Memory Foam mattress users step in.


Ready to race!
Waukesha WI
My current mattress is well past is life span. I was originally going to wait to buy a new mattress until I moved out to save the hassle of moving a mattress in then out again, but I may have to put off moving for longer than I want.

I just bought a memory foam pillow that so far I like, and was thinking of getting a mattress to accompany it. I don't want some expensive $1000 mattress setup as of now. I'm really just looking to replace the mattress itself, so a couple hundred is what I'm looking to spend.

I haven't been looking TOO hard as of yet, because I just really seriously started thinking of getting a new mattress as of today, but I figured getting some input from actual mem foam mat users might help me in my search.

This is the first one I stumbled across that I thought about getting. Full size.

Any good or bad stories that you may have to help me in my search? Brands or types to stay away from, or to look for?



Go Kart Champion
Chandler, AZ
I have had my tempurpedic mattress for about 8 years now and I still love it. Every girl that has slept over (about 5) has said they love my tempurpedic mattress and matching pillows. Be careful with cheaper memory foam mattresses. Not all are alike. Something about how much pounds per foot is important. My mattress is super heavy and it's a full sized one. My dad bought a king size memory foam mattress and it's very light. I would save up a bit and get the real stuff from a reputable company.


Ready to race!
New Jersey 973
I've only slept on a tempurpedic mattress once and I will say I had one of the best sleeps of my life! I felt extremely well rested when I woke up. There is only one thing that has prevented me from wanting to purchase one. When you have somone else in bed and you're "getting it in"..... you expend 10x the amount of energy than when your on a spring mattress. All the effort you put in gets absorbed by the foam instead of bouncing back. I'm in decent shape but before long I was exhausted. Big big difference when it comes to that. I'm not willing to go somewhere else or only use a limited amount of positions because of my bed. Other than that the beds are amazing!


Go Kart Champion
Chandler, AZ
^lol. I was wondering why I got so tired. I started swimming 3 times a week to solve that problem. Explains why I have better times in hotels. Very interesting.

Do Work Son

Go Kart Champion
Northern VA
This thread has gotten very detailed. They never explain this stuff on the commercials, you should sell your story to one of the regular mattress companies.

"Are you getting some? If so then you need our spring mattress! Watch how the springs return the energy of each'll be able to go for hours. Memory foam mattresses absorb too much energy and leave you feeling exhausted before finishing."


Go Kart Champion
I found that memory foam is a bit soft for me, since I have a bad back.
I ended up getting a firm inner spring mattress and put a 4" memory foam topper thing on top of it. I really enjoy it as its soft and firm at the same time.

It was also a bit cheaper, I think the mattress was like $500 and the topper thing was $249, Queen size.

slackin via taptalk


a proper tempurpedic mattress is like $2000. all the others won't match up. i have had those pillows for a long time, but i won't buy a mattress. Even tho.. my last king size cost me $2300... and thats after 30 mins of haggling... listed $3200.


Go Kart Champion
Seattle WA


I have the Novafoam mattress from Costco. Its been about 18 months and I love it. Best mattress I've ever slept on. I've had 2 friends sleep on it and have actually went and bought one for themselves. I've slept on a Tempurpedic and its way overpriced. You pay for all that marketing.®-Gel-Memory-Foam-Queen-Mattress.product.11621553.html

damn that looks pretty cool. sweet price too. so you don't use a box spring on those things? do they offer free delivery or anything?


Go Kart Champion
Seattle WA
damn that looks pretty cool. sweet price too. so you don't use a box spring on those things? do they offer free delivery or anything?

I'm telling you, it is awesome.

You need a platform so either a box springs or a solid base (tightly spaced slats or plywood). It ships in a box about the size of a small water heater and in seconds, expands and is ready to go. I fit it in my hatch so if there is Costco near by, no need for shipping (and it's cheaper in store). It costs more online as they fold in shipping costs.

I was a bit doubtful at first but now I love it.


Go Kart Champion
Vantucky, WA
If your budget is just a couple hundred. Definitely go for a spring mattress. You're just not going to get quality memory foam at that price. Cheap stuff tends to retain heat more so you end up in a little depression of your own sweat.


Ready to race!
Jax, FL
I can also say that the Costco memory foam is pretty legit. It's very dense, and someone mentioned before that is important. I bought mine in store (small box) and it unfolds to a queen in minutes and it will stay that way. It's a sturdy and robust mattress that wouldn't be easy to "fold" again.

I think mine was $500 in store. I used to have back aches from my old spring mattress, and now I don't with this foam.