This. My parents let me choose between Catholicism or Islam, but they didn't have any pamphlets laying around to help me decide.
"Faith" and "Blind conviction" means no research takes place.
Last post on this topic ill comment on here...
Faith and blind conviction do not mean that at all. Just because no proof is required does not mean no research takes place. More intelligent people will research, religions for example, in order to determine where best to place their faith. None of the worlds religions offer any proof that theirs is "the one".
That said, it is possible to blindly accept things because of faith. Just because it is possible does not mean one implies the other.
Everyone, I get this serious topic is annoying when you come here to just fuck around and kill time or whatever. If you follow the rabbit hole as far as it goes, I did not start any political/religious discussion. Rox tends to bring up random things that annoy her and one of those things just happened to be jibberish on liberals that she found somewhere. DoWorkSon brought up religion today.
I suggest not even saying those words here if you don't want to see it. Most of you don't. I come here to fuck around, too.