NBA Thread?


Go Kart Champion
Dat Forum, Doe
See how stupid it sounds? That's you guys.

The only time I said that the refs had a part in it was game 4 or 5 when LBJ got 2 fouls that were normal screen/pick-&-roll plays, and he fouled out. Other than that, the losses were just piss poor performance.

And on the note of Shane Battier: HE IS A FLOPPER, and a purposeful one at that. But I just disagree with the hate that LBJ receives, but that's a natural thing right now. I mean of course he's going to get all the heat (no pun intended) because he's the "best player in the league right now" and therefore he has to set an example and whatnot... Idk man.


I saw a YouTube comment that had like 50 thumbs up and it said:

Jordan: 90's
Kobe: 00's
LeBron: 10's

Let each player dominate their generation.



Ready to race!
so why are you so inclined to talk smack?

Because its fun, competitive in nature and nobody gets hurt unless they're way too sensitive about a sport .. Just like you jumped in to 'join the fun'

and the general pound my chest/stare down the crowd stuff - See Lebron or Wade after they make a shot after getting fouled or Bosh after making a jumper or two.

Have you ever played a sport that you were remotely good at? Its called momentum, intimidation, 'pump'....

BOOM! End of story :)

LOL no .. Parker, Ginobili and alot of the league are floppers for sure. There are 2 types to me though. The ones that flail around while forcing contact ( Parker, Giniboli ) and then the ones I hate most. The ones that do anything and everything possible to slide into a driving player to get a charge. First off it can be very dangerous to both involved. I'd hate to see a star player get hurt because a Shane Battier just wants to slide in and try and get a charge call. Play some real defense! Try and strip or block the ball. Distract the guy in mid air at least. Don't just slide in underneath and hope to get a ref to blow the whistle in your favor. It's just lame basketball. Fed and created by refs I know .. yeah yeah. I can't wait until something is done about that once and for all.

Dude... That's how a charge works! A charge isn't usually effective if you're there for a while. Its a last minute, fast paced defensive move that the offensive player can't react to. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't. Battier is one of the best in the league at taking the risk.... And winning.

GS3 via tappy tap


Go Kart Champion

I saw a YouTube comment that had like 50 thumbs up and it said:

Jordan: 90's
Kobe: 00's
LeBron: 10's

Let each player dominate their generation.



. . . . . back to the regular scheduled heat trash talkin bash


Go Kart Champion
Jacksonville, FL
Not a big basketball fan, but saw this randomly going through my gifs that I look at:



Go Kart Champion
Because its fun, competitive in nature and nobody gets hurt unless they're way too sensitive about a sport .. Just like you jumped in to 'join the fun'

Have you ever played a sport that you were remotely good at? Its called momentum, intimidation, 'pump'....

Dude... That's how a charge works! A charge isn't usually effective if you're there for a while. Its a last minute, fast paced defensive move that the offensive player can't react to. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't. Battier is one of the best in the league at taking the risk.... And winning.

GS3 via tappy tap




Ready to race!

Oh nice... A feature video that briefly shows some charges from an incredibly skilled defensive player must mean battiers charges are weak.

What's kind of funny is.... Some of those charges in that video would be called flops if it was Battier... Heh

GS3 via tappy tap


Go Kart Champion
Dat Forum, Doe
I honestly don't mean this towards my apparent bandwagon fanboyism towards the Heat, but there are always going to be better players in different generations. It's like all these people are living in the past man. And I don't mean no harm towards the people who obviously cherish the players of the past but there are always going to be players who equal or surpass such players. No taking away from Jordan, Kobe or Pippen or even saying that Battier is better than Pjppen.

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Go Kart Champion
Have you ever played a sport that you were remotely good at? Its called momentum, intimidation, 'pump'....

I don't have to be good at a sport to know what being pumped up is all about :) Yes, its emotion and you're excited. Act like you've been there before. All that behavior just leads to more and more sports prima donnas. I guess I just miss the days when it was about the game and not about "look at me".

Dude... That's how a charge works! A charge isn't usually effective if you're there for a while. Its a last minute, fast paced defensive move that the offensive player can't react to. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't. Battier is one of the best in the league at taking the risk.... And winning.

GS3 via tappy tap

Yes I know how a charge works lol. It's just irritating how some players have exploited the charge call. It wasn't meant for a help defender to slide under a guy as he's gathering or in many cases with Battier, in mid air. THat's why the league is slowly trying to make it go away via ref awareness and fines.

I know its a part of the game now and that there's a science to it. Just incredibly annoying and hard for me to respect a guy who only has that in his repetoire. Imagine Wade and LeBron constantly getting undercut by a guy just out there trying to draw fouls against them. You'd get fed up as this bench player is constantly putting your all stars at risk in a not very basketball like fashion right?


Go Kart Champion
Oh nice... A feature video that briefly shows some charges from an incredibly skilled defensive player must mean battiers charges are weak.

What's kind of funny is.... Some of those charges in that video would be called flops if it was Battier... Heh

GS3 via tappy tap

Comparing Pippen's defense in that clip to Battier? If Battier moved his feet, ball hawked, blocked shots and read defense .. and then threw in a charge/flop now and then ... I'd have no issue. That first part of that clip is like lost art these days. On ball defense, full court even all by himself against NBA players. That's a real game changing skill everyone should appreciate. :w00t:

But yes, there were some charges in there that illustrate the type of annoying charge calls I'm talking about. But also some true charges where he gets the call because he slides his feet and moves laterally quicker than the guy with the ball.


Go Kart Champion
I honestly don't mean this towards my apparent bandwagon fanboyism towards the Heat, but there are always going to be better players in different generations. It's like all these people are living in the past man. And I don't mean no harm towards the people who obviously cherish the players of the past but there are always going to be players who equal or surpass such players. No taking away from Jordan, Kobe or Pippen or even saying that Battier is better than Pjppen.

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You are obviously 18.