This one is befitting this thread.
I can't get apple car play to work on my car. When I first bought it I remember my app screen had 3 options listed across the bottom (car play, android auto, mirror link). I only every buy android devices so I hooked up my Galaxy and have been using Android auto ever since day one with multiple Androids. All I ever had to do was plug in the new device and it would pull up android auto. Lately my phone has been spitting out the charger on bumps so I figured I would connect my work iPhone to the car instead. I plugged it in and...nothing. It charges the phone but car play doesn't show up at all. The phone asked me if I wanted to allow the connected device to make changes, I allowed the car, and I'm still not getting anything. I don't even see car play listed on the bottom of the screen when I hit the "app" button on the car. It just says android auto and mirror link.
What am I missing here?