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Dimming Direction GH 10    maximize     16
ENG116946-ENG116067-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Dimmwert AB 10    0    16
ENG116946-ENG116071-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Dimmwert CD 10    0    16
ENG116946-ENG116075-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Dimmwert EF 10    0    16
ENG116946-ENG116079-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Dimmwert GH 10    0    16
ENG116946-ENG116064-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 10    0    16
ENG116946-ENG116560-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lampendefektbitposition 10    0    16
ENG116946-ENG116062-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lasttyp 10    not active     16
ENG116946-ENG116068-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 10    Always     16
ENG116946-ENG116065-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion A 10    not active     16
ENG116946-ENG116066-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion B 10    not active     16
ENG116946-ENG116069-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion C 10    not active     16
ENG116946-ENG116070-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion D 10    not active     16
ENG116946-ENG116073-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion E 10    not active     16
ENG116946-ENG116074-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion F 10    not active     16
ENG116946-ENG116077-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion G 10    not active     16
ENG116946-ENG116078-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion H 10    not active     16
ENG116947-ENG116091-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Dimming Direction CD 11    maximize     16
ENG116947-ENG116095-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Dimming Direction EF 11    maximize     16
ENG116947-ENG116099-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Dimming Direction GH 11    maximize     16
ENG116947-ENG116086-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Dimmwert AB 11    0    16
ENG116947-ENG116090-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Dimmwert CD 11    0    16
ENG116947-ENG116094-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Dimmwert EF 11    0    16
ENG116947-ENG116098-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Dimmwert GH 11    0    16
ENG116947-ENG116083-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 11    0    16
ENG116947-ENG116561-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lampendefektbitposition 11    0    16
ENG116947-ENG116081-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lasttyp 11    not active     16
ENG116947-ENG116087-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 11    Always     16
ENG116947-ENG116084-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion A 11    not active     16
ENG116947-ENG116085-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion B 11    not active     16
ENG116947-ENG116088-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion C 11    not active     16
ENG116947-ENG116089-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion D 11    not active     16
ENG116947-ENG116092-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion E 11    not active     16
ENG116947-ENG116093-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion F 11    not active     16
ENG116947-ENG116096-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion G 11    not active     16
ENG116947-ENG116097-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion H 11    not active     16
ENG116948-ENG116110-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimming Direction CD 12    maximize     16
ENG116948-ENG116114-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimming Direction EF 12    maximize     16
ENG116948-ENG116118-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimming Direction GH 12    maximize     16
ENG116948-ENG116105-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimmwert AB 12    100    16
ENG116948-ENG116109-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimmwert CD 12    0    16
ENG116948-ENG116113-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimmwert EF 12    0    16
ENG116948-ENG116117-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimmwert GH 12    0    16
ENG116948-ENG116102-Leuchte12NL LB45-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 12    22    16
ENG116948-ENG116562-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lampendefektbitposition 12    38    16
ENG116948-ENG116100-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lasttyp 12    10 - allgemeine Scheinwerfer     16
ENG116948-ENG116106-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 12    Always     16
ENG116948-ENG116103-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtfunktion A 12    Nebellicht links     16
ENG116948-ENG116104-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtfunktion B 12    Abbiegelicht links     16
ENG116948-ENG116107-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtfunktion C 12    not active     16
ENG116948-ENG116108-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtfunktion D 12    not active     16
ENG116948-ENG116111-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtfunktion E 12    not active     16
ENG116948-ENG116112-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtfunktion F 12    not active     16
ENG116948-ENG116115-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtfunktion G 12    not active     16
ENG116948-ENG116116-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtfunktion H 12    not active     16
ENG116949-ENG116129-Leuchte13NL RB5-Dimming Direction CD 13    maximize     16
ENG116949-ENG116133-Leuchte13NL RB5-Dimming Direction EF 13    maximize     16
ENG116949-ENG116137-Leuchte13NL RB5-Dimming Direction GH 13    maximize     16
ENG116949-ENG116124-Leuchte13NL RB5-Dimmwert AB 13    100    16
ENG116949-ENG116128-Leuchte13NL RB5-Dimmwert CD 13    0    16
ENG116949-ENG116132-Leuchte13NL RB5-Dimmwert EF 13    0    16
ENG116949-ENG116136-Leuchte13NL RB5-Dimmwert GH 13    0    16
ENG116949-ENG116121-Leuchte13NL RB5-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 13    23    16
ENG116949-ENG116563-Leuchte13NL RB5-Lampendefektbitposition 13    42    16
ENG116949-ENG116119-Leuchte13NL RB5-Lasttyp 13    10 - allgemeine Scheinwerfer     16
ENG116949-ENG116125-Leuchte13NL RB5-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 13    Always     16
ENG116949-ENG116122-Leuchte13NL RB5-Lichtfunktion A 13    Nebellicht rechts     16
ENG116949-ENG116123-Leuchte13NL RB5-Lichtfunktion B 13    Abbiegelicht rechts     16
ENG116949-ENG116564-Leuchte13NL RB5-Lichtfunktion C 13    not active     16
ENG116949-ENG116127-Leuchte13NL RB5-Lichtfunktion D 13    not active     16
ENG116949-ENG116130-Leuchte13NL RB5-Lichtfunktion E 13    not active     16
ENG116949-ENG116131-Leuchte13NL RB5-Lichtfunktion F 13    not active     16
ENG116949-ENG116134-Leuchte13NL RB5-Lichtfunktion G 13    not active     16
ENG116949-ENG116135-Leuchte13NL RB5-Lichtfunktion H 13    not active     16
ENG116951-ENG116167-Leuchte15AL RB44-Dimming Direction CD 15    maximize     16
ENG116951-ENG116171-Leuchte15AL RB44-Dimming Direction EF 15    maximize     16
ENG116951-ENG116175-Leuchte15AL RB44-Dimming Direction GH 15    maximize     16
ENG116951-ENG116162-Leuchte15AL RB44-Dimmwert AB 15    0    16
ENG116951-ENG116166-Leuchte15AL RB44-Dimmwert CD 15    0    16
ENG116951-ENG116170-Leuchte15AL RB44-Dimmwert EF 15    0    16
ENG116951-ENG116174-Leuchte15AL RB44-Dimmwert GH 15    0    16
ENG116951-ENG116159-Leuchte15AL RB44-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 15    0    16
ENG116951-ENG116566-Leuchte15AL RB44-Lampendefektbitposition 15    0    16
ENG116951-ENG116157-Leuchte15AL RB44-Lasttyp 15    not active     16
ENG116951-ENG116163-Leuchte15AL RB44-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 15    Always     16
ENG116951-ENG116160-Leuchte15AL RB44-Lichtfunktion A 15    not active     16
ENG116951-ENG116161-Leuchte15AL RB44-Lichtfunktion B 15    not active     16
ENG116951-ENG116164-Leuchte15AL RB44-Lichtfunktion C 15    not active     16
ENG116951-ENG116165-Leuchte15AL RB44-Lichtfunktion D 15    not active     16
ENG116951-ENG116168-Leuchte15AL RB44-Lichtfunktion E 15    not active     16
ENG116951-ENG116169-Leuchte15AL RB44-Lichtfunktion F 15    not active     16
ENG116951-ENG116172-Leuchte15AL RB44-Lichtfunktion G 15    not active     16
ENG116951-ENG116173-Leuchte15AL RB44-Lichtfunktion H 15    not active     16
ENG116952-ENG116186-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Dimming Direction CD 16    maximize     16
ENG116952-ENG116190-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Dimming Direction EF 16    maximize     16
ENG116952-ENG116194-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Dimming Direction GH 16    maximize     16
ENG116952-ENG116181-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Dimmwert AB 16    0    16
ENG116952-ENG116185-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Dimmwert CD 16    0    16
ENG116952-ENG116189-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Dimmwert EF 16    0    16
ENG116952-ENG116193-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Dimmwert GH 16    0    16
ENG116952-ENG116178-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 16    0    16
ENG116952-ENG116567-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Lampendefektbitposition 16    0    16
ENG116952-ENG116176-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Lasttyp 16    not active     16
ENG116952-ENG116182-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 16    Always     16
ENG116952-ENG116179-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Lichtfunktion A 16    not active     16
ENG116952-ENG116180-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Lichtfunktion B 16    not active     16
ENG116952-ENG116183-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Lichtfunktion C 16    not active     16
ENG116952-ENG116184-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Lichtfunktion D 16    not active     16
ENG116952-ENG116187-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Lichtfunktion E 16    not active     16
ENG116952-ENG116188-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Lichtfunktion F 16    not active     16
ENG116952-ENG116191-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Lichtfunktion G 16    not active     16
ENG116952-ENG116192-Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9-Lichtfunktion H 16    not active     16
ENG116953-ENG116205-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Dimming Direction CD 17    maximize     16
ENG116953-ENG116209-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Dimming Direction EF 17    maximize     16
ENG116953-ENG116213-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Dimming Direction GH 17    maximize     16
ENG116953-ENG116200-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Dimmwert AB 17    0    16
ENG116953-ENG116204-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Dimmwert CD 17    0    16
ENG116953-ENG116208-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Dimmwert EF 17    0    16
ENG116953-ENG116212-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Dimmwert GH 17    0    16
ENG116953-ENG116197-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 17    0    16
ENG116953-ENG116568-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Lampendefektbitposition 17    0    16
ENG116953-ENG116195-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Lasttyp 17    not active     16
ENG116953-ENG116201-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 17    Always     16
ENG116953-ENG116198-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Lichtfunktion A 17    not active     16
ENG116953-ENG116569-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Lichtfunktion B 17    not active     16
ENG116953-ENG116202-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Lichtfunktion C 17    not active     16
ENG116953-ENG116203-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Lichtfunktion D 17    not active     16
ENG116953-ENG116206-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Lichtfunktion E 17    not active     16
ENG116953-ENG116207-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Lichtfunktion F 17    not active     16
ENG116953-ENG116210-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Lichtfunktion G 17    not active     16
ENG116953-ENG116211-Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3-Lichtfunktion H 17    not active     16
ENG116954-ENG116224-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Dimming Direction CD 18    maximize     16
ENG116954-ENG116228-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Dimming Direction EF 18    maximize     16
ENG116954-ENG116232-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Dimming Direction GH 18    maximize     16
ENG116954-ENG116219-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Dimmwert AB 18    0    16
ENG116954-ENG116223-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Dimmwert CD 18    0    16
ENG116954-ENG116227-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Dimmwert EF 18    0    16
ENG116954-ENG116231-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Dimmwert GH 18    0    16
ENG116954-ENG116216-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 18    0    16
ENG116954-ENG116570-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Lampendefektbitposition 18    0    16
ENG116954-ENG116214-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Lasttyp 18    not active     16
ENG116954-ENG116220-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 18    Always     16
ENG116954-ENG116217-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Lichtfunktion A 18    not active     16
ENG116954-ENG116218-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Lichtfunktion B 18    not active     16
ENG116954-ENG116221-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Lichtfunktion C 18    not active     16
ENG116954-ENG116222-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Lichtfunktion D 18    not active     16
ENG116954-ENG116225-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Lichtfunktion E 18    not active     16
ENG116954-ENG116226-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Lichtfunktion F 18    not active     16
ENG116954-ENG116229-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Lichtfunktion G 18    not active     16
ENG116954-ENG116230-Leuchte18BLK HLA60-Lichtfunktion H 18    not active     16
ENG116955-ENG116243-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Dimming Direction CD 19    maximize     16
ENG116955-ENG116247-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Dimming Direction EF 19    maximize     16
ENG116955-ENG116251-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Dimming Direction GH 19    maximize     16
ENG116955-ENG116238-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Dimmwert AB 19    0    16
ENG116955-ENG116242-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Dimmwert CD 19    0    16
ENG116955-ENG116246-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Dimmwert EF 19    0    16
ENG116955-ENG116250-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Dimmwert GH 19    0    16
ENG116955-ENG116235-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 19    0    16
ENG116955-ENG116571-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Lampendefektbitposition 19    0    16
ENG116955-ENG116233-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Lasttyp 19    not active     16
ENG116955-ENG116239-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 19    Always     16
ENG116955-ENG116236-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Lichtfunktion A 19    not active     16
ENG116955-ENG116237-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Lichtfunktion B 19    not active     16
ENG116955-ENG116240-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Lichtfunktion C 19    not active     16
ENG116955-ENG116241-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Lichtfunktion D 19    not active     16
ENG116955-ENG116244-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Lichtfunktion E 19    not active     16
ENG116955-ENG116245-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Lichtfunktion F 19    not active     16
ENG116955-ENG116248-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Lichtfunktion G 19    not active     16
ENG116955-ENG116249-Leuchte19BLK HRC31-Lichtfunktion H 19    not active     16
ENG116937-ENG115902-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Dimming Direction CD 1    maximize     16
ENG116937-ENG115906-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Dimming Direction EF 1    maximize     16
ENG116937-ENG115909-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Dimming Direction GH 1    maximize     16
ENG116937-ENG115897-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Dimmwert AB 1    100    16
ENG116937-ENG115901-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Dimmwert CD 1    0    16
ENG116937-ENG115905-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Dimmwert EF 1    0    16
ENG116937-ENG115908-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Dimmwert GH 1    0    16
ENG116937-ENG115894-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 1    15    16
ENG116937-ENG116548-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Lampendefektbitposition 1    3E     16
ENG116937-ENG115892-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Lasttyp 1    12 - Blinkleuchten     16
ENG116937-ENG115898-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 1    Always     16
ENG116937-ENG115895-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Lichtfunktion A 1    Blinken rechts Hellphase     16
ENG116937-ENG115896-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Lichtfunktion B 1    not active     16
ENG116937-ENG115899-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Lichtfunktion C 1    not active     16
ENG116937-ENG115900-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Lichtfunktion D 1    not active     16
ENG116937-ENG115903-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Lichtfunktion E 1    not active     16
ENG116937-ENG115904-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Lichtfunktion F 1    not active     16
ENG116937-ENG115907-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Lichtfunktion G 1    not active     16
ENG116937-ENG116549-Leuchte1BLK VRB20-Lichtfunktion H 1    not active     16
ENG116956-ENG116262-Leuchte20BR LA71-Dimming Direction CD 20    minimize     16
ENG116956-ENG116266-Leuchte20BR LA71-Dimming Direction EF 20    maximize     16
ENG116956-ENG116270-Leuchte20BR LA71-Dimming Direction GH 20    maximize     16
ENG116956-ENG116257-Leuchte20BR LA71-Dimmwert AB 20    100    16
ENG116956-ENG116261-Leuchte20BR LA71-Dimmwert CD 20    0    16
ENG116956-ENG116265-Leuchte20BR LA71-Dimmwert EF 20    28    16
ENG116956-ENG116269-Leuchte20BR LA71-Dimmwert GH 20    0    16
ENG116956-ENG116254-Leuchte20BR LA71-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 20    3D     16
ENG116956-ENG116572-Leuchte20BR LA71-Lampendefektbitposition 20    13    16
ENG116956-ENG116252-Leuchte20BR LA71-Lasttyp 20    34 - LED Bremsleuchten     16
ENG116956-ENG116258-Leuchte20BR LA71-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 20    Always     16
ENG116956-ENG116255-Leuchte20BR LA71-Lichtfunktion A 20    Brake lamp     16
ENG116956-ENG116256-Leuchte20BR LA71-Lichtfunktion B 20    not active     16
ENG116956-ENG116259-Leuchte20BR LA71-Lichtfunktion C 20    not active     16
ENG116956-ENG116260-Leuchte20BR LA71-Lichtfunktion D 20    not active     16
ENG116956-ENG116263-Leuchte20BR LA71-Lichtfunktion E 20    not active     16
ENG116956-ENG116264-Leuchte20BR LA71-Lichtfunktion F 20    not active     16
ENG116956-ENG116267-Leuchte20BR LA71-Lichtfunktion G 20    not active     16
ENG116956-ENG116268-Leuchte20BR LA71-Lichtfunktion H 20    not active     16
ENG116957-ENG116281-Leuchte21BR RC8-Dimming Direction CD 21    minimize     16
ENG116957-ENG116285-Leuchte21BR RC8-Dimming Direction EF 21    maximize     16
ENG116957-ENG116289-Leuchte21BR RC8-Dimming Direction GH 21    maximize     16
ENG116957-ENG116276-Leuchte21BR RC8-Dimmwert AB 21    100    16
ENG116957-ENG116280-Leuchte21BR RC8-Dimmwert CD 21    0    16
ENG116957-ENG116284-Leuchte21BR RC8-Dimmwert EF 21    28    16
ENG116957-ENG116288-Leuchte21BR RC8-Dimmwert GH 21    0    16
ENG116957-ENG116273-Leuchte21BR RC8-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 21    3E     16
ENG116957-ENG116573-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lampendefektbitposition 21    23    16
ENG116957-ENG116271-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lasttyp 21    34 - LED Bremsleuchten     16
ENG116957-ENG116277-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 21    Always     16
ENG116957-ENG116274-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lichtfunktion A 21    Brake lamp     16
ENG116957-ENG116275-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lichtfunktion B 21    not active     16
ENG116957-ENG116278-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lichtfunktion C 21    not active     16
ENG116957-ENG116279-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lichtfunktion D 21    not active     16
ENG116957-ENG116282-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lichtfunktion E 21    not active     16
ENG116957-ENG116283-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lichtfunktion F 21    not active     16
ENG116957-ENG116286-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lichtfunktion G 21    not active     16
ENG116957-ENG116287-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lichtfunktion H 21    not active     16
ENG116958-ENG116300-Leuchte22BR MA57-Dimming Direction CD 22    maximize     16
ENG116958-ENG116304-Leuchte22BR MA57-Dimming Direction EF 22    maximize     16
ENG116958-ENG116308-Leuchte22BR MA57-Dimming Direction GH 22    maximize     16
ENG116958-ENG116295-Leuchte22BR MA57-Dimmwert AB 22    100    16
ENG116958-ENG116299-Leuchte22BR MA57-Dimmwert CD 22    0    16
ENG116958-ENG116303-Leuchte22BR MA57-Dimmwert EF 22    0    16
ENG116958-ENG116307-Leuchte22BR MA57-Dimmwert GH 22    0    16
ENG116958-ENG116292-Leuchte22BR MA57-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 22    2C     16
ENG116958-ENG116574-Leuchte22BR MA57-Lampendefektbitposition 22    29    16
ENG116958-ENG116290-Leuchte22BR MA57-Lasttyp 22    42 - LED dritte Bremsleuchte     16
ENG116958-ENG116296-Leuchte22BR MA57-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 22    Always     16
ENG116958-ENG116293-Leuchte22BR MA57-Lichtfunktion A 22    Brake lamp     16
ENG116958-ENG116294-Leuchte22BR MA57-Lichtfunktion B 22    not active     16
ENG116958-ENG116297-Leuchte22BR MA57-Lichtfunktion C 22    not active     16
ENG116958-ENG116298-Leuchte22BR MA57-Lichtfunktion D 22    not active     16
ENG116958-ENG116301-Leuchte22BR MA57-Lichtfunktion E 22    not active     16
ENG116958-ENG116302-Leuchte22BR MA57-Lichtfunktion F 22    not active     16
ENG116958-ENG116305-Leuchte22BR MA57-Lichtfunktion G 22    not active     16
ENG116958-ENG116306-Leuchte22BR MA57-Lichtfunktion H 22    not active     16
ENG116959-ENG116319-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Dimming Direction CD 23    maximize     16
ENG116959-ENG116323-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Dimming Direction EF 23    maximize     16
ENG116959-ENG116327-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Dimming Direction GH 23    maximize     16
ENG116959-ENG116314-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Dimmwert AB 23    28    16
ENG116959-ENG116318-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Dimmwert CD 23    100    16
ENG116959-ENG116322-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Dimmwert EF 23    0    16
ENG116959-ENG116326-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Dimmwert GH 23    0    16
ENG116959-ENG116311-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 23    29    16
ENG116959-ENG116575-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Lampendefektbitposition 23    0A     16
ENG116959-ENG116309-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Lasttyp 23    38 - LED Blinkleuchten     16
ENG116959-ENG116315-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 23    Always     16
ENG116959-ENG116312-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Lichtfunktion A 23    not active     16
ENG116959-ENG116313-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Lichtfunktion B 23    not active     16
ENG116959-ENG116316-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Lichtfunktion C 23    Blinken links Hellphase     16
ENG116959-ENG116317-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Lichtfunktion D 23    not active     16
ENG116959-ENG116320-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Lichtfunktion E 23    not active     16
ENG116959-ENG116321-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Lichtfunktion F 23    not active     16
ENG116959-ENG116324-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Lichtfunktion G 23    not active     16
ENG116959-ENG116325-Leuchte23SL HLC10-Lichtfunktion H 23    not active     16
ENG116960-ENG116338-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Dimming Direction CD 24    maximize     16
ENG116960-ENG116342-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Dimming Direction EF 24    maximize     16
ENG116960-ENG116346-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Dimming Direction GH 24    maximize     16
ENG116960-ENG116333-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Dimmwert AB 24    28    16
ENG116960-ENG116337-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Dimmwert CD 24    100    16
ENG116960-ENG116341-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Dimmwert EF 24    0    16
ENG116960-ENG116345-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Dimmwert GH 24    0    16
ENG116960-ENG116330-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 24    2A     16
ENG116960-ENG116576-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Lampendefektbitposition 24    1A     16
ENG116960-ENG116328-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Lasttyp 24    38 - LED Blinkleuchten     16
ENG116960-ENG116334-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 24    Always     16
ENG116960-ENG116331-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Lichtfunktion A 24    not active     16
ENG116960-ENG116332-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Lichtfunktion B 24    not active     16
ENG116960-ENG116335-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Lichtfunktion C 24    Blinken rechts Hellphase     16
ENG116960-ENG116336-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Lichtfunktion D 24    not active     16
ENG116960-ENG116339-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Lichtfunktion E 24    not active     16
ENG116960-ENG116340-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Lichtfunktion F 24    not active     16
ENG116960-ENG116343-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Lichtfunktion G 24    not active     16
ENG116960-ENG116344-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Lichtfunktion H 24    not active     16
ENG116961-ENG116357-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Dimming Direction CD 25    maximize     16
ENG116961-ENG116361-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Dimming Direction EF 25    maximize     16
ENG116961-ENG116365-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Dimming Direction GH 25    maximize     16
ENG116961-ENG116352-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Dimmwert AB 25    100    16
ENG116961-ENG116356-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Dimmwert CD 25    0    16
ENG116961-ENG116360-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Dimmwert EF 25    0    16
ENG116961-ENG116364-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Dimmwert GH 25    0    16
ENG116961-ENG116349-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 25    30    16
ENG116961-ENG116577-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Lampendefektbitposition 25    28    16
ENG116961-ENG116347-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Lasttyp 25    18 - 2* 5W     16
ENG116961-ENG116353-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 25    Always     16
ENG116961-ENG116350-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Lichtfunktion A 25    Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht: Positionslicht: Begrenzungslicht)     16
ENG116961-ENG116351-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Lichtfunktion B 25    not active     16
ENG116961-ENG116354-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Lichtfunktion C 25    not active     16
ENG116961-ENG116355-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Lichtfunktion D 25    not active     16
ENG116961-ENG116358-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Lichtfunktion E 25    not active     16
ENG116961-ENG116359-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Lichtfunktion F 25    not active     16
ENG116961-ENG116362-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Lichtfunktion G 25    not active     16
ENG116961-ENG116363-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Lichtfunktion H 25    not active     16
ENG116962-ENG116376-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Dimming Direction CD 26    maximize     16
ENG116962-ENG116380-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Dimming Direction EF 26    maximize     16
ENG116962-ENG116384-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Dimming Direction GH 26    maximize     16
ENG116962-ENG116371-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Dimmwert AB 26    0    16
ENG116962-ENG116375-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Dimmwert CD 26    0    16
ENG116962-ENG116379-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Dimmwert EF 26    0    16
ENG116962-ENG116383-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Dimmwert GH 26    0    16
ENG116962-ENG116368-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 26    0    16
ENG116962-ENG116578-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Lampendefektbitposition 26    0    16
ENG116962-ENG116366-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Lasttyp 26    not active     16
ENG116962-ENG116372-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 26    Always     16
ENG116962-ENG116369-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Lichtfunktion A 26    not active     16
ENG116962-ENG116370-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Lichtfunktion B 26    not active     16
ENG116962-ENG116373-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Lichtfunktion C 26    not active     16
ENG116962-ENG116374-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Lichtfunktion D 26    not active     16
ENG116962-ENG116377-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Lichtfunktion E 26    not active     16
ENG116962-ENG116378-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Lichtfunktion F 26    not active     16
ENG116962-ENG116381-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Lichtfunktion G 26    not active     16
ENG116962-ENG116382-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Lichtfunktion H 26    not active     16
ENG116963-ENG116395-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Dimming Direction CD 27    maximize     16
ENG116963-ENG116399-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Dimming Direction EF 27    maximize     16
ENG116963-ENG116403-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Dimming Direction GH 27    maximize     16
ENG116963-ENG116390-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Dimmwert AB 27    28    16
ENG116963-ENG116394-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Dimmwert CD 27    0    16
ENG116963-ENG116398-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Dimmwert EF 27    0    16
ENG116963-ENG116402-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Dimmwert GH 27    0    16
ENG116963-ENG116387-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 27    47    16
ENG116963-ENG116579-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Lampendefektbitposition 27    0    16
ENG116963-ENG116385-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Lasttyp 27    32 - allgemeine LED bis 12W     16
ENG116963-ENG116391-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 27    Always     16
ENG116963-ENG116388-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Lichtfunktion A 27    Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht: Positionslicht: Begrenzungslicht)     16
ENG116963-ENG116389-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Lichtfunktion B 27    not active     16
ENG116963-ENG116392-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Lichtfunktion C 27    not active     16
ENG116963-ENG116393-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Lichtfunktion D 27    not active     16
ENG116963-ENG116396-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Lichtfunktion E 27    not active     16
ENG116963-ENG116397-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Lichtfunktion F 27    not active     16
ENG116963-ENG116400-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Lichtfunktion G 27    not active     16
ENG116963-ENG116401-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Lichtfunktion H 27    not active     16
ENG116964-ENG116414-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Dimming Direction CD 28    maximize     16
ENG116964-ENG116418-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Dimming Direction EF 28    maximize     16
ENG116964-ENG116422-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Dimming Direction GH 28    maximize     16
ENG116964-ENG116409-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Dimmwert AB 28    100    16
ENG116964-ENG116413-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Dimmwert CD 28    0    16
ENG116964-ENG116417-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Dimmwert EF 28    0    16
ENG116964-ENG116421-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Dimmwert GH 28    0    16
ENG116964-ENG116406-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 28    31    16
ENG116964-ENG116580-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Lampendefektbitposition 28    0    16
ENG116964-ENG116404-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Lasttyp 28    32 - allgemeine LED bis 12W     16
ENG116964-ENG116410-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 28    only_if_closed     16
ENG116964-ENG116407-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Lichtfunktion A 28    Aktive Blinkfunktion hat ein auf 1 gesetztes zugeordnetes Bit in pa_dynamisch_blinken     16
ENG116964-ENG116408-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Lichtfunktion B 28    not active     16
ENG116964-ENG116411-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Lichtfunktion C 28    not active     16
ENG116964-ENG116412-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Lichtfunktion D 28    not active     16
ENG116964-ENG116415-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Lichtfunktion E 28    not active     16
ENG116964-ENG116416-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Lichtfunktion F 28    not active     16
ENG116964-ENG116419-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Lichtfunktion G 28    not active     16
ENG116964-ENG116420-Leuchte28RFL LC11-Lichtfunktion H 28    not active     16
ENG116965-ENG116433-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Dimming Direction CD 29    maximize     16
ENG116965-ENG116437-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Dimming Direction EF 29    maximize     16
ENG116965-ENG116441-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Dimming Direction GH 29    maximize     16
ENG116965-ENG116428-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Dimmwert AB 29    100    16
ENG116965-ENG116432-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Dimmwert CD 29    0    16
ENG116965-ENG116436-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Dimmwert EF 29    0    16
ENG116965-ENG116440-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Dimmwert GH 29    0    16
ENG116965-ENG116425-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 29    32    16
ENG116965-ENG116581-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Lampendefektbitposition 29    1B     16
ENG116965-ENG116423-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Lasttyp 29    9 - allgemeine Glühlampe 27W: auch H15     16
ENG116965-ENG116430-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 29    Always     16
ENG116965-ENG116426-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Lichtfunktion A 29    Rueckfahrlicht     16
ENG116965-ENG116427-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Lichtfunktion B 29    not active     16
ENG116965-ENG116429-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Lichtfunktion C 29    not active     16
ENG116965-ENG116431-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Lichtfunktion D 29    not active     16
ENG116965-ENG116434-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Lichtfunktion E 29    not active     16
ENG116965-ENG116435-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Lichtfunktion F 29    not active     16
ENG116965-ENG116438-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Lichtfunktion G 29    not active     16
ENG116965-ENG116439-Leuchte29RFL RA64-Lichtfunktion H 29    not active     16
ENG116938-ENG115920-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Dimming Direction CD 2    maximize     16
ENG116938-ENG115924-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Dimming Direction EF 2    maximize     16
ENG116938-ENG115928-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Dimming Direction GH 2    maximize     16
ENG116938-ENG115915-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Dimmwert AB 2    100    16
ENG116938-ENG115919-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Dimmwert CD 2    0    16
ENG116938-ENG115923-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Dimmwert EF 2    0    16
ENG116938-ENG115927-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Dimmwert GH 2    0    16
ENG116938-ENG115912-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 2    45    16
ENG116938-ENG116550-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lampendefektbitposition 2    0    16
ENG116938-ENG115910-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lasttyp 2    not active     16
ENG116938-ENG115916-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 2    Always     16
ENG116938-ENG115913-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lichtfunktion A 2    Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht: Positionslicht: Begrenzungslicht)     16
ENG116938-ENG115914-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lichtfunktion B 2    not active     16
ENG116938-ENG115917-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lichtfunktion C 2    not active     16
ENG116938-ENG115918-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lichtfunktion D 2    not active     16
ENG116938-ENG115921-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lichtfunktion E 2    not active     16
ENG116938-ENG115922-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lichtfunktion F 2    not active     16
ENG116938-ENG115925-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lichtfunktion G 2    not active     16
ENG116938-ENG115926-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lichtfunktion H 2    not active     16
ENG116966-ENG116452-Leuchte30FR LC72-Dimming Direction CD 30    maximize     16
ENG116966-ENG116456-Leuchte30FR LC72-Dimming Direction EF 30    maximize     16
ENG116966-ENG116460-Leuchte30FR LC72-Dimming Direction GH 30    maximize     16
ENG116966-ENG116447-Leuchte30FR LC72-Dimmwert AB 30    127    16
ENG116966-ENG116451-Leuchte30FR LC72-Dimmwert CD 30    100    16
ENG116966-ENG116455-Leuchte30FR LC72-Dimmwert EF 30    0    16
ENG116966-ENG116459-Leuchte30FR LC72-Dimmwert GH 30    0    16
ENG116966-ENG116444-Leuchte30FR LC72-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 30    0    16
ENG116966-ENG116582-Leuchte30FR LC72-Lampendefektbitposition 30    0    16
ENG116966-ENG116442-Leuchte30FR LC72-Lasttyp 30    18 - 2* 5W     16
ENG116966-ENG116448-Leuchte30FR LC72-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 30    Always     16
ENG116966-ENG116445-Leuchte30FR LC72-Lichtfunktion A 30    Footwell lamp     16
ENG116966-ENG116446-Leuchte30FR LC72-Lichtfunktion B 30    Dimmer terminal 58xs     16
ENG116966-ENG116449-Leuchte30FR LC72-Lichtfunktion C 30    Interior lighting     16
ENG116966-ENG116450-Leuchte30FR LC72-Lichtfunktion D 30    not active     16
ENG116966-ENG116453-Leuchte30FR LC72-Lichtfunktion E 30    not active     16
ENG116966-ENG116454-Leuchte30FR LC72-Lichtfunktion F 30    not active     16
ENG116966-ENG116457-Leuchte30FR LC72-Lichtfunktion G 30    not active     16
ENG116966-ENG116458-Leuchte30FR LC72-Lichtfunktion H 30    not active     16
ENG116967-ENG116471-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Dimming Direction CD 31    maximize     16
ENG116967-ENG116475-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Dimming Direction EF 31    maximize     16
ENG116967-ENG116479-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Dimming Direction GH 31    maximize     16
ENG116967-ENG116466-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Dimmwert AB 31    0    16
ENG116967-ENG116470-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Dimmwert CD 31    0    16
ENG116967-ENG116474-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Dimmwert EF 31    0    16
ENG116967-ENG116478-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Dimmwert GH 31    0    16
ENG116967-ENG116463-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 31    0    16
ENG116967-ENG116583-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Lampendefektbitposition 31    0    16
ENG116967-ENG116461-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Lasttyp 31    not active     16
ENG116967-ENG116467-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 31    Always     16
ENG116967-ENG116464-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Lichtfunktion A 31    not active     16
ENG116967-ENG116465-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Lichtfunktion B 31    not active     16
ENG116967-ENG116468-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Lichtfunktion C 31    not active     16
ENG116967-ENG116469-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Lichtfunktion D 31    not active     16
ENG116967-ENG116472-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Lichtfunktion E 31    not active     16
ENG116967-ENG116473-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Lichtfunktion F 31    not active     16
ENG116967-ENG116476-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Lichtfunktion G 31    not active     16
ENG116967-ENG116477-Leuchte31AMBL 1C61-Lichtfunktion H 31    not active     16
ENG116968-ENG116490-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Dimming Direction CD 32    maximize     16
ENG116968-ENG116494-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Dimming Direction EF 32    maximize     16
ENG116968-ENG116498-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Dimming Direction GH 32    maximize     16
ENG116968-ENG116485-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Dimmwert AB 32    0    16
ENG116968-ENG116489-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Dimmwert CD 32    0    16
ENG116968-ENG116493-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Dimmwert EF 32    0    16
ENG116968-ENG116497-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Dimmwert GH 32    0    16
ENG116968-ENG116482-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 32    0    16
ENG116968-ENG116584-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Lampendefektbitposition 32    0    16
ENG116968-ENG116480-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Lasttyp 32    not active     16
ENG116968-ENG116486-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 32    Always     16
ENG116968-ENG116483-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Lichtfunktion A 32    not active     16
ENG116968-ENG116484-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Lichtfunktion B 32    not active     16
ENG116968-ENG116487-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Lichtfunktion C 32    not active     16
ENG116968-ENG116488-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Lichtfunktion D 32    not active     16
ENG116968-ENG116491-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Lichtfunktion E 32    not active     16
ENG116968-ENG116492-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Lichtfunktion F 32    not active     16
ENG116968-ENG116495-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Lichtfunktion G 32    not active     16
ENG116968-ENG116496-Leuchte32AMBL 2C35-Lichtfunktion H 32    not active     16
ENG116969-ENG116509-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Dimming Direction CD 33    maximize     16
ENG116969-ENG116513-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Dimming Direction EF 33    maximize     16
ENG116969-ENG116517-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Dimming Direction GH 33    maximize     16
ENG116969-ENG116504-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Dimmwert AB 33    0    16
ENG116969-ENG116508-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Dimmwert CD 33    0    16
ENG116969-ENG116512-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Dimmwert EF 33    0    16
ENG116969-ENG116516-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Dimmwert GH 33    0    16
ENG116969-ENG116501-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 33    0    16
ENG116969-ENG116585-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Lampendefektbitposition 33    0    16
ENG116969-ENG116499-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Lasttyp 33    not active     16
ENG116969-ENG116505-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 33    Always     16
ENG116969-ENG116502-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Lichtfunktion A 33    not active     16
ENG116969-ENG116503-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Lichtfunktion B 33    not active     16
ENG116969-ENG116506-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Lichtfunktion C 33    not active     16
ENG116969-ENG116507-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Lichtfunktion D 33    not active     16
ENG116969-ENG116510-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Lichtfunktion E 33    not active     16
ENG116969-ENG116511-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Lichtfunktion F 33    not active     16
ENG116969-ENG116514-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Lichtfunktion G 33    not active     16
ENG116969-ENG116515-Leuchte33AMBL 3C36-Lichtfunktion H 33    not active     16
ENG116970-ENG116528-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Dimming Direction CD 34    maximize     16
ENG116970-ENG116532-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Dimming Direction EF 34    maximize     16
ENG116970-ENG116536-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Dimming Direction GH 34    maximize     16
ENG116970-ENG116523-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Dimmwert AB 34    0    16
ENG116970-ENG116527-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Dimmwert CD 34    0    16
ENG116970-ENG116531-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Dimmwert EF 34    0    16
ENG116970-ENG116535-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Dimmwert GH 34    0    16
ENG116970-ENG116520-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 34    0    16
ENG116970-ENG116586-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Lampendefektbitposition 34    0    16
ENG116970-ENG116518-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Lasttyp 34    not active     16
ENG116970-ENG116524-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 34    Always     16
ENG116970-ENG116521-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Lichtfunktion A 34    not active     16
ENG116970-ENG116522-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Lichtfunktion B 34    not active     16
ENG116970-ENG116525-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Lichtfunktion C 34    not active     16
ENG116970-ENG116526-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Lichtfunktion D 34    not active     16
ENG116970-ENG116529-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Lichtfunktion E 34    not active     16
ENG116970-ENG116530-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Lichtfunktion F 34    not active     16
ENG116970-ENG116533-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Lichtfunktion G 34    not active     16
ENG116970-ENG116534-Leuchte34AMBL 4C37-Lichtfunktion H 34    not active     16
ENG116939-ENG115939-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimming Direction CD 3    maximize     16
ENG116939-ENG115943-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimming Direction EF 3    maximize     16
ENG116939-ENG115947-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimming Direction GH 3    maximize     16
ENG116939-ENG115934-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert AB 3    100    16
ENG116939-ENG115938-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert CD 3    0    16
ENG116939-ENG115942-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert EF 3    0    16
ENG116939-ENG115946-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert GH 3    0    16
ENG116939-ENG115931-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 3    46    16
ENG116939-ENG116551-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lampendefektbitposition 3    0    16
ENG116939-ENG115929-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lasttyp 3    not active     16
ENG116939-ENG115935-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 3    Always     16
ENG116939-ENG115932-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion A 3    Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht: Positionslicht: Begrenzungslicht)     16
ENG116939-ENG115933-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion B 3    not active     16
ENG116939-ENG115936-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion C 3    not active     16
ENG116939-ENG115937-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion D 3    not active     16
ENG116939-ENG115940-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion E 3    not active     16
ENG116939-ENG116552-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion F 3    not active     16
ENG116939-ENG115944-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion G 3    not active     16
ENG116939-ENG115945-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion H 3    not active     16
ENG116940-ENG115958-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Dimming Direction CD 4    minimize     16
ENG116940-ENG115962-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Dimming Direction EF 4    maximize     16
ENG116940-ENG115966-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Dimming Direction GH 4    maximize     16
ENG116940-ENG115953-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Dimmwert AB 4    100    16
ENG116940-ENG115957-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Dimmwert CD 4    0    16
ENG116940-ENG115961-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Dimmwert EF 4    31    16
ENG116940-ENG115965-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Dimmwert GH 4    0    16
ENG116940-ENG115950-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 4    43    16
ENG116940-ENG116553-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lampendefektbitposition 4    48    16
ENG116940-ENG115948-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lasttyp 4    9 - allgemeine Glühlampe 27W: auch H15     16
ENG116940-ENG115954-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 4    Always     16
ENG116940-ENG115951-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtfunktion A 4    Daytime running lamps     16
ENG116940-ENG115952-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtfunktion B 4    not active     16
ENG116940-ENG115955-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtfunktion C 4    Blinken links aktiv (beide Phasen)     16
ENG116940-ENG115956-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtfunktion D 4    not active     16
ENG116940-ENG115959-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtfunktion E 4    Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht: Positionslicht: Begrenzungslicht)     16
ENG116940-ENG115960-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtfunktion F 4    not active     16
ENG116940-ENG115963-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtfunktion G 4    not active     16
ENG116940-ENG115964-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtfunktion H 4    not active     16
ENG116941-ENG115977-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Dimming Direction CD 5    minimize     16
ENG116941-ENG115981-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Dimming Direction EF 5    maximize     16
ENG116941-ENG115985-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Dimming Direction GH 5    maximize     16
ENG116941-ENG115972-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Dimmwert AB 5    100    16
ENG116941-ENG115976-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Dimmwert CD 5    0    16
ENG116941-ENG115980-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Dimmwert EF 5    31    16
ENG116941-ENG115984-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Dimmwert GH 5    0    16
ENG116941-ENG115969-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 5    44    16
ENG116941-ENG116554-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Lampendefektbitposition 5    4C     16
ENG116941-ENG115967-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Lasttyp 5    9 - allgemeine Glühlampe 27W: auch H15     16
ENG116941-ENG115973-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 5    Always     16
ENG116941-ENG115970-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Lichtfunktion A 5    Daytime running lamps     16
ENG116941-ENG115971-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Lichtfunktion B 5    not active     16
ENG116941-ENG115974-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Lichtfunktion C 5    Blinken rechts aktiv (beide Phasen)     16
ENG116941-ENG115975-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Lichtfunktion D 5    not active     16
ENG116941-ENG115978-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Lichtfunktion E 5    Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht: Positionslicht: Begrenzungslicht)     16
ENG116941-ENG116555-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Lichtfunktion F 5    not active     16
ENG116941-ENG115982-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Lichtfunktion G 5    not active     16
ENG116941-ENG115983-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Lichtfunktion H 5    not active     16
ENG116942-ENG115996-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Dimming Direction CD 6    maximize     16
ENG116942-ENG116000-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Dimming Direction EF 6    maximize     16
ENG116942-ENG116004-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Dimming Direction GH 6    maximize     16
ENG116942-ENG115991-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Dimmwert AB 6    100    16
ENG116942-ENG115995-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Dimmwert CD 6    0    16
ENG116942-ENG115999-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Dimmwert EF 6    0    16
ENG116942-ENG116003-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Dimmwert GH 6    0    16
ENG116942-ENG115988-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 6    1A     16
ENG116942-ENG116556-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Lampendefektbitposition 6    36    16
ENG116942-ENG115986-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Lasttyp 6    11 - Abblendlicht     16
ENG116942-ENG115992-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 6    Always     16
ENG116942-ENG115989-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Lichtfunktion A 6    Abblendlicht links     16
ENG116942-ENG115990-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Lichtfunktion B 6    not active     16
ENG116942-ENG115993-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Lichtfunktion C 6    not active     16
ENG116942-ENG115994-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Lichtfunktion D 6    not active     16
ENG116942-ENG115997-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Lichtfunktion E 6    not active     16
ENG116942-ENG115998-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Lichtfunktion F 6    not active     16
ENG116942-ENG116001-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Lichtfunktion G 6    not active     16
ENG116942-ENG116002-Leuchte6ABL LC5-Lichtfunktion H 6    not active     16
ENG116943-ENG116015-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Dimming Direction CD 7    maximize     16
ENG116943-ENG116019-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Dimming Direction EF 7    maximize     16
ENG116943-ENG116023-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Dimming Direction GH 7    maximize     16
ENG116943-ENG116010-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Dimmwert AB 7    100    16
ENG116943-ENG116014-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Dimmwert CD 7    0    16
ENG116943-ENG116018-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Dimmwert EF 7    0    16
ENG116943-ENG116022-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Dimmwert GH 7    0    16
ENG116943-ENG116007-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 7    1B     16
ENG116943-ENG116557-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Lampendefektbitposition 7    40    16
ENG116943-ENG116005-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Lasttyp 7    11 - Abblendlicht     16
ENG116943-ENG116011-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 7    Always     16
ENG116943-ENG116008-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Lichtfunktion A 7    Abblendlicht rechts     16
ENG116943-ENG116009-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Lichtfunktion B 7    not active     16
ENG116943-ENG116012-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Lichtfunktion C 7    not active     16
ENG116943-ENG116013-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Lichtfunktion D 7    not active     16
ENG116943-ENG116016-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Lichtfunktion E 7    not active     16
ENG116943-ENG116017-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Lichtfunktion F 7    not active     16
ENG116943-ENG116020-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Lichtfunktion G 7    not active     16
ENG116943-ENG116021-Leuchte7ABL RB1-Lichtfunktion H 7    not active     16
ENG116944-ENG116034-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimming Direction CD 8    maximize     16
ENG116944-ENG116038-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimming Direction EF 8    maximize     16
ENG116944-ENG116042-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimming Direction GH 8    maximize     16
ENG116944-ENG116029-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert AB 8    100    16
ENG116944-ENG116033-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert CD 8    0    16
ENG116944-ENG116037-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert EF 8    0    16
ENG116944-ENG116041-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert GH 8    0    16
ENG116944-ENG116026-Leuchte8FL LB39-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 8    1C     16
ENG116944-ENG116558-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lampendefektbitposition 8    37    16
ENG116944-ENG116024-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lasttyp 8    10 - allgemeine Scheinwerfer     16
ENG116944-ENG116030-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 8    Always     16
ENG116944-ENG116027-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion A 8    Left high beam     16
ENG116944-ENG116028-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion B 8    Lichthupe generell     16
ENG116944-ENG116031-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion C 8    not active     16
ENG116944-ENG116032-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion D 8    not active     16
ENG116944-ENG116035-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion E 8    not active     16
ENG116944-ENG116036-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion F 8    not active     16
ENG116944-ENG116039-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion G 8    not active     16
ENG116944-ENG116040-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion H 8    not active     16
ENG116945-ENG116053-Leuchte9FL RB2-Dimming Direction CD 9    maximize     16
ENG116945-ENG116057-Leuchte9FL RB2-Dimming Direction EF 9    maximize     16
ENG116945-ENG116061-Leuchte9FL RB2-Dimming Direction GH 9    maximize     16
ENG116945-ENG116048-Leuchte9FL RB2-Dimmwert AB 9    100    16
ENG116945-ENG116052-Leuchte9FL RB2-Dimmwert CD 9    0    16
ENG116945-ENG116056-Leuchte9FL RB2-Dimmwert EF 9    0    16
ENG116945-ENG116060-Leuchte9FL RB2-Dimmwert GH 9    0    16
ENG116945-ENG116045-Leuchte9FL RB2-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 9    1D     16
ENG116945-ENG116559-Leuchte9FL RB2-Lampendefektbitposition 9    41    16
ENG116945-ENG116043-Leuchte9FL RB2-Lasttyp 9    10 - allgemeine Scheinwerfer     16
ENG116945-ENG116049-Leuchte9FL RB2-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 9    Always     16
ENG116945-ENG116046-Leuchte9FL RB2-Lichtfunktion A 9    Right high beam     16
ENG116945-ENG116047-Leuchte9FL RB2-Lichtfunktion B 9    Lichthupe generell     16
ENG116945-ENG116050-Leuchte9FL RB2-Lichtfunktion C 9    not active     16
ENG116945-ENG116051-Leuchte9FL RB2-Lichtfunktion D 9    not active     16
ENG116945-ENG116054-Leuchte9FL RB2-Lichtfunktion E 9    not active     16
ENG116945-ENG116055-Leuchte9FL RB2-Lichtfunktion F 9    not active     16
ENG116945-ENG116058-Leuchte9FL RB2-Lichtfunktion G 9    not active     16
ENG116945-ENG116059-Leuchte9FL RB2-Lichtfunktion H 9    not active     16
ENG116950-ENG116148-Leuchten14AL LB6-Dimming Direction CD 14    maximize     16
ENG116950-ENG116152-Leuchten14AL LB6-Dimming Direction EF 14    maximize     16
ENG116950-ENG116156-Leuchten14AL LB6-Dimming Direction GH 14    maximize     16
ENG116950-ENG116143-Leuchten14AL LB6-Dimmwert AB 14    0    16
ENG116950-ENG116147-Leuchten14AL LB6-Dimmwert CD 14    0    16
ENG116950-ENG116151-Leuchten14AL LB6-Dimmwert EF 14    0    16
ENG116950-ENG116155-Leuchten14AL LB6-Dimmwert GH 14    0    16
ENG116950-ENG116140-Leuchten14AL LB6-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 14    0    16
ENG116950-ENG116565-Leuchten14AL LB6-Lampendefektbitposition 14    0    16
ENG116950-ENG116138-Leuchten14AL LB6-Lasttyp 14    not active     16
ENG116950-ENG116144-Leuchten14AL LB6-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 14    Always     16
ENG116950-ENG116141-Leuchten14AL LB6-Lichtfunktion A 14    not active     16
ENG116950-ENG116142-Leuchten14AL LB6-Lichtfunktion B 14    not active     16
ENG116950-ENG116145-Leuchten14AL LB6-Lichtfunktion C 14    not active     16
ENG116950-ENG116146-Leuchten14AL LB6-Lichtfunktion D 14    not active     16
ENG116950-ENG116149-Leuchten14AL LB6-Lichtfunktion E 14    not active     16
ENG116950-ENG116150-Leuchten14AL LB6-Lichtfunktion F 14    not active     16
ENG116950-ENG116153-Leuchten14AL LB6-Lichtfunktion G 14    not active     16
ENG116950-ENG116154-Leuchten14AL LB6-Lichtfunktion H 14    not active     16
ENG126648-ENG149012-LIN-Mirrormode-Bitmaske    63    1
ENG126648-ENG148864-LIN-Mirrormode-Stage    0    1
ENG117284-ENG115658-LuB Lichtrouter Kennlinie 1-x0    0.00%    12
ENG117284-ENG101574-LuB Lichtrouter Kennlinie 1-X1    5.00%    12
ENG117284-ENG99557-LuB Lichtrouter Kennlinie 1-X2    50.00%    12
ENG117284-ENG102140-LuB Lichtrouter Kennlinie 1-X3    75.00%    12
ENG117284-ENG102936-LuB Lichtrouter Kennlinie 1-X4    110    12
ENG117284-ENG103548-LuB Lichtrouter Kennlinie 1-X5    126.5    12
ENG117284-ENG115659-LuB Lichtrouter Kennlinie 1-y0    0.00%    12
ENG117284-ENG99777-LuB Lichtrouter Kennlinie 1-Y1    6.00%    12
ENG117284-ENG100480-LuB Lichtrouter Kennlinie 1-Y2    16.00%    12
ENG117284-ENG100773-LuB Lichtrouter Kennlinie 1-Y3    30.00%    12
ENG117284-ENG100631-LuB Lichtrouter Kennlinie 1-Y4    60.00%    12
ENG117284-ENG102174-LuB Lichtrouter Kennlinie 1-Y5    100.00%    12
ENG98831-ENG126849-Personalization-Aktivierungsoption_im_HMI-Menue_sichtbar    not active     16
ENG98831-ENG126850-Personalization-Benutzerkontenverwaltung_in_HMI-Menue_sichtbar    not active     16
ENG98831-ENG126848-Personalization-Personalisierung_aktiv    not active     16
ENG98831-ENG126851-Personalization-Personalisierungsfunktionen_in_HMI-Menue_sichtbar    not active     16
ENG122976-ENG128461-Remote_Start_Adaption-Kombi_Fahrerhinweis_m_Uebernahme_RSt    active     8
ENG122976-ENG128460-Remote_Start_Adaption-Rueckmeldung_bei_Aktivierung    active     8
ENG116971-ENG116537-Vernetzungs- Diagnosefunktionen-can msg 1    00 00     20
ENG116971-ENG116538-Vernetzungs- Diagnosefunktionen-can msg 2    00 00     20
ENG116971-ENG116539-Vernetzungs- Diagnosefunktionen-can msg 3    00 00     20
ENG116971-ENG116540-Vernetzungs- Diagnosefunktionen-can msg 4    00 00     20
ENG116971-ENG116541-Vernetzungs- Diagnosefunktionen-lin msg 1    00 00     20
ENG116971-ENG116542-Vernetzungs- Diagnosefunktionen-lin msg 2    00 00     20
ENG116971-ENG116543-Vernetzungs- Diagnosefunktionen-lin msg 3    00 00     20
ENG116971-ENG116544-Vernetzungs- Diagnosefunktionen-lin msg 4    00 00     20
ENG116971-ENG116545-Vernetzungs- Diagnosefunktionen-lin msg 5    00 00     20
ENG116971-ENG116546-Vernetzungs- Diagnosefunktionen-lin msg 6    00 00     20

Follow these instructions...


New member
Golf 7 gtd
sorry I don't use VCDS but ODIS-E. So I took screenshots.
Here is my goal if possible: replace the blue color of the MIB2 headbands:
- for the moment I have only succeeded in activating the mood lighting menu and modifying the intensity of the white interior LEDs on the door panels and the floor. it works well
here are the photos
I have a pre-facelift 2016 golf 7. it may not be possible to change the color...
I can only change it to red when I configure Skin 03 in 5F -> CODING BYTE 18

I don't know what BAP farbwert 1 2 and 3 corresponds to..


  • Capture d’écran 2022-02-16 à 10.27.13.png
    Capture d’écran 2022-02-16 à 10.27.13.png
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    Capture d’écran 2022-02-16 à 10.25.28.png
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Autocross Champion
Los Angeles
Interesting, yours seems like a BCM that is part facelift, part pre-facelift, haha. From what I can figure out the color drop down is only available for cars that cannot show the slider. My car cannot show the slider. Since your car shows the slider we must figure out how to show colors there. It is somewhat difficult for me to give suggestions without seeing all of the adaptations because our BCM's are different.

You might try changing this to installed, or I guess that would be monte. If it doesn't work then change it back of course.

Snip 1.JPG

Farbwahl ueber HMI translates to Color Selection via HMI... HMI is the infotainment screen

These are your colors (Farbe 1, Farbe 2, Farbe 3). For you Color 1 is set to Red, Color 2 is set to Green, and Color 3 is set to Blue.
Do you have more adaptations like these... Farbe 4-10?
Snip 2.JPG


New member
Golf 7 gtd
Interesting, yours seems like a BCM that is part facelift, part pre-facelift, haha. From what I can figure out the color drop down is only available for cars that cannot show the slider. My car cannot show the slider. Since your car shows the slider we must figure out how to show colors there. It is somewhat difficult for me to give suggestions without seeing all of the adaptations because our BCM's are different.

You might try changing this to installed, or I guess that would be monte. If it doesn't work then change it back of course.

View attachment 239368
Farbwahl ueber HMI translates to Color Selection via HMI... HMI is the infotainment screen

These are your colors (Farbe 1, Farbe 2, Farbe 3). For you Color 1 is set to Red, Color 2 is set to Green, and Color 3 is set to Blue.
Do you have more adaptations like these... Farbe 4-10?
View attachment 239369
ah ah yes it's strange .. if I activate "Farbwalh ueber HMI" it disables me the OFF button and the color selection cursor.

for the Farbe, it's me who is coded like this, there were 255 everywhere at the base, and I also have from 4 to 10 Farbe in "ambient lighting list"

what is "BAP Farbwert Farbe 1 2 and 3" ??
I capture all my adaptation tomorrow ;)
Last edited:


Autocross Champion
Los Angeles
ah ah yes it's strange .. if I activate "Farbwalh ueber HMI" it disables me the OFF button and the color selection cursor.

for the Farbe, it's me who is coded like this, there were 255 everywhere at the base, and I also have from 4 to 10 Farbe in "ambient lighting list"

what is "BAP Farbwert Farbe 1 2 and 3" ??
I capture all my adaptation tomorrow ;)
Okay, if you have Farbe 4-10 I am confident we can get the full slider working for you. Full adaptation list will make things easier.

Do you also have ambient list 2 with Farbe 11-30? Some BCM's have it, some don't depending on software.