Noise from rear, when turning front wheels at a stop??


Go Kart Newbie
NE Ohio
2017 SE 6 MT
I have a noise, not a high squeak nor a low groan, more a creak, a similar pitch to a duck quacking? Anyway, from the driver's seat, I thought it was coming from the front-left. It started out as a "grinch-grinch" sound when slowly rolling to a stop. I thought it was the all-season tires, but continued when I switched to the summer PS 4S tires. I noticed it now also happens when at a stop, turning the wheel slightly (or more) to the right and left. I had my brother turn the wheel while I listened at the top driver's-side strut, and the sound was coming from... the rear! This car (2018 GTI SE with 70K) doesn't have 4-wheel steering... I'm wondering if a sub-frame is transmitting the sound back to the rear?
Of possible importance: the previous owner had a dogbone insert, then removed it. I know the bolts are 1-time use, and was unsure if he had replaced or re-used them, so bought new and replaced them, torqued as best I could given the tight confines (I don't have access to a lift). The noise started a year after, so I'm not sure they are related, but... "full disclosure", you know... Also, I do autocross the car, and have an Eibach rear sway bar.

How can I better diagnose this issue? I applied the parking brake, and the noise was somewhat diminished, if that helps. I have access to a pair of ramps, but I don't want to do too much twisting while the tires are on the ramps. Also, I do have some rattle at the top-right rear shock area, but is probably un-related. I can't seem to replicate the rattle at a stop by bouncing the car, perhaps it's the top shock mount?



New member
Gatineau, QC
Might want to try to lift the rear, take the wheels off, get a pry bar, and start trying to move/pry things to see if you can reproduce the noise. Sounds like a strange issue that might be tricky to diagnose, so check every connection and see what that tells you.


Go Kart Newbie
NE Ohio
2017 SE 6 MT
I really don't think the noise is from the rear. You don't have to saw the wheel full-lock side to side, just a small turn. I think there may be vibration from the front that is being transmitted to the rear via... heat shield? Exhaust pipes? I suppose I could jack up the rear, have someone move the steering wheel, and grab the heat shield to see if that stops the noise.
Oh, the noise is either not there, or too quiet, if the front tires are on gravel. All you hear is gravel scrunching.


Go Kart Newbie
NE Ohio
2017 SE 6 MT
Unless, were you talking about the right-rear shock noise? I'll need to look into that (separately).


New member
Gatineau, QC
Unless, were you talking about the right-rear shock noise? I'll need to look into that (separately).
Ya, I was meaning more suspension-ish related. Anything that holds the wheels on. If it's loose, it could make a noise. I may have misunderstood the OP. But, if I were troubleshooting something like this (from what I understand the sound to sound like), I would start by checking everything that connects to the wheels to see if anything is loose when it should be tight or is tight when it should be loose. Bouncing on the car is a great step. Try moving things around any way you get (side to side, turning the wheel, etc.) to reproduce the issue while you can lay on the ground and try to safely follow the noise. Really hard to troubleshoot from text, but I'm a little far from Ohio. Could you try to get a video of the noise somehow? Might help. What would really help is finding a consistent way to reproduce the noise at a stand still. Would make things a lot easier to track down.