I have a grinding type of noise coming from the front right every morning when I pull out of the neighborhood... happens when I slow down and make a right at the first stop sign. the thing is I only hear it when cold. Once the car is warmed up it’s not there.
Stock suspension
Snap! My first 90 degree turn to the right everyday produces this noise
- but mine is a right turn from a stationary position - car stopped at traffic lights.
To me the sound is similar to a worn CV joint noise.
As you say, as the car “warms up” it completely goes away - I can’t replicate it for the rest of the journey. In fact, mine never does the noise twice - only once. So to say “warmed up” for my symptom isn’t correct. Unless it is something ridiculous like the grease in the CV and it literally takes 1 turn to “mix the grease” which then doesn’t allow the noise to happen again - I don’t know if that’s even feasible(!)
The engineering part of my brain tells me wtf is wrong with my car - but I have to say, my opinion is if it was a worn CV (or anything else worn to the point of danger) you would hear the same noise irrespective of temperature and probably even direction turn and you would hear it multiple times during a journey.
This does lead me to the dubious “characteristic of the car” quote as some sort of reasoning.
I don’t pull away with enough force to get anywhere near dashboard ESC activation (especially when cold, I gently warm the car up - no high revs) - but I do wonder sometimes (especially having an estate/Variant) that pulling away in any fashion (fast or slow) to undertake a 90 degree turn right, leaves the front right wheel with the least load on it. Haven’t tried it with ESC turned off yet though!
As it doesn’t happen turning left - I feel it has to be something do with weight transfer and the front right suspension “lifting”