Amazing work,
@Cuzoe. I haven't gotten thread notifications for months and just caught up. FWIW, the recirc flap reversal issue I had was due to coding, see post
#390, not wiring polarity.
So it looks like most of the limitations can be resolved by swapping defrost and recirc motors, which doesn't require ripping out the dash?
Can the Climatronic harness be installed without ripping out the dash? I have the retrofit harness and DIY sun sensor harness and would prefer to not keep cobbling for the recirc motor wire additions.
On our non-climatronic cars you have to remove a blue arm that currently allows the air distribution motor to also control the defrost door flap. And you install a defrost flap motor (and gearing) on the right side to control that door. You have to pull the glove box, but not the dash.
As for the recirc, the entire intake door assembly is replaced with one that has two doors. It does however use one motor (V425) and some gearing/arms to control both doors. The motor goes from a simple 180 degree (full open or full close) to a 340 degree motor (which is why it needs a position sensor). The intake box is above the blower fan, also accessed with the glove box removed. It's tight, and pain, and requires bending (and then bending back) of metal bracket... see post
489 and
Are those the wires you swapped? ETKA lists the "L" part, I'd be surprised if that's the problem.
View attachment 305468
The wires for the position sensor are not present in a non-Climatronic car, so they were added. It's possible this motor just has a failed position sensor.
The wires I swapped were the two existing motor wires. These now check good per the wiring diagram, they did not check good prior.
- At this time all my wiring matches the schematic.
Also not the first (second or third) time parts.vw has steered me wrong. Good thing is the eBay motor I ordered was only $18.
I guess there are a few things to try...
- Swapping V425 pins 5 and 6 back (this would make them wrong per the schematic though, and does not make sense to me)
- Changing Byte 6 Pin 3 as you did (but then reverted?) in Post 390
--- This is odd to me, maybe something "funky" with this bit is why the retrofit harness swaps these wires???
- Obviously I can plug in the motor I ordered on eBay and see if the fault remains.
--- If the fault clears, I could order another of the current motor since that's what ETKA shows.