Just use the VIM 199 script and you are done. I don't really understand your question tbh. It's in the mib2toolbox menu.
MQBCoding Main
+---Customization # Customization features
| +---Adaptations # Adaptation channels
| +---CarDeviceBUSAssignment
| +---CarFunctionsList_BAP
| +---CarFunctionsList_CAN
| +---CarMenuOperation
| +---HMI_FunctionBlockingTable
| +---RCCAdaptions
| +---VariantInfo
| +---VehicleConfiguration
| +---WLAN
| +---Advanced # Import shadow file, FECs pf.conf and such
| +---AndroidAuto # Android Auto custom apps patch
| +---Coding # Long coding editor
| +---Display # Displaymanager and other related features
| +---GreenMenu # Import new GreenMenu screens and scripts
| +---Language # Replacing language data
| +---Navigation # Navigation tweaks
| +---Privacy # Privacy features
| +---Skin # Skin graphics import
| +---Sounds # Sounds import (experimental)
| +---Startup # Startup graphics import
| +---Updates # Custom SWDL modes and emergency
| +---Various # Various tweaks
+---Disclaimer # Some wise words
+---Dump # Dump various data to SD-card
+---History # Version history of the Toolbox
+---MIB_Information # Information about the unit
| +---Password # Password finder
+---Uninstall # Uninstalls and or cleans up the MIB Toolbox