Just got mine installed tonight. Few tips that would’ve helped me.
-remove trim from around AC controls before taking out cubby. For some reason I could not get the cubby out until the trim was out the way.
-the clip for the USB-C connector faces inward towards cubby (not seen when you pull the cubby out)
-the gauge panel trim is “behind” the adjacent vent trims.
- my gauge cluster took a metric shit ton of force to get out. I was actually looking for other ways to fish the wire it did not budge.
- the upper vent hole for the sensor is right behind the small trim piece next to the weatherstripping. You won’t see it when you first take off the cover panel.
-I started taking apart the driver knee area, but it wasn’t necessary. If you have a T20 with a very long extension you can remove the footwell vent without taking anything apart. (It’s through the slot under the steering column)
- I placed the 2nd sensor in the footwell vent plumbing that is easily removed with the above T20. It’s less than 2” from the OEM location and much easier to remove and reinstall.
- I drilled a 9mm hole and dremeled a few slots to fit the lower temp sensor.
All in all I made it harder for myself. And managers to drop a clip inside the center vent; which made its way all the way to the bottom near the cabin filter. Also, had a minor stroke when I reconnected the battery and had a Christmas tree in the dash; quick google search told me to drive, and it went away by the time I got down the block
This is not a hard DIY, but you will be taking apart quite a bit of the interior from the center stack to all the way to the far side of the drivers area.
Good luck all, definitely an upgrade worth doing in my eyes