Wonder if this thing will gain the following that its predecessor had.
Depends on the cost and power. Both were high for the last one, so while I expect excitement I don't expect a lot of sales.
Apparently it's wider, shorter and not as long as the 86/BRZ
Wonder if this thing will gain the following that its predecessor had.
The suggestions over the last couple years would lean toward a more expensive car. I think it will be in the TT S price range or higher.
Holy poop! I was only off me guesstimate by 100% or so! So...think a Supra would be 300-400% better than my GTI? Not that I need that rationale. If they are really going to be in the $80K range...schnikies. Out of my league.
“The reason why we decided to jointly develop the 86 and BRZ is because sports cars are extremely difficult in terms of their business model. To make a business case, you require many special parts, a lot of investment, yet it doesn’t sell much (relative to mainstream models).
"When we worked together with Subaru, our common understanding from the very beginning was that it is a given that we will seek out as much common parts as possible.
"The only differences we’ll have between these two models will basically be colours and badges and other than that, we will have as many common parts as possible,” Tada-san said.
The 86 and BRZ do represent one of the most blatant badge engineering efforts in modern motoring, but at their sub-$40k price point, they simply wouldn’t exist otherwise. The balance sheet looks a bit different at the circa-$80k zone the Supra is expected to play in, as with the $100k+ of the BMW Z4 it will share its underpinnings with."