Off-Topic Chat (#3)

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Drag Race Newbie
Lombard, IL
Z - hope you feel better man. The flu is the shits... literally and figuratively.
But its a good feeling at the same time. My stupid gym has the ladies changeroom on the second floor so after doing legs you still have to go up and down the goddam stairs.

it was good until 4 sets of squats.. then i did box jumps.. which destroyed them. i couldn't get out of my car when i got home, without sounding like a 90 year old man..

but yeah... it was fun.

that's brutal.. i think they are trying to hint something to the ladies who work out there maybe? :p

also im always curious, do women check each other out constantly while working out.. in the big boy's section where all the big weights are.. we have 3 types of people..

-the ones who can't stop flexing in the mirrors
-those who keep trying to fix their hair
-and the homos who stare at you the whole time..

stop watching me and start lifting fool!


Go Kart Champion
Inside an Igloo
Gahh that's too much for me. 3 sets is usually good enough. I try not to disable myself post workout. But hey whatever works for ya.

Hint go up & down stairs more?

Can't speak for all women, but I check out everyone.
Gahh that's too much for me. 3 sets is usually good enough. I try not to disable myself post workout. But hey whatever works for ya.

Hint go up & down stairs more?

Can't speak for all women, but I check out everyone.

to exercise more silly.. women here are divas with their bimmers and chat about their bfs/husbands not spending enough time with them and flirt with other men.

no.... not like checking them out if she is hot... men usually check other men out to see if they can take them.. and its awkward stares everywhere..

today, first half was shoulders and db chest press and dips.
then i did warm up leg press 3 sets/ 4 sets of squats/ 3 sets of calfs and 3 sets of hamstrings/ then box jumps basically was for exhaustion. it works. then i take protein and eat my meals. getting stronger/bigger happens after the gym. if you aren't exhausted after working out, you didn't go hard enough.. i see half the people lolly gagging around, playing with their phones.. and take up space on equipment....

Gah, took a longer nap than anticipated.

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